Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel - Mohr Siebeck - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament Herausgeber/Editor Jörg Frey (Zürich) Mitherausgeber/Associate Editors Markus Bockmuehl (Oxford) James A. Kelhoffer (Uppsala) Hans-Josef Klauck (Chicago, IL) Tobias Nicklas (Regensburg) 314

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Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel - Mohr Siebeck - [PDF Document] (3)

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungenzum Neuen Testament

Herausgeber/EditorJörg Frey (Zürich)

Mitherausgeber/Associate Editors

Markus Bockmuehl (Oxford)James A. Kelhoffer (Uppsala)

Hans-Josef Klauck (Chicago, IL)Tobias Nicklas (Regensburg)


Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel - Mohr Siebeck - [PDF Document] (4)

Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel - Mohr Siebeck - [PDF Document] (5)

Character Studiesin the Fourth Gospel

Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John

Edited by

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie,and Ruben Zimmermann

Mohr Siebeck

Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel - Mohr Siebeck - [PDF Document] (6)

S A. H, born 1966; Professor of New Testament, Department of Biblical Stu-dies and Christian Ministries, Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts, USA.

D. F T, born 1959; Professor of New Testament, Faculty of Theology,University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

R Z, born 1968; Professor of New Testament, Protestant Faculty ofTheology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany and ResearchAssociate of UNISA, South Africa.

ISBN 978-3-16-152784-5ISSN 0512-1604 (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament)

Die Deutsche Nationalibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie;detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at

© 2013 Mohr Siebeck Tübingen.

This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that permitted bycopyright law) without the publisher’s written permission. This applies particularly to repro-duction, translations, microfilms and storage and processing in electronic systems.

The book was typeset by epline in Kirchheim/Teck, printed by Gulde-Druck in Tübingen onnon-aging paper and bound by Buchbinderei Spinner in Ottersweier.

Printed in Germany.

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Table of Contents

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI

An Introduction to Character and Characterization in Johnand Related New Testament LiteratureSteven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann . . . . . . . . 1

Table on the Characters in the Fourth GospelSteven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann . . . . . . . . 34

John (the Baptist): The Witness on the ThresholdCatrin H. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

The World: Promise and Unfulfilled HopeChristopher W. Skinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

“The Jews”: Unreliable Figures or Unreliable Narration?Ruben Zimmermann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

The Priests and Levites: Identity and Politics in the Search for a MessiahSherri Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

The Pharisees: A House DividedUta Poplutz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

The Disciples of John (the Baptist): Hearers of John, Followers of JesusGary T. Manning, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

An Anonymous Disciple: A Type of DiscipleshipDerek Tovey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Andrew: The First Link in the ChainMartinus C. de Boer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Simon Peter: An Ambiguous Character and His Narrative CareerMichael Labahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Philip: A Connective Figure in Polyvalent PerspectivePaul N. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

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Nathanael: Under the Fig Tree on the Fourth DaySteven A. Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

The Mother of Jesus: A Woman PossessedMary L. Coloe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

The Disciples: The “Now” and “Not Yet” of Belief in JesusSusan E. Hylen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

The Servants /Steward at Cana:The “Whispering Wizard’s” Wine-BearersMary L. Coloe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

The Bridegroom at Cana: Ignorance is BlissEdward W. Klink III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

The Brothers of Jesus: All in the Family?Joel Nolette and Steven A. Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

The Animal Sellers /The Money Changers in the Temple:Driven Out – But Why?Mark A. Matson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Nicodemus: The Travail of New BirthR. Alan Culpepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

“A Jew”: A Search for the Identity and Role of an Anonymous JudeanMark Appold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

The Samaritan Woman: A Woman TransformedHarold W. Attridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

The Men of the Samaritan Woman: Six of SycharSteven A. Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

The Samaritans of Sychar: A Responsive ChorusPeter Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

The Galileans:Interpretive Possibilities and the Limits of Narrative Critical ApproachesAndy M. Reimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299

The Royal Official: Not so OfficiousPeter J. Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

Table of ContentsVI

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Table of Contents VII

The Son of the Royal Official:Incarnating the Life Giving Power of Jesus’ WordGilbert Van Belle and Steven A. Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314

The Slaves of the Royal Official: Servants of the WordPeter J. Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

The Ill and the Sick:Those Who Were Healed and Those Who Were NotD. Francois Tolmie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332

The Invalid at the Pool: The Man Who Merely Got WellJ. Ramsey Michaels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

The Crowd: A Faceless, Divided MassCornelis Bennema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347

The Boy with Loaves and Fish: Picnic, Plot, and PatternDieter T. Roth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356

Judas (the Betrayer): The Black Sheep of the FamilyCornelis Bennema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

The Authorities: Indeterminate Complex IdentitiesSusanne Luther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

The Chief Priests: Masterminds of Jesus’ DeathCornelis Bennema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382

The Temple Police: Double AgentsGary T. Manning, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388

The Greeks: Jesus’ Hour and the Weight of the WorldSherri Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

The Scribes and the Elders: Mirror Characterization of Jesusand His Opponents in the Pericope AdulteraeChris Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403

The Adulterous Woman: Nameless, Partnerless, DefenselessPeter Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407

The Devil: Murderer, Liar, and Defeated FoeDave L. Mathewson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

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The Man Born Blind: True Disciple of JesusAndy M. Reimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428

The Neighbors of the Man Born Blind: A Question of IdentityMatthew D. Montonini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

The Parents of the Man Born Blind:The Reason for Fear without True ReasonMichael Labahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446

The Believers Across the Jordan: On Location with JesusRuben Zimmermann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

Lazarus: “Behold a Man Raised Up by Christ!”Marianne Meye Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460

Mary (of Bethany): The Anointer of the Suffering MessiahSusan Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473

Martha: Seeing the Glory of GodGail R. O’Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487

Thomas: Question Marks and Exclamation MarksThomas Popp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504

Caiaphas and Annas: The Villains of the Piece?Adele Reinhartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530

The Beloved Disciple: The Ideal Point of ViewJames L. Resseguie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537

Judas (not Iscariot): What’s in a Name?Catrin H. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550

The Roman Soldiers at Jesus’ Arrest:“You Are Dust, and to Dust You Shall Return”Steven A. Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554

Malchus: Cutting Up in the GardenChristopher W. Skinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568

People in the Courtyard: Escalating DarknessHelen K. Bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573

Table of ContentsVIII

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Pontius Pilate: Failing in More Ways Than OneD. Francois Tolmie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578

Barabbas: A Foil for Jesus, the Jewish Leadership, and PilateDavid L. Mathewson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598

The Soldiers Who Crucify: Fulfilling ScriptureMichael Labahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601

The Co-Crucified Men: Shadows by His CrossChelsea N. Revell and Steven A. Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607

The Women by the Cross: Creating ContrastsD. Francois Tolmie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618

Mary Magdalene: Beginning at the EndJaime Clark-Soles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626

The Mother of Jesus and the Beloved Disciple:How a New Family is Established Under the CrossJean Zumstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641

Joseph of Arimathea: One of “the Jews,” But with a Fearful Secret!William John Lyons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646

The Angels: Marking the Divine PresenceJan van der Watt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658

The Sons of Zebedee and Two Other Disciples:Two Pairs of Puzzling Acquaintances in the Johannine DénouementChristos Karakolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663

List of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677

Index of References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679

Index of Modern Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701

Index of Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710

Table of Contents IX

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Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel - Mohr Siebeck - [PDF Document] (13)


The following volume on characters studies in John began, strangely enough,when two of the editors met (via email) because they shared a love for Paul’srhetoric in Galatians! Upon this discovery in late 2008, they soon realized theyalso thoroughly enjoyed literary studies related to the Fourth Gospel. Howevergreat the distance between Galatians and John, one point of convergence rela-tes to “artistic” issues: the rhetorical art in Paul and the literary art in John areboth explicitly persuasive (cf. Galatians passim; John 20:30–31). So emails pas-sed between Gordon College near Boston, Massachusetts, and the Universityof the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa frequently in those days. Theidea to do something with characters in John was the result of those earlyemails. When Ruben Zimmermann from the Johannes Gutenberg-Universityof Mainz in Germany joined the project in the spring of 2009, the team wascomplete. And during a delicious dinner in New Orleans at the Annual Mee-ting of the Society of Biblical Literature later that year, the contours of thebook were worked out. Realizing that we did not know of any book like theone we were proposing (on the state of character studies in John at present,see more below), we knew that an ambitious project related to nearly all thecharacters in the Gospel was in order. Running the idea by a few differentpublishers who expressed some enthusiasm at that conference cemented inour minds the need for this book.

Since we desired to make a substantial contribution to the field of literarystudies on the Fourth Gospel, we sketched out the following purpose statementfor the volume before issuing any invitations to contribute:

The purpose of this volume is to offer a comprehensive narrative-critical study ofnearly every character Jesus (or, in some cases, only the reader) encounters in thenarrative world of the Fourth Gospel. The emphasis is thus on a literary approachto the matter, in particular from the viewpoint of characterization as it is generallyunderstood.

In light of the statement, we thought long and hard about methodology (onmethodological issues related to character and characterization, see morebelow). While we insisted on a literary approach to the characters in John (asopposed to, for example, a strictly historical approach), we did not prescribe acertain method. In the end, our authors employed a variety of approaches: inseveral articles the approach chosen could be described simply as a close rea-ding of the text which focuses especially on the way a character is portrayed in

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the narrative. In others, the approach could be described in broad terms, e. g.,as a focus on intertextuality, intercharacterization, spatial semantics, polyva-lence, participant reference, or speech act theory, to name only a few. Oneauthor even engaged in a dramatic rewriting of the text from the perspectiveof characterization. Other authors preferred to employ a specific model (insome instances, a combination of such models) developed for the analysis ofcharacters in narrative texts. In this regard readers will find well-known namessuch as Robert Alter, Cornelis Bennema, Adele Berlin, Seymour Chatman,Joseph Ewen, E.M. Forster, W. J. Harvey, Uri Margolin, James Resseguie, andVictor Shklovsky.

We allowed for this openness with respect to methodology for three basicreasons: first, we believed that the contributors should determine the bestcourse of action with respect to the character(s) they were studying. Literarycriticism related to John over the years has shown definitively that there is noone particular methodology that works best with respect to so many differentkinds of characters (and, of course, this conclusion holds true for characterstudies related to other works as well). Second, we believed that insisting onone particular methodology would make for formulaic chapters, lead to prede-termined conclusions, and, quite frankly, result in boring reading. Instead, theauthors here are as varied in their hermeneutical presuppositions and literarymethodologies as they are in their conclusions. Readers will therefore observefirsthand the implementation of a wide variety of methods available for cha-racter studies, as well as the necessarily circular relationship between methodsand conclusions. Third, as editors we are each committed to the notion thatopenness best suits the literary design and theological message of the FourthGospel itself. With regard to theological issues like Christology, for example,the Fourth Gospel likes playing with different titles, images, and traditions. Assoon as someone wants to focus on a single name or decisive image, one clearconviction over the rest, that same one is inevitably confronted in the text bythe one Mark Stibbe has aptly described, “the elusive Christ” (e. g., John 6:15;8:59; 12:36);¹ it does not seem possible to harness the Fourth Gospel’s open-ness. Indeed, since Jesus won’t ride in his disciples’ boat in John (cf. 6:21), wesuspect he won’t ride in ours either.

After drawing up the list of characters in John, we began to compile a list ofscholars to approach for possible contributions. The response from those weinvited could not have been more enthusiastic. We were delighted by theirinterest in the project and, subsequently, the way they went about their work.In the end, forty-four authors from eleven different countries and four diffe-rent continents, contributed essays to this volume. Editors of volumes such as


¹ See Mark W.G. Stibbe, “The Elusive Christ: A New Reading of the Fourth Gospel,”JSNT 44 (1991): 20–38.

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this often speak about contributors as though working with them is akin to“herding cats.” Our experience, however, has proved that old maxim (mostly!)untrue. We very much want to thank the authors for their contributions to thisvolume, as well as for their patience with us during this long process. Havingworked on the project steadily for nearly four years (in the midst of other obli-gations and commitments), we have learned a great deal about what we havedescribed as “inter-continental, cross-cultural, team exegesis.” We remaincommitted to the notion that reading, interpreting, writing, and editing – aswell as the process by which all of that gets repeated again and again – are allworthy endeavors.

In terms of the selection of characters included here, we deliberately avoi-ded articles related to the deity; readers looking for articles on “God/Father,”²“Jesus,”³ or “the Holy Spirit/Paraclete,”⁴ or the titles, symbols, and images rela-ted specifically to them, will not find them here. Still, given their prominencein the Gospel, readers of this volume will encounter discussions of these three,especially Jesus, quite frequently. The authors of other recent publications oncharacters in John, especially those with titles like “encountering Jesus,”⁵understand this point very well. In terms of non-human “characters,” we grou-ped together as one character, “the Devil, Satan, and the Ruler of this World,”even though we could perhaps have split them profitably into separate studies;

Foreword XIII

² See further, Marianne Meye Thompson, The God of the Gospel of John (Grand Rapids,Mich.: Eerdmans, 2001); D. Francois Tolmie, “The Characterization of God in the FourthGospel,” JSNT (1998) 20: 57–75.

³ On Jesus specifically as a character in John, see most recently, Jason Sturdevant, TheCharacter of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel: The Adaptability of the Logos (PhD Dissertation; Prin-ceton Theological Seminary, 2013); see also, Steven A. Hunt, “And the Word Became Flesh –Again? Jesus and Abraham in John 8,” in Perspectives on Our Father Abraham (ed. Steven A.Hunt; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010), 81–109; Ruben Zimmermann, Christologie derBilder im Johannesevangelium (WUNT 171; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2004), here “Chapter 8:Narrative Bildlichkeit,” 197–217, 355–71; Mark W.G. Stibbe, “The Elusive Christ: A NewReading of the Fourth Gospel,” JSNT 44 (1991): 20–38; J. A. du Rand, “The Characterizationof Jesus as Depicted in the Narrative of the Fourth Gospel,” Neotestamentica 19 (1985): 18–36; Gail O’Day, Revelation in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Mode and Theological Claim (Phil-adelphia: Fortress Press, 1986); R. Alan Culpepper, The Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Stu-dy in Literary Design (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983), esp. 106–12.

⁴ While not strictly narratological studies, see especially, Gitte Buch-Hansen, “It is the Spi-rit that Gives Life”: A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John’s Gospel (BZNW 173; Berlin: deGruyter, 2010); Tricia Gates Brown, Spirit in the Writings of John: Johannine Pneumatology inSocial-Scientific Perspective (JSNTSup 253; London: T&T Clark, 2003); and Gary M. Burge,The Anointed Community: The Holy Spirit in the Johannine Community (Grand Rapids,Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987) and the excellent bibliographies in all those works.

⁵ See Peter Dschulnigg, Jesus begegnen: Personen und ihre Bedeutung im Johannesevange-lium (2d ed.; Münster: LIT, 2002); Frances Taylor Gench, Encounters with Jesus: Studies in theGospel of John (Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007); Cornelis Bennema,Encountering Jesus: Character Studies in the Gospel of John (Milton Keynes: Paternoster,2009).

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and we included an essay on the Angels at Jesus’ tomb. And while we includedan essay on “the World” as a corporate character, we decided against an essayon “Scripture” as a character, even though a compelling case can be made forits personification in the Gospel.⁶ Similarly, while we considered this option, inthe end we did not include essays on “characters from the Hebrew Bible” whofigure prominently in John (most notably, for example, Abraham, Jacob,Moses, and Isaiah).⁷ We also decided against articles on the “We/I” in 1:14,16; 21:24–25, since they do not actually operate as characters in the narrativeworld of the text. While some minor “implied” characters have been omittedfrom the volume (“the guests” who will presumably get “over-served” at thewedding in John 2; “inhabitants of Jerusalem” in 7:25; “a messenger” in 11:3,etc.), for various reasons a few others have been linked together in articles:

– “the Priests” and “the Levites”– “Jesus’ Disciples” and “the Twelve”– “the Servants at Cana” and “the Steward at Cana”– “the Money Changers in the Temple” and “the Animal Traders in the Tem-ple”

– “the Ill at the Pool” and “the Sick at the Feeding”– “the Scribes” and “the Elders” in the Pericope Adulterae– “Caiaphas” and “Annas”– “the Mother of Jesus” and “the Beloved Disciple”– “the Sons of Zebedee” and “the Two Anonymous Disciples”

In the end, roughly seventy characters (or groups of characters) in John, nomatter how major or minor, however round or flat, have been made the focusof an essay in this book. This number – seventy – is not to be understood inany absolute sense for a few fairly obvious reasons. First, how should onecount corporate characters? So, for example, there are characters which speakand act or get acted upon like a single character and accordingly can be coun-ted just as “one,” even if they were “two” (consider in this regard the parents ofthe man born blind in John 9 or the co-crucified men in John 19). Others, like“the neighbors” in John 9 or “the many believers” in John 10, obviously defy


⁶ See especially Michael Labahn’s essay “Scripture Talks Because Jesus Talks: The Narra-tive Rhetoric of Persuading and Creativity in John’s Use of Scripture,” in The Fourth Gospel inFirst-Century Media Culture (ed. Anthony Le Donne and Tom Thatcher; LNTS 426; London:T&T Clark, 2011), 133–54; and Gary T. Manning, Jr., The ‘Character’ of the Scriptures in theFourth Gospel: A Literary Analysis (paper presented at the “John Section” of the nationalmeeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Milwaukee, Wisc., Nov. 13–15, 2012).

⁷ See, e. g., Michael Theobald, “Abraham – (Isaak –) Jakob: Israels Väter im Johannes-evangelium,” in Israel und seine Heilstraditionen im Johannesevangelium (ed. MichaelLabahn et al.; FS J. Beutler SJ, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2004), 158–83; on Moses in particularsee, Stan Harstine, Moses as a Character in the Fourth Gospel: A Study of Ancient ReadingTechniques (JSNTSup 229; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002).

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the numbers game entirely and sometimes split into further subgroupsanyway, like “the crowds” in John 7. And while others like the “Women at thecross” in John 19 can be counted separately, it made sense to us to understandthem as a single character in that scene.⁸ This example in particular illustrateswell the inherent subjectivity of the enterprise, since we also saw fit to groupone of these women, Jesus’ mother, with the disciple Jesus loved as yet anothergroup character, all while commissioning separate essays on both as individualcharacters as well! Subjective? We are guilty as charged! We also includedessays on the three characters that share the stage with Jesus in the PericopeAdulterae (John 7:53–8:11), even though the vast majority of scholars line upagainst that narrative’s authenticity; and we asked that, when appropriate, ourauthors consider John 21 and the characters therein as integral to the process,even though the jury still appears to be out on whether or not this passage is alater addition to the Gospel. When one adds to all of this that there are clearlyoverlapping group characters, like “the Pharisees” and “the Jews” (or “thecrowds” and “the Jews”), and perhaps even overlapping individual characterslike the “anonymous disciple” in John 1:35 and the “Beloved Disciple” whoemerges in John 13, that one will likely come to the conclusion, as we did, thatany form of absolute counting is out of the question. Hence, roughly seventycharacters.

Far from worrying about our inability to delimit these characters, weremain convinced that it would be a basic misunderstanding of Johannine styleto attempt to circ*mscribe them at all. There is already a symbolism related tonumbers in John (e. g., the counting of days, miracles, “I Am” sayings,⁹ “a hun-dred and fifty-three” fish,¹⁰ etc.) and in the end, such counting almost invaria-bly leaves one pondering curious anomalies.¹¹ The patterns appear to be thereof course, but how should they be counted? One gets the distinct impression

Foreword XV

⁸ Even here scholars differ on whether there were two, three, or four women at the cross!For a discussion of these issues, see D. Francois Tolmie, “Creating Contrasts: The WomenStanding Near the Cross,” in this volume.

⁹ There are not only the seven “I Am” sayings, as they are so often described. During the“bread of life” discourse alone, we find four different ones (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51); furthermo-re, we must include the so called “absolute ‘I Am’ sayings” (e. g., 4:26; 6:20; 8:58 etc.), as wellas the “I Am” saying of the man born blind (John 9:9); even John 18:37 may be seen as aninverted “I Am” saying; see on all these problems, Ruben Zimmermann, Christologie der Bil-der im Johannesevangelium (WUNT 171; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2004), 121–36.

¹⁰ See, e. g., R. Alan Culpepper, “Designs for the Church in the Imagery of John 21:1–14,”in Imagery in the Gospel of John: Terms, Forms, Themes, and Theology of Johannine FigurativeLanguage (ed. Jörg Frey et al.; WUNT 200; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006), 369–402, here383–94 on “the 153 large fish;” Richard Bauckham, “The 153 Fish and the Unity of theFourth Gospel,” in The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology inthe Gospel of John (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2007), 271–84.

¹¹ Cf. Maarten J. J. Menken, Numerical Literary Techniques in John: The Fourth Evange-list’s Use of Numbers of Words and Syllables (NovTSup 55; Leiden: Brill, 1985).

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that the text simply does not want to be pinned down. Starting and ending theGospel with “anonymous disciples” (John 1:35; 21:2) should be enough todemonstrate that the puzzling openness and genuine flexibility of this Gospelprobably also extends to its characters. Still, as editors, we had to draw the linesomewhere. So we did. We hope the number and combinations of characterswe fixed upon functions heuristically to demonstrate that there are many cha-racters in John and, if thought about in another light or from another angle,probably more than we expect. We conclude the topic of character selectionwith a slightly revised form of Johannine wisdom: there are also many othercharacters who encountered Jesus; if every one of them were written down, wesuppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.

Two important details about the organization of the book and its chapters:the more or less seventy characters presented in this volume in sixty-two chap-ters are arranged here, with only a handful of exceptions, simply in the orderof their first appearance in the Gospel (see the table of contents and theaccompanying table). In the chapters themselves, authors have been asked tointroduce their method, offer a brief history of research (if one is available),summarize the raw data related to the character in terms of narrative occur-rences, actions, and speech, and finally to engage in character analysis of traits,development, interaction with others, etc. Of course, our authors were notlimited to these kinds of issues and concerns, and many went much further intheir studies, for example, considering the theological implications of theircharacter’s role in the text or the way their character was instrumental in thedevelopment of the Gospel’s overall Christology.

In conclusion, we are delighted to publically acknowledge several indivi-duals whose work on this volume will not soon be forgotten. We are gratefulto Christopher Skinner for his frequent encouragement, especially early onwhile he was getting his own project off the ground,¹² as well as his timelyand thoughtful contributions to our volume. We would like to recognize alsothe exceptional research, writing, and translation work of four Gordon Collegestudents (Sophie Buchanan, Laura Johnson, Joel Nolette, and Chelsea Revell),as well as several extraordinary “wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter” associated withthe Johannes Gutenberg-University at Mainz (Lena-Mareen Höllein, JörgRöder, Dieter Roth, and Susanne Luther). Cornelis Bennema, whose ownmajor work on several characters in John came out in 2009,¹³ spent someresearch time at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in 2012. During this timehe was involved in several aspects related to our project; we are exceedinglygrateful that he was so keen to help out. We would like to thank Jörg Frey


¹² Christopher Skinner (ed.), Characters and Characterization in the Gospel of John (LNTS461; London: T & T Clark, 2013).

¹³ Bennema, Encountering Jesus.

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who accepted this volume for Mohr Siebeck’s WUNT series. We are delightedto be working with such a fine editor as well as with such an esteemed publis-her. Ilse König did a phenomenal job managing the editorial process on theside of the publisher. We offer her our sincerest gratitude.

Finally, we have spent many hours with these figures in John; no doubt,many more than we realize. Attempting to live in their world, to see thingsthrough their eyes, we have embraced the object of our investigation. But it’svery difficult to live in two worlds, especially when we consider that there arereal figures in this one, figures near and dear to the editors’ hearts who havestood by patiently, bearing much of the burden of our fascination with thisGospel. We would be entirely remiss, therefore, if we did not express our deepand abiding love for our wives, Bridget, Ansa, and Mirjam. We each considerourselves blessed beyond measure. As fathers also, we want to thank our child-ren for their love and support: Carmien (24), Francois (21), Nathaniel (20),Jordan (18), Rahel (18), Josua (16), Mialise (15), William (13), Rebekka (13),Lindsey (11), Ruth (11), and Parker (2). Like we said, blessed beyond measure!

Steven A. Hunt, Wenham, Mass., United States of AmericaD. Francois Tolmie, Bloemfontein, South AfricaRuben Zimmermann, Mainz, Germany

Easter, 2013

Foreword XVII

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An Introduction to Character and Characterizationin John and Related New Testament Literature

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann

1. Theoretical Approaches to Character and Characterization:A Brief Overview

Over the centuries scholars have grappled with the interpretation of characterand characterization in texts. Issues that surfaced regularly include the rela-tionship between character(s) and actions/plot; whether characters should beregarded as people or words, and how one should classify characters. This briefoverview will highlight some of the responses to these and other issues.

For Aristotle, action was more important than character, because, accordingto him, one could not have a tragedy without action, but one could have atragedy without character.1 Accordingly, since antiquity it has become com-mon to describe characters in terms of their actions in a narrative, for exampleby using terms such as “protagonist” for the main character, and “antagonist”for his/her most important opponent.2 In the nineteenth century, moreemphasis was placed on characters themselves, for example by Leslie Stephen,for whom the primary purpose of narrative was to reveal characters; and byHenry James, who argued that one could not separate characters and action,since they actually melted into one another.3 In the nineteenth century thedistinction between direct and indirect characterization also came to the fore,with some critics highlighting the fact that contemporary authors and readersseemed to prefer the latter.4

Early in the twentieth century Edward M. Forster 5 introduced the distinc-tion between so-called “flat” and “round” characters. According to Forster,

¹ Poetics 1450a. Cf. Jens Eder, Fotis Jannidis and Ralf Schneider, Characters in FictionalWorlds: Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media (Revisionen 3;Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010), 20.

² Eder, Jannidis, Schneider, Characters in Fictional Worlds, 20.³ Horace P. Abbott, The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2002), 124.⁴ Fotis Jannidis, “Character,” in Handbook of Narratology (ed. Peter Hühn et al.; Narrato-

logia; Contributions to Narrative Theory 19; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009), 21.⁵ Edward M. Forster, Aspects of the Novel (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1927), 67–78.

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“flat” characters are caricatures or types that embody only a single idea orquality. Furthermore, they do not display any development in the course ofthe narrative. “Round characters,” on the other hand, are complex characterswho have more than one quality (trait) and who show signs of development.In order to establish a criterion for deciding whether a character should beclassified as round or flat, Forster suggested that a character that is capable ofsurprising the reader in a convincing way, should be classified as a round char-acter. In spite of criticism raised by scholars on the usefulness of this distinc-tion,6 it has remained one of the most popular classifications of character up tothe present day.

Vladimir Propp7 – considered by many as the founder of Structuralism –investigated 100 Russian folktales and identified a sequence of 31 eventsunderlying all of them. Propp also distinguished eight character types in thesetales: the hero, helper, villain, false hero, donor (the person who helps the heroby giving him something special), the dispatcher (the one who sends the heroon his mission), the princess and the princess’ father. Propp’s approach waslater generalized by Greimas (see further, below)

In their well-known book, Theory of Literature, René Wellek and AustinWarren8 discuss a large number of issues which are important for the study ofliterature in general. A section on narrative fiction is also included.9 Theypoint out that plot, character and setting are the three constituents of narrativefiction, with each of the three elements being determinant of the others. Intheir discussion of character, they focus primarily on characterization. Forexample, they point out that naming is the simplest form of characterization,but that many other modes of characterization exist, such as block character-ization, introductory labels and mimicry. They also distinguish between staticand dynamic (or developmental) characterization. These two categories over-lap to a large degree with the distinction between flat and round characterswhich was introduced by Forster. Finally, they point out that there is a connec-tion between characterization and characterology (theories of character andpersonality types) and that one often finds a “repertory company” in novels,namely the hero, heroine and the villain who function as the “character

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann2

⁶ For example, that the criteria are formulated so vaguely that it really is very difficult toapply them fruitfully to Biblical texts, or that the distinction between “flat” and “round” mayimply a moral judgment of the characters, in the sense that round characters are usually con-sidered as being superior to flat characters. Cf. Klaus D. Beekman and Jan Fontijn, “Roman-Figuren I,” Spektator 1 (1971): 406–13.

⁷ Propp’s study was published in 1928 in Russian, and thirty years later in English asVladimir J. Propp, Morphology of the Folktale (Bloomington, Ind.: Research Center, IndianaUniv, 1958).

⁸ René Wellek and Austin Warren, Theory of Literature (repr.; London: Jonathan Cape,1961 [1949]).

⁹ Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature, 224–234.

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actors.” Other types of characters that are often used are “juveniles, and ingé-nues and the elderly.”10

W. J. Harvey11 devoted a whole book to character in the novel, based on amimetic approach. In the first part12 of this book, several constituents of char-acter are discussed. He begins by indicating how important context is for inter-preting character, in particular the various types of relationships that can existbetween people and objects. In the next chapter13 the human context is con-sidered, which is approached from the perspective of depth, i. e., the extent towhich characters stand out from other human beings. In this regard Harveydistinguishes between several categories of characters: on the one end of thescale are the protagonists (the important characters in the narrative), withbackground characters at the other end of the scale (their only function beingto fulfill a role in the mechanics of the plot); while in between, two types ofintermediary characters are found: cards (characters who approach greatness,but who are not cast into the role of protagonists) and ficelles (characterizedmore extensively than the background characters, yet only existing with thepurpose of fulfilling certain functions within the narrative). The last constitu-ent issue that Harvey discusses is the relationship between character and nar-ration,14 in particular the effect that reliable and unreliable narrators may haveon the portrayal of characters.

Based on the work of Propp, Algirdas J. Greimas15 proposed the actantialmodel, according to which all characters are viewed as expressions of anunderlying structure, even if this implies that the same actant is manifested inmore than one character, or that more than one character should be reducedto the same actant. The six actants are divided into three groups, each formingan actantial axis: the axis of desire (subject and object; the relationship betweensubject and object is called a junction); the axis of power (helper – the onewho helps in achieving the junction, and opponent – the one who opposesthe junction), and the axis of knowledge (sender – the one who instigates theaction, and receiver – the one who benefits from the action). By means ofactantial analysis the action in narrative texts may then be analyzed.

Robert Scholes and Robert Kellogg16 argue that there are three different waysof representing reality, and that one can distinguish between three types of

Character and Characterization in John 3

¹⁰ Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature, 228.¹¹ William J. Harvey, Character and the Novel (London: Chatto & Windus, 1965).¹² Harvey, Character and the Novel, 30–51.¹³ Harvey, Character and the Novel, 52–73.¹⁴ Harvey, Character and the Novel, 74–79.¹⁵ Algirdas J. Greimas, Sémantique structurale: Recherche de méthode (Paris: Librairie La-

rousse, 1966), 172–91.¹⁶ Robert Scholes and Robert Kellogg, The Nature of Narrative (repr.; Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1975 [1966]), 87–91.

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characterization: aesthetic, illustrative and mimetic. In the case of aestheticcharacterization, characters are used as stock types; illustrative characterizationis used when characters are employed to illustrate particular principles, but arenot characterized in detail; mimetic characterization is used when charactersare portrayed in a highly realistic fashion with numerous details. In anotherchapter,17 they argue that one should not regard a particular order of charac-terization as being better than any other; for example “monolithic and stark”18

characterization can be just as impressive as detailed characterization. Theyalso point out that the notion of a developing character is a factor that onlycame to the fore rather late in the history of literature; characters in primitivestories were all flat, static and opaque. The importance of the portrayal ofinward life in the type of characterization that is used in modern literature isalso pointed out.

According to Roland G. Barthes,19 characters in a narrative text should beregarded in terms of the web of “semes” (basic units of signification) that areattached to a particular proper name. In S/Z, his famous analysis of Balzac’snovel Sarrasine, Barthes illustrates how a text may be analyzed in terms of thefive codes or “voices” speaking from it at the same time, namely the proairetic,hermeneutic, referential, semic and symbolic codes.20 Of these, the fourth one,the semic code (also known as the connotative code), is important for charac-terization. According to Barthes, the semic code in a text enables the reader tolabel persons in the text in an adjectival way as persons with certain traits. Onthe basis of the semic code, various semes in the text are collected and linkedto a particular proper name, thereby constituting character.21

For Jurij Lotman,22 a text is a stratified system which generates meaning bymeans of sets of similarities and oppositions. A character may thus beregarded as the sum of all its oppositions to other characters in the text.Furthermore, all the characters in a text form a collection of characters whoeither display similar traits or who manifest opposing traits.

Seymour Chatman23 opts for an “open theory,” treating characters as“autonomous beings,” and not merely in terms of the functions that they fulfillin relation to the plot. He focuses on the way in which characters are con-

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann4

¹⁷ Scholes and Kellogg, Nature of Narrative, 160–206.¹⁸ Scholes and Kellogg, Nature of Narrative, 163.¹⁹ Roland G. Barthes, S/Z (Paris: Seuil, 1970).²⁰ Barthes, S/Z, XII (27–29).²¹ Barthes, S/Z, XL–XLVI (98–113).²² Cf. Jurij Lotman, The Structure of the Artistic Text (trans. G. Lenhoff and R. Vroon;

Michigan Slavic Contributions 7; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1977). The summaryof Lotman’s views above is based upon Jannidis, “Character,” 16–17.

²³ Seymour Chatman, Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film (Ithaca,N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1978), 121–30.

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structed by the reader, and views a character as a “paradigm of traits” con-structed by the reader, a trait being any relatively stable or abiding personalquality that is associated with a character. As such, the traits associated with aparticular character may be unfolded, or replaced, or may even disappear inthe course of the narrative.

Mieke Bal 24 distinguishes between actors (on the level of the fabula – theevents organized and structured by aspects such as time, location and actors)and characters (on the level of the story, formed by aspects such as point ofview, focalization and characters). For the analysis of the actors, she basicallyfollows the distinctions made by Greimas, i. e., between subject and object,sender and receiver, and helper and opponent.25 For the analysis of the char-acters, she emphasizes aspects such as the predictability of characters and theway in which the reader’s attention is focused on the relevant traits of a parti-cular character, namely by means of repetition, accumulation and the por-trayal of its relationship with other characters.26

Baruch Hochman27 agrees with Chatman on the process of abstractingcharacters from a text, further pointing out that there is a congruity betweenthe way in which readers perceive characters in a text and the way in whichthey think of people in the real world. Hochman also stresses the large varietyof ways in which information about characters is revealed in texts: “speech,gesture, actions, thoughts, dress, and surroundings; the company they keepand the objects and subjects they desire, abhor, and equivocate about; theimages and associations they stir in our consciousness, including the epithetsthat we apply to them.”28 Furthermore, he proposes a different taxonomy forcharacters, consisting of eight categories, each representing a continuum withtwo polar opposites: stylization/naturalism, coherence/incoherence, wholeness/fragmentariness, literalness/symbolism, complexity/simplicity, transparency/opacity, dynamism/staticism and closure/openness.29

In her book on narratology, Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan30 distinguishesbetween story, text and narration (as Mieke Bal does), with characters beingconsidered on two levels, namely the level of the story, and that of the text. In

Character and Characterization in John 5

²⁴ Mieke Bal, De Theorie van Vertellen en Verhalen: Inleiding in de Narratologie (Muider-berg: Dick Coutinho, 1978), 33–46, 87–100. Newest (revised) English version: Mieke Bal, Nar-ratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative (3d ed.; Toronto: University of TorontoPress, 2009).

²⁵ Bal, De Theorie van Vertellen en Verhalen, 33–46.²⁶ Bal, De Theorie van Vertellen en Verhalen, 87–100.²⁷ Baruch Hochman, Character in Literature (Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press,

1985), 16.²⁸ Hochman, Character in Literature, 38.²⁹ Hochman, Character in Literature, 89.³⁰ Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics (London: Metheuen,

1983), 29–42, 59–70. Second edition: Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction: Con-temporary Poetics (2d ed.; London: Routledge, 2002).

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her discussion of characters on the level of the story, she follows Chatman:Characters are construed by the reader from the text in terms of a paradigmof traits associated with every character. She also points out that this is a pro-cess of generalization, in that elements are combined in “increasingly broadercategories.”31 In this regard, cohesion is achieved by four aspects, namely repe-tition, similarity, contrast and implication of elements. With regard to charac-ter classification, she follows Joseph Ewen,32 who classifies characters in termsof three continua, namely complexity, development and penetration into innerlife.33 On the level of the text, Rimmon-Kenan focuses on the process of char-acterization. Two issues are discussed.34 First, a distinction is made betweentwo types of textual indicators of character, namely direct definition (the nam-ing of a character’s qualities) and indirect presentation, which may be effectu-ated by the representation of action, speech, external appearance and theenvironment within which a character is portrayed. Secondly, reinforcementby analogy is discussed. Three ways in which characterization can be rein-forced are mentioned: analogous names, analogous landscapes and analogybetween characters.

Of the many contributions to the theoretical consideration of characteriza-tion made by Uri Margolin, the following three are highlighted: In one contri-bution, Margolin35 points out that characters may be approached from threedifferent theoretical perspectives: as literary figures (constructed by an authorfor a particular purpose), as individuals within a possible world, and as con-structs in a reader’s mind, based on a text. In another contribution,36 Margolinfocuses on the way in which readers ascribe mental properties to characters. Inthis regard he distinguishes between “characterization” and “character-build-ing.” The former refers to the inferences made by readers from the actions ofcharacters, and is the primary process involved. The latter is a secondary pro-cess, which refers to the accumulation of individual properties, in particular toa process of “classification, hierarchisation and confrontation,”37 and the com-bination of such properties into a unified constellation. In a further contribu-tion,38 Margolin outlines five conditions which need to be fulfilled if characters

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann6

³¹ Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction, 39.³² Joseph Ewen, “The Theory of Character in Narrative Fiction (Hebrew),” Hasifrut 3

(1971): 1–30.³³ Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction, 40–41.³⁴ Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction, 59–70.³⁵ Uri Margolin, “Character,” in The Cambridge Companion to Narrative (ed. David

Herman; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 66–79.³⁶ Uri Margolin, “Characterization in Narrative: Some Theoretical Prolegomena,” Neo-

philologus 67 (1983): 1–14.³⁷ Margolin, “Characterization in Narrative,” 4.³⁸ Uri Margolin, “Introducing and Sustaining Characters in Literary Narrative,” Style 21/1

(1987): 107–24.

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are to be introduced and sustained in a narrative. Three examples: existentialdimension (a character must “exist” in the narrative world), intentionaldimension (a character must have some traits or properties), and uniqueness(a character must differ in some way from other characters).

In contrast to the structuralist and semiotic approaches that have domi-nated theoretical approaches to character, James Phelan39 opts for a rhetoricalapproach, emphasizing the text as communication between author and reader,and the effect that narrative progression has on the way in which a readerunderstands characters, and is moved to various ways of relating to particularcharacters. In his view, characters are “multichromatic” – literary elementscomposed of three components, namely mimetic, thematic and synthetic ele-ments, with the possibility of the first two elements being developed in differ-ent ways, and of the third element being foregrounded in different ways.40 Themimetic element refers to the way in which characters are recognizable asimages of real people; the thematic element to the way in which charactersmay express significant attitudes or be representative figures; while the syn-thetic element refers to the fact that characters are always artificial, in the sensethat they are constructed from the text. In his discussion of narrative progres-sion, Phelan also emphasizes “instabilities” in the text, of which he distin-guishes two kinds, namely instabilities occurring within the story, for exampleinstabilities between characters, and, secondly, instabilities created by the dis-course, for example instabilities between the author and the reader.41

Fotis Jannidis42 made quite a number of contributions to the study of char-acter of which some are highlighted here: A character is defined as follows:“Die Figur ist ein mentales Modell eines Modell-Lesers, das inkremental imFortgang des Textes gebildet wird.”43 According to Jannidis, this model pre-supposes a basic type according to which a distinction is made between inter-nal being and external appearance, with external appearance being observableby other characters as well as the narrator, whereas internal being is observableto the narrator only. With regard to the nature of the information on charac-ters that is provided in a text, Jannidis44 identifies four important dimensions:reliability, mode, relevance and straightforwardness. The process of character-

Character and Characterization in John 7

³⁹ James Phelan, Reading People, Reading Plots: Character, Progression, and the Interpreta-tion of Narrative (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989), 1–23. See also James Phelan,Narrative as Rhetoric: Technique, Audiences, Ethics, Ideology (Columbus: Ohio State Univer-sity Press, 1996).

⁴⁰ Phelan, Narrative as Rhetoric, 3.⁴¹ Phelan, Narrative as Rhetoric, 15.⁴² Fotis Jannidis, Figur und Person: Beitrag zu einer historischen Narratologie (Narratolo-

gia 3; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2004).⁴³ Jannidis, Figur und Person, 240.⁴⁴ Jannidis, Figur und Person, 201–207.

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ization is also discussed in detail. According to Jannidis,45 some of the issuesthat are important in this regard include how long and how often a particularcharacter is characterized; the extent to which the sources of information withregard to a character are mixed; how often the same information about a char-acter is provided; the order in which the information about a particular char-acter is revealed; whether everything about a character is revealed at once orwhether it is distributed throughout the text; how information about a charac-ter is linked to other information that is provided; and which informationabout a character is linked to other characters.

Jens Eder’s46 book is devoted to characters in films, but contains much aboutcharacter analysis in general. The two basic theoretical issues that he discussesare how one can analyze characters in a systematic way and how one canexplain the various ways in which viewers of films experience characters. Themodel that he proposes for character consists of four aspects, and is called a“clock” (“Uhr”) of character.47 The four aspects are: characters as artifacts, fic-tional beings, symbols and symptoms. If one focuses on characters as artifacts,the questions investigated typically concern composition and textual aspects,and characters are classified as realistic or multi-dimensional.48 When charac-ters are considered as fictional beings, the focus falls on the properties thatcharacters possess and how they act within a fictional world.49 When charactersare analyzed as symbols, one asks the question as to whether characters standfor something, for example whether they represent a deeper or even an allego-rical meaning.50 When characters are considered in terms of symptoms, thefocal issues is that of how characters are “caused;” in other words, which effectswere used to produce them.51 According to Eder, scholars tend to concentrateon one aspect only, namely characters as fictional beings. By means of themodel that he proposes, one is encouraged to investigate other issues as well.

This brief overview has highlighted some of the developments andapproaches with regard to characterization. Many of these have had an influ-ence on the way in which Biblical scholars approach characterization. This willbe illustrated in the next two sections.

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann8

⁴⁵ Jannidis, Figur und Person, 220–21.⁴⁶ Jens Eder, Die Figur im Film: Grundlagen der Figurenanalyse (Marburg: Schüren, 2008).⁴⁷ Eder, Die Figur im Film, 131–42.⁴⁸ Eder, Die Figur im Film, 322–425.⁴⁹ Eder, Die Figur im Film, 426–520.⁵⁰ Eder, Die Figur im Film, 529–41.⁵¹ Eder, Die Figur im Film, 541–53.

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2. Approaches to Character and Characterization in Biblical Studies

Over the years numerous studies of a more general nature dealing with char-acterization in Biblical literature have been published. In this section a briefoverview of some of these studies will be offered, with a focus on the approachto characters/characterization that has been followed in each instance.

Robert Alter 52 points out the different ways in which a character may berevealed: through actions, appearance, gesture, posture, costume, the com-ments that a character makes about other characters, direct speech, inwardspeech, and statements by the narrator. Furthermore, he draws attention tothe order of explicitness that can be detected in the way in which charactersare presented: when only actions or appearance are narrated, one is in therealm of inference; when the direct speech of a character is reported, onemoves from inference to the weighing of claims; when inward speech is nar-rated, one may be relatively certain that one’s interpretation of a character iscorrect; and when a reliable narrator’s statements are used for the purpose ofcharacterization, one has certainty about this issue. Alter illustrates this by dis-cussing 1 Sam 18, where Saul is characterized directly by the narrator, whereasDavid is characterized by means derived from the lower end of the scale.

In her study on the interpretation of Biblical narrative, Adele Berlin53

focuses on two issues pertaining to character, namely character types and char-acterization. With regard to character types, she distinguishes between threetypes of characters, instead of the usual two types (flat and round characters):full-fledged characters (normally called “round characters”), types (normallycalled “flat characters”) and functionaries (characters who are not character-ized at all, and who only have to fulfill a particular role or function). Withregard to characterization, she identifies a number of techniques that are usedin this regard: description, portrayal of inner life, speech and actions and con-trast. She also points out that in most cases in Biblical narrative, characteriza-tion is achieved by a combination of some or all of these techniques.

ForMeir Sternberg,54 the process of reading is important when characteriza-tion is considered. Such a reading process might be quite intricate: “So reading acharacter becomes a process of discovery, attended by all the biblical hallmarks:progressive reconstruction, tentative closure of discontinuities, frequent andsometimes painful reshaping in the face of the unexpected, and intractable pock-

Character and Characterization in John 9

⁵² Robert Alter, The Art of Biblical Narrative (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981),114–30.

⁵³ Adele Berlin, Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative (Bible and Literature;Sheffield: Almond Press, 1983), 23–42.

⁵⁴ Meir Sternberg, The Poetics of Biblical Narrative: Ideological Literature and the Dramaof Reading (Indiana Literary Biblical Studies; Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press,1985), 321–322.

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ets of darkness.”55 He first focuses on direct characterization, inter alia by point-ing out three varieties: “complete but stylized insight into a simple or simplifiedcharacter,” “partial revelation of a complex and otherwise opaque character,”and “the depiction of externals, for which the transparent and the intricate areequally eligible.”56 In his discussion of indirect characterization, Sternberg57

draws particular attention to the way in which indirect characterization may beused for portrayal that is aimed at moving beyond a characteristic that hasalready been indicated by means of an epithet, for example in cases where theindirect characterization is discontinuous with direct epithetic characterization.

For Shimon Bar-Efrat,58 a character in literature is the “sum of the meansused in the description;”59 it is thus created by the portrayal. Accordingly, hefocuses on the two ways in which characters may be shaped, namely directlyand indirectly. With regard to direct shaping of characters, two techniques arediscussed and illustrated, namely that of outward appearance and that of innerpersonality.60 With regard to indirect shaping of characters, three techniquesare identified, namely portrayal of speech, actions and subsidiary characters.61

Mark Allan Powell 62 points out that characters are constructs of an impliedauthor and that they are created in order to play a particular role in the narra-tive. Several issues with regard to characterization are then discussed in moredetail. The distinction between telling and showing is highlighted; and it is alsopointed out that in the Gospels, the technique of showing is favored to a largeextent. Furthermore, the evaluative point of view that a character or group ofcharacters in a narrative may have is discussed. Powell also endorses Chat-man’s definition of characters in terms of a paradigm of traits. With regard tothe classification of characters, Powell follows Forster’s well-known definition,adding one type, the stock character63 (a character having a single trait only).Lastly, he indicates how empathy, sympathy, and antipathy towards charactersare created.

In their discussion of character in the Hebrew Bible, David Gunn andDanna Nolan Fewell 64 proceed from the assumption that characters are not

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann10

⁵⁵ Sternberg, Poetics of Biblical Narrative, 323–24.⁵⁶ Sternberg, Poetics of Biblical Narrative, 326.⁵⁷ Sternberg, Poetics of Biblical Narrative, 342–64.⁵⁸ Shimon Bar-Efrat, Narrative Art in the Bible (JSOT 17; Sheffield: Almond, 1989). This

study was first published in Hebrew in 1979. First English publication: 1989.⁵⁹ Bar-Efrat, Narrative Art, 48.⁶⁰ Bar-Efrat, Narrative Art, 48–63.⁶¹ Bar-Efrat, Narrative Art, 64–91.⁶² Mark Allan Powell, What Is Narrative Criticism? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship;

Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990), 51–61.⁶³ Powell here follows Meyer H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms (4th ed.; New York:

Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1981), 185.⁶⁴ David M. Gunn and Danna N. Fewell, Narrative in the Hebrew Bible (Oxford Bible

Series; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), 51.

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real people, but are constructed from the text. They then highlight the twosources of information pertaining to character, namely the narrator and thecharacters themselves. With regard to the narrator’s role, three aspects arepointed out: the relationship between the reliability of the narrator and char-acterization; how description by the narrator may be used to characterize; andthe possible effect of the evaluation of characters by the narrator.65 Withregard to characterization by characters themselves, three issues are distin-guished: first, the possible role that may be played by a character’s speech, aswell as by the context and the use of contrast; secondly, how the responses bycharacters and their reliability influence characterization; and, thirdly, theeffect of issues such as contradiction between various sources of informationabout a character, difference in points of view between narrator and charac-ter(s), and irony.66 Finally, Forster’s distinction between round and flat char-acters is adopted, followed by two remarks, namely that readers relate moreeasily to round characters, and that a character that may be a flat character inone episode may be a round character in the next.67

Jan Fokkelman68 highlights the relationship between characters and thenarrator who is “the boss of the complete circus,”69 “the veritable ringmas-ter.”70 After a discussion and several illustrations of the fact that narrator andcharacters operate at different levels, the various ways in which readers maydiscover the deceit of characters are discussed.71 This is followed by a discus-sion of the difference between character text (direct speech of characters) andthe narrator’s text.72

In their contribution to the analysis of characters in Biblical texts, DanielMarguerat and Yvan Bourquin73 attempt to combine two approaches, namelythat of regarding characters as agents (as, for example Propp has done) andthat of viewing characters as autonomous beings (as Chatman has done). Forthe classification of characters, the models of Forster and Greimas are recom-mended.74 Another issue that is dealt with is the question as to why readers arecaptivated by characters. According to Marguerat and Bourquin, the more

Character and Characterization in John 11

⁶⁵ Gunn and Fewell, Narrative in the Hebrew Bible, 53–63.⁶⁶ Gunn and Fewell, Narrative in the Hebrew Bible, 63–75.⁶⁷ Gunn and Fewell, Narrative in the Hebrew Bible, 75–76.⁶⁸ Jan Fokkelman, Reading Biblical Narrative: An Introductory Guide (trans. I. Smit;

Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox, 1999). Originally published in Dutch, 1995. FirstEnglish publication: 1999.

⁶⁹ Fokkelman, Reading Biblical Narrative, 55.⁷⁰ Fokkelman, Reading Biblical Narrative, 56.⁷¹ Fokkelman, Reading Biblical Narrative, 60–67.⁷² Fokkelman, Reading Biblical Narrative, 67–72.⁷³ Daniel Marguerat and Yvan Bourquin, How to Read Bible Stories: An Introduction to

Narrative Criticism (London: SCM, 1999), 58–59.⁷⁴ Marguerat and Bourquin, How to Read Bible Stories, 62–63.

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characters resemble real beings, the more attractive they become to readers.75

Two further issues that are discussed concern the use of an evaluative point ofview by the narrator to influence readers’ perception of characters, and thewell-known difference between telling and showing of characters.76 Finally,the relative positions of readers vis-à-vis characters in terms of knowing morethan, less than, or just as much as a character knows are identified, and theway in which focalization and the focalized may be used in characterization isdiscussed.77

Francois Tolmie’s78 approach to the study of characters in Biblical narrativesis based on that of Rimmon-Kenan. Two issues are discussed and illustrated,namely the process of characterization and the classification of characters.With regard to the process of characterization, Chatman’s definition of char-acter as a paradigm of traits is adopted, and techniques of direct and indirectcharacterization are discussed.79 With regard to the classification of characters,four different systems are discussed and illustrated, namely those of Forster,Harvey, Ewen and Greimas.80

In her contribution, Yairah Amit 81 focuses on three aspects: the classifica-tion of characters, the process of characterization, and the role of the reader.With regard to classification she follows Berlin, distinguishing between types,flat characters, and round characters. With regard to characterization she dis-cusses the difference between direct and indirect characterization and providesexamples of each. In her discussion of the role of the reader, she focuses on theway in which a reader can determine who the main character in a narrative is,namely by concentrating on four aspects: the focus of interest, as well as quan-titative, structural and thematic indications.

James L. Resseguie82 first discusses aspects of characterization. He beginswith Forster’s distinction between round and flat characters, adding threeother character types, namely stocks, foils, and walk-ons.83 This is followed bya distinction between dynamic and static characters.84 Subsequently, the dis-tinction between showing and telling is considered. In this regard, Chatman’s

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann12

⁷⁵ Marguerat and Bourquin, How to Read Bible Stories, 65–66.⁷⁶ Marguerat and Bourquin, How to Read Bible Stories, 68–70.⁷⁷ Marguerat and Bourquin, How to Read Bible Stories, 71–72.⁷⁸ D. Francois Tolmie, Narratology and Biblical Narratives: A Practical Guide (San Fran-

cisco: International Scholars Publications, 1999).⁷⁹ Tolmie, Narratology, 41–52.⁸⁰ Tolmie, Narratology, 53–60.⁸¹ Yairah Amit, Reading Biblical Narratives: Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible

(Minneapolis: Fortress, 2001), 69–92.⁸² James L. Resseguie, Narrative Criticism of the New Testament: An Introduction (Grand

Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2005).⁸³ Resseguie, Narrative Criticism, 123–25.⁸⁴ Resseguie, Narrative Criticism, 126–27.

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definition of character traits is also introduced.85 Finally, the focus falls onAlter’s scale of means, according to which a distinction is made between moreand less explicit forms of characterization.86 In the illustration of the analysisof Biblical characters that follows, Resseguie highlights two aspects, namelymarginalized and dominant characters.87

After providing a thorough overview of the way scholars approach the ana-lysis of character, Sönke Finnern88 proposes a methodology for the analysis ofBiblical characters that focuses on the following six aspects: 1. collection of andrelationship between characters (issues relating to the identification of charac-ters in a particular scene and classification of characters in terms of main andsubsidiary figures); 2. character traits (issues that are relevant to the traits asso-ciated with characters and the personality of characters); 3. constellation offigures (pertaining to aspects such as the particular group to which charactersbelong and the hierarchy between characters); 4. character and action (issuessuch as the importance of a particular character for the events that are nar-rated and the function that a particular character fulfills); 5. characterization(issues such as the techniques used to characterize and the extent to whichcharacterization is convincing); and 6. conceptualization89 of characters (issuessuch as whether a character is flat or round).

3. Studies on Character and Characterizationin the Synoptic Gospels and Acts

Since the 1980s several hundred narrative-critical/narratological studies of theGospels and Acts have been published. Some of these are highlighted below.Since it is impossible to provide a comprehensive overview of all the studiesthat have been conducted in this regard in a brief survey such as this, noattempt will be made to do so. Instead, the emphasis will fall on a differentobjective, namely to illustrate the different approaches to characterization thathave been followed, as well as the wide scope of characters that have alreadybeen investigated.

Character and Characterization in John 13

⁸⁵ Resseguie, Narrative Criticism, 126–30.⁸⁶ Resseguie, Narrative Criticism, 130–32.⁸⁷ Resseguie, Narrative Criticism, 137–65.⁸⁸ Sönke Finnern, Narratologie und Biblische Exegese: Eine integrative Methode der Erzähl-

analyse und ihr Ertrag am Beispiel von Matthäus (WUNT 285; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck,2010), 162–64.

⁸⁹ Our translation of “Figurenkonzeption”; Finnern, Narratologie und Biblische Exegese,164.

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3.1 The Four Gospels and Acts

James L. Resseguie90 approaches characterization in terms of “defamiliariza-tion,” i. e., the techniques that are used to make what is well-known appearunfamiliar. According to him, when one applies this to the Gospels, oneshould be on the lookout for “a perceptible clash between the expected andthe unexpected, the ordinary and the habitual, the novel and the strange.”91

He then shows how techniques of defamiliarization are used in the FourGospels to characterize, and distinguishes and illustrates three types in thisregard: comic defamiliarization, ironic defamiliarization and voluntary statusreversal.92

One of the issues investigated by Helen K. Bond 93 in her study on PontiusPilate pertains to the different ways in which he is characterized in the FourGospels (and also by Philo and Josephus). According to her, the Pilate ofMark’s Gospel is a skilful politician who manipulates the crowd; Mathew’sPilate is indifferent to Jesus and allows the Jewish leaders to do with him asthey wish; Luke’s Pilate represents Roman law, which officially declares Jesusinnocent, yet also allows the leaders of the Jewish nation to force him to con-demn Jesus despite his innocence; and John’s Pilate is manipulative, derisiveand very much aware of the authority that he has over Jesus.94

In his study of the characterization of Peter in the Four Gospels, TimothyWiarda95 focuses on two aspects, namely distance and individualization. Thefirst aspect refers to the level of involvement between Peter and the reader. Thesecond aspect is linked to the traits associated with Peter in each Gospel, whichare classified in terms of five levels, namely information about group, class oroccupational type; stereotypical traits/feelings; distinctive external information;distinctive traits/feelings, and distinctive complexity.96 On the basis of thisapproach, Wiarda compiles a list of eighteen traits of Peter in the FourGospels.97

In a contribution on “characters in the making,” Petri Merenlahti 98 arguesthat the characters in the Gospels are quite often not complete, and either“increase” or “decrease,” depending on the extent to which they relate to the

Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann14

⁹⁰ James L. Resseguie, “Defamiliarization and the Gospels,” BTB 20/4 (1990): 147–53.⁹¹ Resseguie, “Defamiliarization,” 148.⁹² Resseguie, “Defamiliarization,” 150–52.⁹³ Helen K. Bond, Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation (MSSNTS 100; Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1998).⁹⁴ Bond, Pontius Pilate, 205–207.⁹⁵ Timothy Wiarda, Peter in the Gospels: Pattern, Personality and Relationship (WUNT II/

127; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000), 65–119.⁹⁶ Wiarda, Peter in the Gospels, 66–67.⁹⁷ Wiarda, Peter in the Gospels, 117–18.⁹⁸ Petri Merenlahti, Poetics for the Gospels? Rethinking Narrative Criticism (London: T&T

Clark, 2002), 77–98.

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ideology of a Gospel and/or the ideology of its readers. According to Meren-lahti, this should prevent one from engaging in a quest for static and harmo-nious interpretations of characters. This argument is illustrated by means ofseveral examples from the Gospels, such as Peter, Judas and the haemorrha-ging woman.

Justin Howell 99 draws attention to the characterization of Jesus in a particu-lar manuscript, namely Codex Washingtonianus, a manuscript which seems tohave been produced in Egypt. By investigating some of the singular and sub-singular readings in this manuscript, he shows how the scribe amplified theimage of Jesus as a teacher who was well received, approachable, and non-threatening, a picture which fitted the context of early Christian polemics.

3.2 The Gospel of Mark

One of the aspects considered by David Rhoads and Donald Michie100 in theirnarrative analysis of Mark is its characters. After considering several theoreti-cal issues such as telling and showing, the way in which the reader is guided tomeasure characters against certain standards, and the assignment of traits, theydiscuss the following characters: Jesus, the authorities, the disciples, and thelittle people. One example: In the case of Jesus, several traits are discussed, forexample his authority, integrity, faith, and his service to others.101

Elizabeth Struthers Malbon has made a number of valuable contributions tothe study of characterization in Mark’s Gospel, as the following example illus-trates: In an article on the disciples and crowds in Mark,102 she shows how thedisciples are portrayed with both strong and weak points in order to serve asrealistic models for the readers. She also points out that the crowds are por-trayed both positively and negatively in terms of their relationship to Jesus,thereby complementing the disciples.

Of the many studies in which the minor characters in Mark are discussed,two examples will be mentioned here: Joel F. Williams103 argues that one candetect a pattern in the way in which Mark presents minor characters: from

Character and Characterization in John 15

⁹⁹ Justin R. Howell, “The Characterization of Jesus in Codex W,” JECS 14/1 (2006): 47–75.¹⁰⁰ David Rhoads and Donald Michie, Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of

a Gospel (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1982), 101–35. 2d ed.: David Rhoads, Joanna Dewey andDonald Michie, Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel (2d ed.; Minnea-polis: Fortress, 1999).

¹⁰¹ Rhoads and Michie, Mark as Story, 103–16.¹⁰² Elizabeth S. Malbon, “Disciples/Crowds/Whoever: Markan Characters and Readers,”

NT 28/2 (1986): 104–30. Cf. also Elizabeth S. Malbon, In the Company of Jesus: Characters inMark’s Gospel (Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox, 2000), and Elizabeth S. Malbon,Mark’s Jesus: Characterization as Narrative Christology (Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press,2009).

¹⁰³ Joel F. Williams, “Discipleship and Minor Characters in Mark’s Gospel,” BS 153/611(1996): 332–43.

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Index of References

Old Testament (including LXX)

Genesis1–2 5541–3 5541:1 192, 210, 5541:2–4 5541:3–2:3 1921:5 193, 554–55, 6161:8 5541:13 5541:14 193–941:14–18 5541:14–19 1941:15 1941:16 1941:18 193–941:19 5541:20–21 5541:23 5541:24 5541:30 5541:31 5542 211–122:1–2 2102:1–3 556, 6162:2–3 5542:3 2102:4 5542:7 193, 554, 556, 5662:8 193, 555, 5652:8–9 193, 554, 5562:9 193, 211, 556, 565, 6122:10 192, 554–56, 612–132:15 1932:15–16 5552:17 5552:21–22 5562:23 210–11, 5562:24 5552:25 5553 26

3:1–3 5553:3 556, 5653:7 5553:8 554–553:9–13 5553:10–11 5553:13 5563:14 5553:17 5553:18 5553:19 555, 5663:20 210–11, 5563:21 5553:23–24 193, 555, 5653:24 565–6617:3 56617:17 56622 90, 61022:3 61022:5 61022:6 60922:19 61024:11 27127:35 19829:2 27132 19932:28 198–9932:30 19934:13 19837:30 35838 29050:2–3 480

Exodus2:15 2713:10–12 483:10–15 6012:10 96, 60512:46 96, 605, 61514:31 218

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Index of References680

15:24 24916 8616:2–12 24916:7 21817:3 86, 21819 230–3119–24 22919:8 22919:11 22919:16 23024 23024:3 22924:7 22924:16 23024:17 23033:13 55033:18 55038:6–26 28338:11 28538:14 28538:26 285

Leviticus19:2 26520:10 41321:7 28721:14 287

Numbers9:12 605, 61514 8614:2 21814:26–27 24914:27 21814:27–29 8614:29 8614:36 21819:11–22 285

Deuteronomy1:16 25715:11 48417:4 25717:6 1318:15–18 34818:15–22 18419:15 41319:16–18 25721:22–23 614–1522:13–19 287

22:28–29 28724:1 28624:1–4 286–8725:5–6 28325:7–10 28532:39 573

Ruth3–4 283

1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms)1:1 489:15–10:1 48110:1 48116:1 48116:12–13 481

1 Kings (3 Kingdoms)1:38–40 4811:45 4818:4–5 11417:8–24 31617:17 31617:18 31617:20 31617:20–21 31617:21 31617:22 31617:23 316

2 Kings (4 Kingdoms)4:38 3584:41 3584:42–44 3585:5–15 43417:24 288

Ezra2:70 1147:7 11410:5 114

Esther4:17 4818:3 566

Job1:20 3923:1–19 28528:22 366

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Old Testament (including LXX) 681

Psalms9:4 39213 49813:1–2 49813:3 49813:4 49813:5 50013:5–6 49922:16 60522:19 60534:4 39234:23 51934:31 60539:15 39241:9 36755:10 39269:3 39269:10 14569 (68):22 60377:66 39282:6 92118 399128:5 392

Proverbs5:15–18 27415:11 36627:20 36631:10 287

Song of Solomon4:12–15 274

Isaiah6:8 48, 606:10 39911:1 56340–55 57340:3 52, 112, 26340:3–5 5250:6 39352:15 40053:1 35153:4 5453:7 5453:12 5455:1 39960:3 184

Jeremiah22:22–23:8 571

Ezekiel44:15 114

Daniel2:46 39211:30 47813(LXX) 41513:2 41513:3 41513:8–14 41513:15–27 41513:27 41513:30 41513:31 41513:35 415

Joel2:28–32 181

Micah4:1–4 201

Zephaniah3:15 83

Zechariah3 2013:6–10 5633:9 2013:10 2016:9–15 5636:12 201, 5638:23 2619:9 83, 3999:9–10 35011:6 57012:10 605, 61514 24714:21 246

Malachi3:3 265

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Index of References682

Greek-Texts (LXX)

1 Maccabees9:47 392

Sirach25:26 286

Tobit3:7–9 2843:10–15 285

Wisdom1:2 550

New Testament

Matthew2:1 3043:4 463:11 464:5–7 2404:18 1415:3 4848:5–13 3089:10–13 2909:13 6149:30 47810:2 14110:2–4 18910:3 180, 243, 528, 55210:17–20 17911:5 48411:9 4611:19 29012:7 61413:37 31013:54–58 23813:55 24314:3–9 48114:13–21 14614:26 21715:32–39 14616:18 142, 15219:3–12 28620:2 48420:12 48022:23–33 28423:24 61425 29726:6–13 473, 481, 62727:4–5 25927:32 60927:37 20027:38 607, 611

27:44 60727:55 61227:55–56 62027:56 62727:57 64927:57–60 64927:60 6527:61 62728:1–10 62728:5 63528:9 555

Mark1:4 461:6 461:14–15 561:16 1411:16–20 141, 1521:43 4782:3–4 3392:5 3422:9 3392:9–12 3422:12 3393:14 1773:16–19 1893:18 180, 243, 528, 5525:22 5665:43 3386:1–6 2386:2 2556:3 2436:4 304, 3106:32–44 1466:37 176, 1846:45 176, 1786:49 2178:1–10 146

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New Testament 683

8:22 176, 17810:46 44110:51 33811:32 4612:18–27 28412:28–34 65613:11 17814:3–9 473, 62714:32–42 47814:47 16014:66–67 57615:21 60915:26 20015:27 607, 61115:32 60715:40 612, 62715:40–41 62015:42–46 64915:43 649, 65615:47–16:11 62716:5 635

Luke2:1–7 3042:25 2163:3 464:9–12 2404:18 4844:24 3105:1–11 5756:14 141, 1806:14–16 1896:15 5286:16 5526:20 4847:1–10 3087:28 2647:36–50 290, 409, 473, 6278:1–3 6208:2 6279:10–17 14612:11–12 17913:11 33816:16 24318:18 25019:1–10 29019:14 47820:27–40 28421:37 56022:3 213

22:50 571, 57723:13 30423:26 60923:32 60723:33 61123:38 20023:39–43 607, 61123:43 61623:49 62023:50–51 649, 65623:50–53 64924:4 63524:12 55527:1–11 627

John1 76, 142, 146, 149, 154, 190–

91, 196, 6751–3 4591–12 400, 505–061:1 49, 210, 254, 5201:1–2 66, 4001:1–3 6721:1–5 48–49, 630, 6361:1–13 491:1–18 63, 192, 324, 520, 5541:1–4:54 3241:3 63, 66, 326, 6161:3–4 5541:4 49, 66, 324, 331, 472, 5541:4–5 194, 254, 399, 554, 5761:4–9 4411:5 63–64, 127, 263, 351, 391,

471, 5691:6 48–49, 54, 57, 60, 110, 216,

254, 6231:6–8 46–50, 110, 1301:7 47, 49–50, 571:7–8 491:8 47, 49–50, 58, 1311:8–9 571:9 194, 241, 254, 632, 6341:9–10 5541:9–11 5541:9–12 3991:10 63, 241–42, 326, 562, 6161:10–11 631:10–13 127, 3491:10–20 4581:11 63, 209, 213, 243, 310

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Index of References684

1:11–12 2091:11–13 6261:12 49, 66, 213, 234, 253, 5331:12–13 127, 6381:14 49, 66, 186, 193, 331, 478,

520, 538, 540, 554, 6231:14–16 491:14–18 49, 520, 5271:15 46–51, 56, 58–59, 5071:16 186, 2361:16–26 6741:17 961:18 66, 69, 158, 199, 254, 512,

520–21, 539, 637, 643, 6621:18–20 5201:19 47–48, 51, 73, 84, 97–99,

104, 110–11, 113, 116–18,120, 254, 312, 554

1:19–21 501:19–25 1431:19–27 571:19–28 46, 50–51, 110, 114, 119,

131, 2301:19–29 1161:19–31 2601:19–37 501:19–51 175, 1941:19–2:12 2301:19–12:50 3981:20 52, 55, 58, 111–121:20–21 51, 1131:20–36 1941:21 52, 60, 1111:22 1121:23 52–53, 58, 60, 112, 2631:24 84, 98, 112, 116, 118, 120,

122, 254, 3121:24–26 531:25 54, 113, 2631:25–28 3351:26 53–54, 56, 115, 254, 2631:26–27 1131:27 50, 54, 58, 1141:28 54, 57, 84, 114, 192, 195,

263, 454, 520, 5541:28–42 3001:29 51, 53–54, 60, 114, 141, 192,

198, 201, 241, 254, 342, 459,554, 567, 615

1:29–34 46, 50–51, 53–54, 110, 230,456

1:30 50–51, 54, 56, 58–591:31 47, 53–54, 1841:32 47, 54, 601:32–33 601:33 47, 51, 54, 59–60, 263, 3351:34 47, 51, 54, 60, 2541:35 130, 133–36, 192, 5541:35–36 51, 141, 4001:35–37 46, 50, 141, 2641:35–39 1341:35–40 127, 134–36, 148, 537, 547–

491:35–41 1451:35–42 50, 55, 110, 137, 140, 148–

49, 2301:35–44 1491:35–46 4011:35–51 149, 262, 513, 5231:36 50–51, 53–55, 152, 198, 254,

297, 459, 6151:37 57, 128, 135, 141, 152, 297,

548, 6721:37–39 1411:38 55, 128, 134–35, 141, 195,

391, 548, 6361:38–39 1961:39 128, 131, 135, 141–42, 147,

150, 152, 176, 197–98, 297,548, 623, 635

1:39–40 1281:40 46, 55, 133, 136–37, 140–42,

148, 150, 151, 152, 672, 6751:40–42 479, 6701:40–44 1961:41 115, 128, 142, 144–45, 147–

50, 152, 194–96, 254, 342,483

1:41–42 145, 196–97, 3571:42 142, 151–52, 163, 195, 199,

297, 572, 666–67, 6701:43 133, 143–45, 148–49, 176,

192, 194, 196, 297, 341–42,554

1:43–44 300, 4001:43–45 145, 196, 5111:43–48 1681:43–51 137, 144, 193, 230

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New Testament 685

1:44 137, 144–45, 147–48, 176,178, 180, 194–95, 666, 675

1:44–45 199, 4001:45 60, 147, 176, 185–86, 191,

195–96, 200, 342, 666–671:45–46 310, 391, 5631:45–51 142, 145, 190, 194, 200–01,

300, 4791:46 176, 195, 199–200, 297, 451,

6661:47 145, 193, 198, 342, 6661:48 145, 190, 196, 199, 201, 282,

5181:49 55, 83, 176, 185, 191, 194,

199, 224, 254, 297, 398, 483,520–21, 632, 666

1:49–50 4001:50 145, 190, 194, 198–99, 201,

451, 6661:50–51 191, 194, 506, 522, 5261:51 145, 147, 196, 421, 613, 635,

658–602 87, 245, 247, 301, 633, 6362:1 192, 195, 210–11, 300, 315,

5542:1–11 191, 234, 309, 315–16, 330,

335, 485, 506, 614, 6432:1–12 230, 322, 3242:1–4:42 3202:1–4:45 3182:1–4:54 315–16, 3242:2 146, 148, 2162:3 204, 234, 316, 476, 6702:3–5 2352:3–9 2422:4 205, 210–11, 234, 316, 340,

397, 636, 6442:5 206, 234, 242, 312, 316, 330,

560, 6702:6 72, 82, 234, 2652:7 6162:7–8 2282:8 2352:9 233, 2352:9–10 1292:10 207, 2332:11 194, 196, 207, 217, 221, 239,

253, 300, 305, 311, 313, 316,324, 33–31, 449, 506

2:12 114, 194, 207, 217, 238–39,300, 315, 543, 670

2:12–22 3162:12–26 3162:13 72, 82, 85, 97, 190, 2422:13–25 85, 3242:13–3:21 2632:14 4002:15 4002:16 247, 2612:18 247, 254, 517–182:18–20 113, 3412:19 5632:19–21 2552:20 85, 2312:21 297, 563, 6132:22 311, 393, 399, 6282:23 242, 253, 300, 347, 4512:23–24 3492:23–25 251, 253, 255, 301, 310, 317,

330, 354, 4782:23–35 2552:24–25 300, 347–48, 353, 370, 386,

5182:25 253, 2823 76, 123, 247, 257, 312, 6553–4 5263:1 73, 98, 120, 123, 253, 257,

300, 375, 426, 6463:1–2 3103:1–10 5263:1–12 249, 2533:1–21 262, 316, 330, 476, 526, 6463:2 55, 253–55, 391, 546, 6333:3 209, 311, 5403:4 236, 5263:5 209, 255, 325–26, 335, 556,

612, 6163:6 2563:7 3243:8 2563:8–10 2543:9 250, 256, 5263:1 120, 265, 6233:11 253, 5493:12 2533:14 148, 3723:15 1603:15–16 3243:16 241, 372, 478, 652

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Index of References686

3:17 2413:18 127, 242, 349, 5673:18–20 1273:19–21 2263:20–21 2393:21 1273:22 55, 217, 220, 263, 300, 3153:22–24 553:22–26 3163:22–30 55, 260, 3243:22–36 46, 4563:23 130, 3353:24 56, 593:25 55, 260, 262, 2643:25–26 3893:25–30 1273:26 50, 55–56, 114, 128–29, 260,

454, 4593:26–30 4593:27 553:27–30 55–56, 2363:28 50, 55, 58, 128, 143, 4583:28–30 50, 2073:29 56, 236, 267, 272, 290, 324,

365, 4583:29–30 58, 231, 4583:30 56, 195, 236, 6163:31 56–57, 1993:31–36 55–56, 3243:33 1283:34 6163:34–35 5173:36 56, 130, 324, 327, 3494 83, 268, 270–71, 309, 325–

26, 316, 324, 333, 412, 416,476, 614, 633–34, 636, 639

4:1 55–56, 129, 3124:1–3 300, 3224:1–15 3164:2 55, 217, 3354:3 72, 3014:5–6 3004:6 6354:6–7 288, 3914:7 2914:7–26 325–264:8 2174:9 83, 90, 105, 261, 284, 293,


4:10 3184:11 3184:11–15 2234:12 284, 294, 2964:13–14 3254:14 325, 485, 613, 6164:16 282, 2914:16–29 3164:17 2824:17–18 5184:18 282–84, 288, 3424:19 115, 282, 294, 296, 3254:19–25 3354:20 284, 294, 2964:21 83, 2124:21–24 4784:22 74, 77, 83, 102, 105, 261,

293, 2964:23 834:24 294, 2974:25 284, 3454:26 297, 391, 6334:27 220, 223, 2884:27–30 3164:29 198, 284, 289, 296–98, 6324:29–30 2944:30 290–91, 4514:31 2174:33 216, 218, 223, 6334:34 2104:35 2904:38 2234:39 288–89, 291, 312, 451–52,

5264:39–41 3894:39–42 220, 294–95, 301, 309, 3164:40 290, 298, 4564:41 223, 291, 4514:41–42 290, 311, 313, 3264:42 105, 296–98, 399, 520, 5264:43 223, 290, 301, 310, 3154:43–45 300–03, 316–174:43–46 3224:43–54 309, 315, 3254:44 115, 310, 3254:45 261, 299, 310–11, 3204:46 315–23, 326, 329, 338–394:46–47 3174:46–48 300

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New Testament 687

4:46–54 191, 306, 314–20, 325, 330,332

4:47 72, 311–12, 316–17, 319,321–23, 326

4:48 242, 300, 302, 305–06, 311,316–17, 319–20, 322, 389,517

4:48–53 4614:49 306, 312, 316–17, 319, 321–

23, 326, 3294:49–50 3174:50 306, 311–12, 316–21, 323,

325–27, 3294:50–53 3254:51 318, 321, 323, 326–27, 3294:51–52 3294:51–53 317, 3234:52 322, 323, 326, 3294:52–53 3304:53 306, 311–13, 316–19, 321–

23, 326–27, 330–314:54 72, 114, 315, 318–19, 322,

3305 76, 86–87, 103, 106–07, 263,

325–26, 333, 416, 429–30,432, 434, 471, 652

5–12 97, 1075:1 72, 97, 242, 263, 3375:1–9 855:1–18 325, 484, 6145:1–20 3325:1–6:59 3185:2 3375:2–3 3395:3 332–33, 335–37, 3395:4 3375:5 337, 341, 3445:6 338, 340, 3425:7 338, 3445:8 102, 3395:9 338–40, 342, 4445:10 3405:10–16 3895:10–18 1135:11 338, 341–42, 344–465:12 341, 3455:13 3415:14 196, 338, 341–42, 4005:15 326, 338, 342, 3445:15–16 99

5:16 85, 96, 101, 106, 326, 345,444

5:16–18 3415:17 2105:18 85, 87, 90, 96, 101, 103–04,

106, 240, 346, 444, 5925:19 87, 257, 3255:19–29 3255:19–47 85, 3255:20 3255:21 3255:22 3255:23 3255:23–24 3255:24 3195:25 56, 318, 325, 4685:25–26 3255:26 325, 3275:27 3255:28 4685:31–39 575:32–33 4565:33 47, 50, 57, 985:33–35 58, 6155:33–36 46–47, 575:34 47, 50, 575:34–35 505:35 57–585:36 47, 210, 2575:36–37 3255:36–47 4565:37 855:38 855:39 85, 1915:40 855:41 3105:42 855:43 855:44 85, 351, 5405:45–47 965:46 60, 1765:47 855:54 3055:58 4566 86, 101, 146, 149, 154–55,

158, 164, 172, 175–76, 178,184, 217–18, 223, 265, 279,325, 347, 350–52, 354, 358–59, 673–74

6–7 354

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Index of References688

6:1–2 3476:1–3 3576:1–14 137, 146, 149, 4856:1–59 1546:2 242, 332–33, 335–36, 348,

3526:3 146, 1486:4 72, 82, 146, 190, 2426:5 146, 155, 186, 3576:5–7 168, 176, 1806:5–9 1966:5–10 6756:6 154, 282, 3576:7 146, 154, 176, 184, 198, 357,

5116:7–8 1336:8 137, 146, 148, 150, 1546:8–9 1496:9 146, 149, 154, 356–57, 3596:9–10 6736:10 146, 3576:10–13 1466:10–15 3476:11 154, 357–596:12 2176:12–13 3576:13 6736:14 115, 146, 305, 348, 350, 352,

354, 3576:14–15 350, 3526:15 146, 240, 3486:16–17 2176:16–21 217, 5146:17 5146:19 2176:20 217, 3916:20–26 5256:21 217–186:22–25 348, 3526:22–59 507, 5236:25–34 3526:25–40 3486:26 348, 350, 353, 3586:27 147, 3586:27–29 3486:28 3526:28–31 3546:29 5676:30 350, 517–186:30–31 348, 352

6:31 86, 99, 3486:31–58 2186:32 3586:32–33 3486:33 2416:34 348, 3526:35 147, 325, 485, 6356:35–36 3486:36 351–536:38 1476:39 222, 449, 5696:41 86, 101, 147, 305, 348–506:41–42 86, 1996:41–59 86, 113, 3486:42 99, 176, 198, 310, 6676:43 86, 98, 2226:44 86, 5196:45 876:46 86, 5126:47 876:48–58 6646:49 86, 99, 102, 1986:50 1476:51 86, 241, 318, 3726:52 86, 98, 101, 3486:53–58 1476:54 876:55 6166:56 876:56–58 86, 6316:57 318, 3276:58 86–87, 3196:59 1146:59–7:9 2386:60 218–196:60–66 1546:60–69 3656:60–71 217–18, 665, 6736:61 86, 2186:62 389, 5146:63 5186:64 282, 353, 361, 364, 370, 386,

3986:66 86, 218, 239, 564, 566, 664,

6736:67 155, 190, 223, 508, 515, 6736:67–69 142, 5086:67–71 216, 5156:68 197, 508

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New Testament 689

6:68–69 151–52, 155, 512, 525, 666,673

6:69 155, 223–24, 239, 265, 477,508, 520, 526

6:70 155, 265, 360, 365, 370,421–22, 560

6:70–71 223, 361, 367–69, 5166:71 155, 360–61, 364–66, 370,

398, 474, 526, 667–687 87, 241, 257, 325, 347, 349–

52, 354, 649, 6557–8 412, 4167–10 87–88, 122–237:1 72, 87, 103–04, 240, 305,

6367:1–4 647:1–7 62, 64, 697:1–9 2387:1–13 3737:2 82, 2427:2–3 727:3 72, 310, 5437:3–4 5517:3–5 239, 5097:4 64, 2397:5 64, 5437:6 647:7 64, 2417:8 3897:10 2427:11 87, 4447:11–13 3497:11–53 1137:12 223, 349–50, 352–537:12–13 3497:13 87, 91, 1037:14 4007:14–19 877:14–36 3737:14–10:39 877:15 99, 101, 405–067:15–16 887:19 87, 102–047:20 103, 349–50, 3527:21–23 3437:23 3437:24 416, 540, 5457:25 73, 87, 3737:25–27 352, 3547:25–32 384

7:25–36 1357:26 241, 349, 373–76, 378, 4267:26–27 1157:27 3537:27–29 1997:28 353, 373, 4007:28–29 2497:30 389, 399, 452, 4557:30–31 349, 352, 4517:31 352, 354, 451–527:32 88, 115, 120–22, 124, 349–

50, 352, 383, 388, 405, 4557:33–34 5127:35 88, 98, 177, 397, 4007:35–36 877:36 887:36–50 4807:37–38 325, 349, 432, 4857:37–39 517, 556, 612, 615–167:38 3187:38–39 60, 5527:40 1157:40–41 3527:40–42 3537:40–43 135, 349, 352, 3547:40–44 302–037:40–53 1237:41 199, 3917:41–42 3107:43 98, 123–24, 2237:44 352, 3897:44–45 4557:45 87, 115, 374, 383, 4057:45–49 3887:45–52 120, 122, 374, 383, 6467:46 123, 374, 389–90, 3927:47 120, 122, 4057:47–48 123, 3747:47–49 3897:48 124, 257, 373–76, 378, 405,

4267:49 349, 354, 3747:50 87, 120, 123, 257, 259, 4747:50–51 1237:50–52 128, 249, 257, 390, 5267:51 121, 2587:52 115, 135, 191, 199, 258,

302–03, 310, 391, 4057:52–8:12 4107:53–8:11 403, 405, 444, 560, 614, 652

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Index of References690

8 76, 88, 90, 98, 119, 193, 276,443

8:2 400, 404–05, 4128:3 403–06, 413, 4448:4 405, 4128:5 414, 4178:6 404–05, 412, 417–188:6–7 4068:7 404–06, 417–198:8 404–05, 417–188:9 404–06, 412, 4188:10 4188:11 290, 418–198:12 141, 194, 351, 441, 443, 485,

5598:12–13 1228:12–20 1228:13 88, 1198:13–19 1198:14 1998:15 416, 5408:17 878:20 114, 389, 399–400, 451, 4558:20–59 1138:21 88, 119, 3428:21–23 1358:21–30 888:22 103, 119, 4528:23 88, 242, 5408:24 88, 343–44, 4438:27 88, 1018:28 103, 119, 148, 4438:30 88, 101, 451–528:30–31 1018:31 90–91, 104, 105, 223, 261,

4528:31–47 88–898:31–59 242, 4528:33 898:34 3438:37 89–90, 101–038:39 89–908:40 89–90, 101, 1038:41 898:42 89, 4238:43 89, 1018:44 73, 89–90, 103–04, 365, 368,

421–238:45–46 898:47 89

8:48 349–508:48–59 88, 908:51 4568:52 90, 103, 349–508:53 90, 1048:56 608:57 908:58 90, 4438:59 101, 223, 242, 389, 5609 76, 90–92, 98, 257, 332, 327,

346, 351, 416, 429–30, 434,438–39, 479, 540, 614

9:1 338, 440, 4439:1–7 440, 448–49, 4849:2 219, 343, 4419:2–3 4429:3 342–43, 441, 5029:4 254, 432, 4419:4–5 4319:5 431, 4419:6 441–44, 6379:6–7 432, 439, 4419:7 441–449:8 431, 440, 442, 4459:8–9 439, 4429:8–12 91, 434, 4399:8–13 439, 4429:8–17 4499:9 443, 4459:10 443, 4459:11 91, 256, 434, 441, 443–449:11–12 4459:12 439, 444–459:13 91, 431, 444–459:13–14 4349:13–16 118, 1219:13–17 91, 4479:13–41 1199:14 444–459:15 91, 256, 434, 441, 443–44,

4479:15–17 91, 439, 4439:16 91, 98, 124, 254, 257, 434,

4439:17 91, 115, 256, 431, 4449:18 91, 101, 121, 431, 446, 4489:18–23 435, 441, 4509:18–34 919:19 99, 431, 4479:20 431, 447–49

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New Testament 691

9:20–21 4479:21 4499:22 87, 91–92, 101, 103, 121,

374, 446, 449–50, 4799:22–23 4479:24 91, 121, 254, 431, 444, 5409:24–33 4479:24–34 91, 439, 449–509:24–41 6239:25 91, 4449:25–32 4359:26 4439:27 441, 4479:27–29 105, 5759:28 101, 1069:29 101, 135, 4499:30 91, 4499:32 431, 443–449:33 91, 92, 5409:34 101, 103–04, 124, 342, 389,

448, 4509:34–35 929:34–38 1059:35 196, 342, 344, 439, 443,

449–509:35–38 4499:36 4369:38 91, 436, 444, 450, 520, 5269:39–41 124, 351, 4579:39–10:6 4579:39–10:21 92, 4579:39–10:42 452, 4579:40 91–92, 1249:41 343, 5579:54 11410 58, 87, 92, 151, 368, 401,

451, 459, 541, 577, 63610:1 366, 368, 457, 541, 574, 59910:1–5 45710:1–6 54110:1–16 63710:1–17 57310:1–18 164, 45710:2 54110:2–5 22210:3 222, 449, 469, 54110:3–4 5610:4 141, 222, 459, 54210:5 54210:6 457

10:7 458, 54210:7–16 45810:7–21 45810:8 366, 368, 599–60010:9 51910:10 366, 368, 469, 560, 60010:11 159–60, 165, 401, 484, 573,

604–0510:11–18 57110:12 54110:14–18 39810:15 160, 484, 573, 60410:15–16 39910:16 56, 398, 45910:17 484, 57310:17–18 458, 484, 63710:18 472, 484, 564, 57310:19 92, 98, 10110:19–21 223, 45810:19–42 11310:20 45810:20–21 45810:21 257, 45810:22 454–5510:22–23 45810:22–24 45710:22–31 92, 45810:22–42 92, 457–4810:23 400, 45410:24 92, 100–02, 115, 241, 45810:24–38 45710:25 92, 45710:25–26 10110:25–30 457–5810:26–29 45710:27 102, 141, 17610:29 222, 44910:30 92, 457, 52010:31 93, 103, 241, 416, 455, 457–

58, 56010:31–33 10110:32 45810:32–33 45710:32–42 92, 45810:33 104, 455, 45810:34 8710:34–38 45810:37 10110:38 93, 106–07, 45710:39 93, 103, 452, 454–56, 458–59

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Index of References692

10:39–40 45510:39–42 451, 453–54, 456–5810:40 57, 114, 454–5510:40–41 45910:40–42 46, 57–58, 454–59, 61510:41 47, 50, 57–58, 105, 451,

455–5610:41–42 50, 57–58, 452, 45510:42 93, 107, 451–52, 454, 456–5811 122, 258, 326–27, 398, 412,

454, 463–64, 468, 470, 472–75, 482, 487, 491, 503, 513,633–34

11–12 93, 101, 416, 46811:1 454, 469, 49411:1–2 47511:1–3 47211:1–5 501, 50611:1–6 494, 50211:1–16 49711:1–44 398, 467, 493, 496, 501,

505–06, 52511:1–12:8 47511:2 338, 398, 469, 49411:3 469–70, 473, 475–76, 494,

496–98, 50111:4 472, 483, 492, 497, 501–02,

51011:5 72, 494–9511:5–6 50211:6 469, 492, 496–9711:6–10 50611:7 72, 462, 472, 502, 507–08,

51011:7–16 49711:8 93, 101, 219, 240, 455, 462,

479, 495, 508, 510, 56011:9 67311:9–10 35111:10 254, 55911:10–14 47211:11 462, 469–70, 492, 501, 50811:11–15 50111:11–16 506–0711:12 220, 46911:12–13 21911:13 22011:14 22111:14–15 483, 50211:15 506–08, 510, 512

11:16 81, 195, 224, 240, 462, 472,504–13, 515–16, 523–26,666

11:17 46911:17–27 497, 500, 50611:18 82, 45411:19 82, 93, 103, 105, 121, 494,

496, 49911:20 496, 63511:20–22 48911:21 476, 495–9811:21–22 489, 491–9211:21–27 495, 497, 501, 50311:22 476, 492–9311:23 490, 495–96, 49911:24 496–9911:25 326, 485, 513, 63311:25–26 462, 465, 496, 499–500, 50611:26 476, 496–9811:27 115, 476, 499–503, 506, 522,

63311:28 477, 496–9711:28–37 497, 50111:31 93, 105, 479, 49511:31–33 47011:32 47711:33 93, 104–05, 285, 470, 47811:34 198, 46911:35 93, 470, 478, 49211:36 470, 47811:37 93, 47911:38 63411:38–44 66, 49711:39 469, 495–97, 500–01, 50311:39–40 50011:39–44 500–0111:40 496, 501–0211:41–12 49211:41–43 6611:42 50611:43 47011:44 326, 468–69, 495, 63711:45 77, 93–94, 101, 104–05, 350,

384, 451–52, 53011:45–46 98, 124, 38911:45–47 11911:45–53 118, 121, 383, 46711:45–54 399, 506, 50811:45–57 6611:46 93, 98, 105, 129, 345, 530

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New Testament 693

11:46–47 53011:47 115, 121, 383, 385, 53211:47–48 385–86, 44911:47–53 345, 361, 385, 64911:48 129, 383, 530–3111:49–50 53111:49–52 472, 53011:49–53 38911:50 399, 53011:50–51 60411:51–52 53111:52 39911:53 122, 385–86, 53111:54 53111:55 82, 350, 39811:55–56 13511:57 115, 118, 122, 383, 38512 146, 149, 177–78, 180, 183,

347, 350–52, 354, 368, 398,402, 412, 474, 478, 637

12–13 36812:1 193, 555, 67212:1–8 258, 368, 398, 467, 493–94,

496, 502, 62712:1–19 6612:2 469, 49612:3 398, 48312:3–8 6612:4 360–61, 364, 368, 370, 398,

48012:4–6 623, 66812:5 36812:5–6 365, 37112:6 80, 213, 360, 366, 368–7112:7 48012:7–8 36812:9 66, 94, 98, 107, 350, 352, 46712:9–11 399, 47212:9–50 17512:10 115, 386, 467, 47112:10–11 350, 385, 65312:11 94, 98–99, 101, 104–05, 107,

129, 384, 399, 449, 47112:12 56512:12–13 350, 35212:12–15 39912:12–19 66, 350, 352, 48112:13 83, 176, 39412:13–14 35212:14–15 350

12:15 8312:16 220, 39912:17 467–6812:17–18 350, 39912:17–19 39912:18 350, 35212:18–19 35012:19 62, 66–67, 69, 121, 178, 397,

399, 40112:20 147, 40012:20–21 147, 39912:20–22 133, 67512:20–23 17712:20–26 137, 147, 149, 30912:20–36 397–40012:21 144–45, 149, 176, 178, 186,

302, 40012:21–22 198, 357, 51112:21–23 168, 19612:22 137, 147–49, 176, 180, 40112:23 147, 178, 397–99, 401, 48312:23–24 60412:23–36 398, 40112:24 147, 472, 48512:24–26 39912:25–26 14712:26 141, 176, 50912:27 398–99, 478, 63712:27–28 483, 60412:27–30 47812:27–40 350, 35212:28 39912:29 635, 658, 660–6112:29–30 35012:30–32 39912:31 194, 241, 398, 421, 425, 56012:31–32 39912:31–36 35112:32 147, 372, 398, 400, 519, 610,

612, 624, 63712:32–33 16512:32–34 16512:33 89, 39912:34 148, 354, 374, 39812:34–36 39912:37 35112:37–42 39912:39–41 35112:41 6012:42 92, 12–21, 124, 258, 351,

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Index of References694

354, 373–76, 378, 426, 449,451–52

12:42–43 118, 121, 452, 65312:43 351, 449, 54012:44–50 40012:50 65313 156, 159, 166, 36613–17 64, 97, 106, 535, 56913–20 398, 505, 64313:1 147, 156–57, 367, 470, 60413:1–4 47813:1–6 65113:1–20 265, 368, 523, 53913:1–30 36513:2 360–61, 364–67, 369–70,

421– 22, 424, 560, 623, 667–68

13:2–4 15613:3–11 66413:4 42413:4–5 15613:5 48313:6 15713:6–9 54013:6–10 142, 156, 15913:7 15713:8 15713:9 54713:10 37013:10–11 36613:11 353, 360–61, 364, 370, 386,

39813:17 522–23, 60413:18 222, 36713:19 22213:20 15813:21 158, 166, 220, 361, 364,

369–70, 398, 478, 53913:21–30 158, 36713:22 53913:23 136, 158, 539, 549, 63713:23–25 64313:23–26 58, 537, 539, 549, 57513:24 142, 153, 16613:25 153, 54913:26 360, 367, 539, 66713:26–27 367, 36913:26–30 66813:27 213, 365, 367, 369, 421, 424,

426, 552, 560

13:27–30 62313:28 156, 220, 53913:28–29 36913:29 36013:30 254, 367, 369, 526, 550, 576,

63313:31–32 159, 483, 510, 60413:31–38 510–1113:31–14:31 510–11, 513, 524, 55113:31–16:33 66413:31–17:26 55713:33 97, 99, 159, 510, 512, 55113:34 157, 226, 53913:34–35 15913:36 141, 165, 224, 510–1113:36–37 159, 55113:36–38 142, 509, 54713:37 159–60, 509, 526, 547, 552,

560, 572, 623, 666–6713:37–38 57713:38 160, 162, 165, 62314 175,184, 510–11, 66014–16 179, 18414–17 185, 560, 639, 65514:1 478, 511–12, 55714:1–4 51114:1–14 51014:1–23 63714:2–3 455, 51214:3 47114:4 221, 51114:4–5 51114:5 216, 504, 510–11, 515–16,

524–26, 551–5214:5–7 505, 52514:5–8 52714:5–11 52314:6 96, 326, 511, 513, 551, 56514:6–7 51114:7–8 17714:7 52214:8 178, 186, 511, 513, 551–52,

66714:8–9 16814:8–14 19814:9 55114:9–10 51314:13–14 49314:15 6714:15–17 62, 67, 69

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New Testament 695

14:15–24 51014:15–26 52214:16 18614:17 68, 22114:18 55014:19 327, 55014:19–20 22214:21 55014:22 243, 511–12, 551, 67514:23 367, 551, 626, 63214:25–31 51014:26 186, 222, 55214:27 478, 55714:28 222, 63214:29 22214:30 421, 425, 56114:31 426, 51015 6515–16 510–1115–17 17215:1–17 6515:2 22215:3 26515:4 22215:4–6 45615:4–7 63115:4–10 12915:5 22215:7 49315:12 47015:13 160, 462, 470, 50815:13–15 46215:14 222, 47015:14–15 18615:15 222, 48515:16 222, 49315:18 6515:18–21 62, 64–65, 6915:19 65, 222, 241–42, 55715:20 87, 55715:20–21 6515:22 34315:24–25 39315:25 87, 24115:26 18615:27 135–36, 22215:29–30 24115:32 8716:1–2 55716:2 92, 471

16:5 51116:7 18616:11 194, 421, 425, 56016:12 55216:13 34516:16–19 22016:17–18 21916:18 62316:20 62, 6816:22 22216:23–26 49316:25 21916:27 214, 22116:27–28 21416:27–32 21516:29–30 214, 219, 55716:29–33 55216:30 221, 253, 370, 386, 52016:31 22116:31–32 214–15, 219, 509, 557, 62316:32 51016:33 242, 244, 557, 56617 65, 69, 265, 557, 569, 66417:1 48317:1–5 69, 56917:2 22217:3 115, 25617:4 21017:6 44917:6–19 69, 56917:11 26517:12 360, 365–66, 56917:14 6517:14–15 62, 64, 6917:15 6517:17–19 26517:20 135, 22217:20–24 63717:20–26 69, 56917:21–23 36717:22–23 22617:24 69, 22217:25 62, 6918 164, 200, 554, 569, 572, 59818–19 59718–19 106, 36518–20 45418:1 211, 217, 557, 565, 569, 61218:1–11 569, 57318:1–12 193, 364, 555, 557, 602

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Index of References696

18:1–13 38818:2 360–61, 364, 398, 558, 560,

56918:2–3 360, 38918:2–5 526, 66818:3 115, 120, 122, 200, 364, 370,

383, 390, 558–62, 569, 576,583

18:3–13 55818:4 562, 566, 57618:4–8 56918:4–9 159–6018:4–11 55818:5 161, 199–201, 310, 360–61,

364–65, 394, 398, 542, 558,560, 563, 566

18:6 200, 392, 558–59, 561, 563,566

18:7 199–201, 310, 558, 562–6418:8 509, 564, 569, 57318:8–9 19618:8–11 56618:9 56918:10 195, 559–60, 562, 564, 569–

70, 576–7718:10–11 142, 16018:11 160, 393, 560, 569, 571–72,

60418:12 94, 391, 393, 558, 560–6218:12–24 9418:13 530, 534, 55818:14 391, 530, 53418:15 136, 160–61, 165, 167, 541–

42, 66618:15–16 537, 549, 67218:15–18 142, 161, 534, 54118:15–27 151, 160, 54718:16 160, 161, 541–4218:17 161, 394, 541, 666–6718:18 94, 161, 394, 542, 57618:18–25 388, 39318:19 534, 562, 56418:19–21 39818:19–24 161, 530, 558, 570–71, 57418:20 98–99, 222, 241, 39418:20–21 53418:21 57618:21–23 39318:22 94, 393, 53518:23 535

18:24 535, 558, 57418:24–28 53018:25 161, 394, 57618:25–27 142, 161, 666–6718:26–27 57118:27 16218:28 94–95, 444, 535, 559, 574,

614–15, 63318:28–30 39418:28–31 38818:28–32 58318:28–19:16 94, 398, 453, 58218:29 101, 58318:30 361, 58318:31 94–95, 101, 588, 59218:31–19:42 113, 39418:33 83, 95, 58318:33–38 58618:35 95, 115, 361, 55618:36 94, 361, 391, 39518:37 95, 65218:38 94, 96, 391, 394, 60818:38–40 58718:39 83, 9518:39–40 60818:40 598–9919 103, 106, 56119–20 97, 56519:1 59719:1–3 558, 58919:2 597, 601, 60419:3 83, 95, 59719:4 588, 597, 60819:4–6 59119:4–8 94, 59119:5 95, 59719:5–7 39419:6 94, 115, 383, 385–86, 388,

394, 535, 588, 595, 597, 60819:7 94–95, 394, 59719:9 13519:9–11 59319:10 56419:11 94, 36119:12 94–95, 385, 39419:12–16 59419:14 54, 83, 94, 615, 63019:15 83, 94–95, 115, 383, 385–86,

394, 53519:16 94, 103, 361, 602, 609

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New Testament 697

19:16–25 55819:17 602, 605, 60919:17–18 21119:18 556, 565, 601–02, 607, 609–

11, 613, 617, 62219:18–37 60119:19 83, 95, 199–201, 310, 391,

56319:19–22 596, 60219:19–42 9619:20 96, 9819:20–21 10619:21 83, 94, 96, 115, 383, 385–86,

394, 53519:23 559, 60319:23–24 601, 605, 61519:23–25 61019:23–20:25 52619:24 601, 603, 64119:25 210–11, 365, 543, 556, 611–

13, 618–21, 624–27, 641,643

19:25–27 556, 612, 621, 626, 641,643–44, 671

19:26 208, 210–11, 543, 611, 621,641

19:26–27 159, 196, 243, 537, 543, 549,556, 575, 610–12, 624

19:27 208–09, 213, 543, 64419:27–28 60519:28 210, 601, 60319:28–29 60419:29 54, 24219:30 208, 210, 361, 372, 556, 603,

605, 616, 63719:31 95–96, 106, 210, 610, 614–

15, 646, 649, 65319:31–32 596, 604, 60719:31–37 60419.32 601, 610–1119:32–34 55819:33 604, 61519:34 209, 474, 517–18, 544, 556,

559, 604, 612, 61619:34–35 61019:35 58–59, 139, 159, 261, 522,

537, 543–44, 548–49, 611–1219:36 54, 96, 601, 605, 61519:37 68, 261, 605, 615

19:38 87, 96, 103, 259, 610, 646,649, 674

19:38–42 258, 526, 646, 65219:39 120, 123, 254, 258–59, 596,

633, 64619:39–42 249, 610, 646, 65019:40 82, 96, 48019:41 193, 211, 556, 630, 646, 65419:41–42 612, 63219:42 82, 96, 630, 632, 64620 103, 162–63, 409, 412, 463,

513, 515, 521, 525–26, 572,643, 674

20–21 22520:1 193, 285, 546, 616, 629–32,

63420:1–2 513–15, 63220:1–18 627–2920:2 136, 162, 541, 544–46, 575,

628, 631, 634–35, 66120:2–4 67220:2–10 142, 162, 537, 544, 549, 64320:3 545–4620:3–10 167, 513, 515, 63420:4 544–46, 549, 57520:4–5 15620:5 544, 631, 63520:5–7 55520:6 391, 545–46, 63120:6–7 52620:7 545, 547, 65920:8 58, 163, 517, 527, 545–46,

549, 575, 631, 643, 67220:8–9 62820:9 399, 545, 629, 63120:10 575, 631, 63420:11 631, 63520:11–12 28520:11–13 63520:11–18 476, 513–15, 52720:12 421, 631, 658–6020:12–13 658–6020:13 520, 545, 635–36, 66120:14 631, 63520:14–17 635–36, 66120:15 193, 212, 545, 556, 612, 630,

634, 636, 66120:16 520, 628, 63620:16–18 545

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Index of References698

20:17 389, 514, 521, 543, 555,628–29, 637–39, 660

20:17–18 24320:18 514, 516, 520, 629, 631, 63820:19 87, 96, 103, 193, 222, 514,

518–19, 63020:19–23 153, 162, 164, 222, 513–14,

519, 523, 527, 66420:19–29 16320:20 163, 217, 516–18, 52120:21–22 61320:21–23 16320:22 60, 162, 167, 193, 521, 552,

556, 65420:24 216, 504, 506, 508, 515–16,

523, 526, 67320:24–25 226, 515, 62320:24–29 505, 512–15, 523, 525–2820:25 219, 222, 516–18, 521, 66620:26 222, 225, 504, 515, 51920:26–29 47620:27 344, 504, 518–19, 521, 637,

66620:27–29 515, 51720:28 157, 224, 504, 506, 519, 521,

525–27, 660, 66620:29 518, 521–22, 526–27, 66620:29–31 51720:30–31 307, 318–19, 324, 363, 465,

477, 515, 522–23, 526, 52820:31 115, 139, 171, 198, 202–03,

226, 228, 244, 326, 336, 345,354–55, 370, 372, 387, 440,445, 500, 515, 518, 629, 637

21 97, 153, 160, 163, 166, 172,215, 359, 505, 572, 577, 643,664–65, 670, 672

21:1–3 22221:1–7 13621:1–14 142, 163, 523, 57521:2 135, 164, 177, 190–91, 194–

95, 267, 504–06, 523, 526–27, 663, 665–69, 671–72,674–76

21:2–3 151, 164, 54621:3 130, 151, 153, 164, 254, 546,

66421:3–4 66421:3–11 66621:4 220, 546

21:4–6 16421:7 58, 136, 164, 537, 546–57,

549, 575, 66521:9 35921:11 16421:12 220, 22621:13 35921:14 54621:15–17 151, 165, 547, 577, 665–6721:15–19 153, 163–64, 167, 54821:15–23 14221:15–25 16421:16 16521:17 353, 370, 38621:18–19 160, 165, 547, 57721:19 141, 167, 176, 224, 471, 54721:19–20 19821:20 166, 361, 547–4921:20–23 166, 537, 546–49, 57521:20–24 26621:21–23 16621:22 141, 176, 547–4821:23 54821:24 58–59, 186, 224, 537, 547–

48, 67621:25 548

Acts1 180–821:9–14 1801:13 180, 243, 528, 5522:17 1813:2 3386 180, 1826:1–7 1818 181–828:5–13 1818:14–25 1818:26–31 1818:40 1819:3–16 2569:33 33812:4 60313:27–29 64921 181–8221:8 18121:8–9 18121:9 18122:6–16 25626:12–18 256

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Jewish Literature 699

Romans1:3 304

1 Corinthians1:22 2555:1 2835:7 61511:2–16 480

2 Corinthians6:14 480

Galatians4:19 210

Hebrews5:7 478

James5:15 344

1 Peter1:8 522

1 John1:1 522, 5254:15 3455:1 3455:5 3455:12 3275:20 3275:20–21 520

2 John1:9–10 185

Judas6:71 81

Revelation1:17 56612:9 42619:7 267

Jewish Literature

1QM2:1 1145:6 114

1QH3:16 3663:19 3663:32 366

Joseph and Aseneth10:14 481

Josephus, Jewish Antiquities17:199 48018:27 17818:108 17820:250–51 382

Mishna, Talmud, and Tosefta

m. Sabb.23:5 480

b. Sanh.43a 190

b. Sukkah49b 484

b. Taanith20a 250

t. Pe᾽ah4:19 484

Greco-Roman Literature

Martialis5.8.1 520

Ovid, Metamorphoses538–99 481

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Index of References700

Petronius, Satyricon111 481

Plutarch, Moralia267 481

Suetonius, Domitian13:1–2 520

Virgil, Aeneid3.65 481

Early Christian Literature

Acts of Peter36–41 165

Acts of Thomas11 52831 52839 528

Eusebius, Hist. Eccl.2.25.8 1653.1.2 165

Gospel of Philip (NHC II,3)32 62855 628

Gospel of Thomas (NHC II,2)Gos. Thom. 528

Martyrdom of Polycarp6:1 3587:1 358

Protevangelium of James16:3 409

Tertullian, Scorpiace15:3 165

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Index of Modern Authors

Abbott, H. P. 1, 47, 53, 58Abrams, M. H. 10, 538Adkisson, R. 129Aitken, E. 272Allison, D. C. 283–84Allrath, G. 108Alter, R. XII, 9, 201, 290, 377, 392, 430,

466, 563Amit, Y. 12Anderson, J. 17Anderson, P. N. 168–69, 171–74, 176–

77, 179–80, 186Anderson, R. T. 284, 289, 296Appold, M. 81Arbeitman, Y. 360Arav, R. 178Ashton, J. 108, 173, 262, 299, 303, 428–

29, 552, 610Asiedu-Peprah, M. 444Attridge, H. 528, 637

Bachelard, G. 453Backhaus, K. 46–47, 127, 261, 459Bacon, H. 293–95, 298Bakhtin, M. 16, 171, 174Bal, M. 5, 20, 53, 79, 81, 415Balz, H. 528Bar-Efrat, S. 10, 204, 228, 430Barker, M. 211Barr, J. 567Barrett, C. K. 49, 56–57, 63, 69, 111, 133,

135, 143, 173, 191, 198, 200, 208, 212,251, 261, 264, 289, 294, 298, 301, 303,333, 358, 366, 409–10, 432, 435, 481,506, 519–20, 541, 546, 550, 560–61,570, 575, 584, 592, 658

Barrosse, T. 672Barthes, R. G. 4Bassler, J. M. 252, 546, 653–54Bauckham, R. XV, 134, 176, 190, 250,

258, 266, 304, 320, 359, 537–38, 544,548–49, 552, 611, 619–20, 650–51,655

Bauer, A. 504, 528, 593Bauer, D. R. 18Beardsley, M. C. 171Beasley-Murray, G. R. 231, 241–42, 296–

97, 344, 414–15, 476, 482, 541, 600,621, 659–661, 665

Beck, D. R. 30, 118, 131, 134–35, 169,543, 568

Becker, J. 643Becker, U. 407–09Beckman, K. 361, 365, 367Beekman, K. D. 2Beirne, M. M. 29–30, 134, 509, 515, 522,

524Benedict XVI. 650Bennema, C. XII–XIII, XVI, 23, 27, 47–

48, 59, 61–62, 65, 71, 73, 78, 80, 86,97–98, 107–08, 119, 121, 129, 134,137–38, 146, 149–50, 155, 157, 163,165, 168, 170, 189–90, 192, 202–03,216, 222, 224–25, 228, 233, 242, 252–53, 266, 268, 307–08, 312, 331, 348,352, 362–63, 365, 375, 377, 381, 382–85, 421, 439–40, 445, 464, 466, 468–69, 474, 509, 512, 514–16, 519–22,524, 527, 537, 548, 550, 568, 580–83,585, 588, 590–91, 638, 640, 647–49,658

Berger, K. 148Berlin, A. XII, 9, 12, 76, 169, 334, 353,

369, 377–78, 386, 430Bernard, J. H. 133, 250Bernstein, C. 260Beutler, J. 397, 400Bittner, W. J. 315Black, C. C. 656Blaine, Jr., B. B. 133–34, 151, 153, 197Blank, J. 504, 509, 514, 516, 521, 523Blass, F. 143Bligh, J. 271Blinzer, J. 619Blomberg, C. 531Boers, H. 274

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Index of Modern Authors702

Boismard, M.-É. 113, 133, 211, 231, 318Bond, H. K. 14, 532, 535, 579, 583–84,

588, 590–92, 594Bonneau, N. R. 271Bonney, W. 516, 518, 522Booth, W. C. 50, 108, 428Borgman, P. 22Böttrich, C. 154Bourquin, Y. 11–12; 299, 317, 356–57,

377, 428–29, 641, 663Boyarin, D. 72, 382Brant, J.-A. 32, 187, 270–71, 294, 378–

79, 533, 640Bratcher, R. G. 230Brawley, R. L. 604Brock, A. G. 627Brodie, T. L. 52, 56, 111–12, 197, 201,

240–41, 333, 346, 356, 358, 410, 443,541, 553, 559, 561, 563–64, 608–09,611

Brooks, G. 488Brown, D. 659Brown, D. 626Brown, R. E. 27, 51, 95, 111–13, 133, 135,

138, 144–45, 158, 172, 191, 197–98,201, 208–09, 222–23, 231, 239, 241–42, 251, 263–64, 268, 270–71, 275–76,289, 301–02, 304, 311, 346, 366, 394,398, 400–01, 429, 432, 448, 478, 481,484, 499, 530–32, 552, 560–63, 570–71, 574, 582–84, 586–89, 592, 594–95,600, 608, 618, 620, 622, 624, 658–59,674

Brown, T. G. XIIIBrown, J. K. 211Brownson, J. V. 365–66, 368, 371Bruce, F. F. 199, 560–61, 563Brumlik, M. 74Bruner, F. D. 324, 614, 623Buch-Hansen, G. XIIIBühner, J.-A. 114Bultmann, R. 23, 75, 113, 144, 174, 214–

15, 250, 264, 303, 329, 349–50, 366,382, 509–10, 521–22, 538, 541, 545,586, 590–91, 593, 595, 599–600, 610,620–21

Burge, G. M. XIII, 133, 135, 193, 391, 439Burkill, T. A. 531Burnett, F. W. 17, 27, 377, 401, 487, 568,


Burridge, R. A. 187Busse, U. 153Byrne, B. 462, 537, 546

Cahill, P. J. 271Calvin, J. 242, 410, 490Camp, C. V. 287Campenhausen, H. von 594Cane, A. 361, 366–67Carmichael, C. M. 204, 271, 274, 554Caron, G. 31, 75–76, 88Carson, D. A. 133, 171, 221, 366, 410,

413, 415, 420, 425, 575, 600, 622,672

Chapman, D. W. 288Charlesworth, J. H. 148, 266, 539, 541,

548, 575Chatman, S. XII, 4–6, 10–12, 29–30, 55,

79, 108, 117–18, 246, 335, 352, 364,377, 384, 428, 581

Chaucer, G. 282Chilton, B. 627Clark-Soles, J. 618, 626–27, 639Clivaz, C. 20Collins, R. F. 23–24, 46–47, 52, 59, 170,

192, 286, 306–07, 314, 367, 379–80,461, 474, 500, 537, 541

Coloe, M. L. 56, 195, 200–01, 204,207, 209, 211, 229, 231, 457, 554,556, 618

Conway, C. M. 25–26, 29, 47, 58, 133,152, 169, 238, 373, 380–81, 474, 480,537, 623, 633, 639

Cosgrove, C. H. 481Coulot, C. 214Coulston, J. C. N. 559Croy, C. N. 245, 560Cullmann, O. 360Culpepper, R. A. XIII, XV, 24, 46, 75, 85,

99, 116, 118, 127, 129, 131, 137–40,146, 149–50, 151, 163, 169–70, 192,209, 214–15, 224–26, 229, 234, 258–59, 306–07, 324–25, 346, 347, 354–55,356–57, 360, 367, 371–72, 378–80,382, 398–400, 403, 430, 434–35, 440,461–62, 474, 494, 526, 533, 537, 541,549, 573, 578, 583, 585–86, 590, 596,600, 639, 641, 646–47, 651, 653–54,656, 665, 668–69, 673

Cuvillier, É. 223

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Index of Modern Authors 703

Danker, F. W. 313, 321–22Danove, P. 16Darr, J. A. 18–19, 30, 303Daube, D. 284, 484Dauer, A. 641–42Davies, M. 24, 365, 370, 462–63Davies, W. D. 283–84Dawsey, J. M. 19Day, J. N. 269, 272–74De Boer, M. C. 100, 138, 147–48, 580,

585, 588, 590–91De Goedt, M. 208De Jonge, M. 258De la Garenne, G. M. 619De la Potterie, I. 399, 595, 644De Varebeke, A. J. 582Debrunner, A. 143Delitzsch, F. 250Dettwiler, A. 513, 550Diefenbach, M. 32Dietzfelbinger, C. 507, 509, 512, 515–16,

518–21, 525, 674Dionne, C. 21–22Docherty, T. 552Dodd, C. H. 50, 110, 240, 260, 338, 658Donaldson, T. L. 252Draper, J. A. 52, 397Drijvers, H. J. W. 528Dschulnigg, P. XIII, 24–25, 157, 160,

163, 165, 249, 254, 257, 259, 260,318, 372, 477, 494, 504, 508, 512–13,515–16, 519–20, 522–23, 526, 528,654

Du Toit, D. S. 16Duke, P. D. 170–71, 191, 195, 249, 439,

589, 608Dunn, J. D. G. 297

Ebner, M. 16, 514–15Eder, J. 1, 8, 80, 362, 380, 456Edwards, R. 29Ehrman, A. 360Ehrman, B. 408–09Eisele, W. 518, 528Eisen, U. 22–23Elowsky, J. 131, 210, 239, 560–61, 564–

65, 609–10Ernst, J. 46, 50, 59Esler, P. F. 461, 468, 470, 651Eslinger, L. 271, 274, 362, 370–71

Ewen, J. XII, 6, 12, 27, 30, 80, 115, 130,170, 308, 363, 395, 402, 440

Farelly, N. 170, 355, 367–68, 370–71,509, 516, 519, 523–24

Fausset, A. R. 659Fehribach, A. 29, 170, 233, 269, 272, 274,

277Fenske, W. 190, 366Feuillet, A. 315, 325Fewell, D. N. 10–11, 271–72Finnern, S. 13, 79–80, 107, 362, 375,

455–56, 663Fish, S. E. 647Fleddermann, H. T. 362Fokkelman, J. 11Fontaine, C. R. 287Fontijn, J. 2Forster, E. M. XII, 1–2, 10–12, 30, 47–48,

191, 215, 246, 307, 334–35, 369, 373Freed, E. D. 321Frei, H. 20Freund, R. A. 178Frey, J. 72, 91, 102, 123, 397, 399, 432–

33, 436, 462, 507, 509, 511–22, 526–29, 622

Fuller, R. 354Funk, R. W. 143

Gardner, T. 491Garský, Z. 453Gathercole, S. 361Gench, F. T. XIII, 26, 170Genette, G. 79, 428Giblin, C. H. 311, 485, 541, 579, 595Gibson, S. 264Giles, T. 284, 289, 296Gill, C. 639Glancy, A. 590Glasson, T. F. 53Gniesmer, D. F. 96, 579, 584–86, 588–89,

591–92, 595Gnilka, J. 423Godet, F. L. 250Gosling, F. A. 361Gossip, A. J. 356, 358Gowler, D. B. 215, 303Green, E. 410, 412, 415–19Greimas, A. J. 3, 5, 11–12, 30, 115, 357,

376, 402, 456

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Griffin-Jones, R. 627Gruber, M. 481, 508–09, 514–18, 521–

23, 529Guardiola-Sáenz, L. 407–08, 410–14, 417Guilding, A. 570Gunn, D. 10–11Gunther, J. J. 541Guthrie, D. 669

Haenchen, E. 94, 264, 333, 474, 506, 508,512, 517, 584, 586, 590, 594

Hahn, F. 73Hakola, R. 31, 72, 89, 202–03, 354, 425,

463–64, 487–88, 492, 531Hall, J. F. 559Hall, R. G. 552Halliday, M. A. K. 599Hanhart, K. 190Harker, J. W. 109Harmon, W. 551Harstine, S. XIV, 62, 169, 508, 526Harstock, C. 21Hartenstein, J. 26–27, 53, 60, 79–80,

151–52, 154, 161, 163, 215, 506, 508,511, 523, 528, 574, 624, 627

Hartin, P. J. 151Harvey, A. E. 51–52Harvey, W. J. XII, 3, 12, 30, 115, 130,

215, 334, 389, 395, 402Hasitschka, M. 164, 523Heil, J. P. 407, 507, 515, 517, 520, 522,

525, 527, 584, 586–87, 589Hengel, M. 210, 266, 614Hergenröder, C. 442Heyd, T. 109Hezser, C. 404Hill, C. E. 190Hochman, B. 5, 29, 377–78Hodges, Z. C. 658Hoegen-Rohls, C. 157Hof, R. 108Hoffman, G. 453Hogan, L. P. 332Holladay, C. R. 669Holleran, J. W. 443Holtzmann, H. J. 619Holzmeister, U. 190Hoo, G. S. 439Hooker, M. D. 49Hopkins, A. 129, 131, 390

Horsley, R. A. 52Hoskyns, E. C. 223, 609, 615Howard, J. K. 332Howard, J. M. 32–33, 430Howell, J. R. 15Hunt, S. A. XIII, 90, 101, 103, 161, 176,

194, 238, 249, 257–58, 290, 297, 304,333, 348, 358, 365, 413, 463, 468, 551,608–09, 630

Hunter, A. M. 614Hur, J. 20Hylen, S. E. 33, 78, 86, 101, 105, 133,

216–18, 224, 226, 244, 252, 258, 293,301–02, 399–400, 435, 499, 550

Ilan, T. 467, 475Incigneri, B. J. 651Instone-Brewer, D. 286Iser, W. 428, 582

Jäger, D. 453James, H. 1Jamieson, R. 659Jannidis, F. 1, 4, 7–8, 74, 81, 119, 357,

362, 451Jaubert, A. 271, 551Jebb, S. 205Jeremias, J. 383Johnson-Debaufre, M. 626–27Jones, L. P. 274Judge, P. J. 308

Keener, C. S. 158, 192, 234, 264, 272–73,278, 280–81, 284–86, 288, 310, 367,389, 391, 423, 426, 441, 448, 508–09,517, 520, 522, 524, 551, 559, 562–63,601–02, 614–15

Keith, C. 403–06, 408–09, 417Kellogg, R. 3–4, 380Kerr, A. R. 658Kierspel, L. 31, 61–62, 71, 98Kilpatrick, G. D. 243, 321Kim, D. 365–68, 372Kindt, T. 108Kingsbury, J. D. 119Kirchschläger, P. G. 508, 511–13, 525Kittel, G. 230Kitzberger, I. R. 30–31, 204, 209, 212,

293, 480, 491Klassen, W. 360–61, 365–66, 368–69, 371

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Klauck, H.-J. 321, 365–66, 369, 371, 520,522

Klink, III., E. W. 234, 651Koch, T. 118Koester, C. R. 26, 73, 141, 170–71, 190–

93, 289, 311, 325, 347–48, 350, 371,380, 426, 441, 462, 537, 543–44, 546,559, 609, 615–16, 639–40, 672–73

Koet, B. J. 491–92, 496Kohler, H. 517, 519, 522Kokkinos, N. 178Kopas, J. 206Köppe, T. 108Kossen, H. B. 397, 400Köstenberger, A. 66, 129, 133, 141, 241,

297–98, 360, 391, 394, 407, 409–10, 534Kovacs, J. L. 398–99Kowalksi, B. 514, 519Krafft, E. 23–24, 367Kreitzer, L. J. 403Kremer, J. 464–64, 506–09, 513–24,

526–29Kügler, J. 151, 158Kühner, R. 668Kühschelm, R. 516, 521, 526Kumlehn, M. 519, 526Kundsin, K. 263Kurz, W. S. 537, 671Kysar, R. 75, 261

Labahn, M. XIV, 91, 154, 156, 161, 163–64, 356, 446–47, 449, 558, 603–05

Lamouille, A. 211, 318Landis, S. 321Lang, M. 511, 517, 519, 526, 602Lanser, S. S. 538Le Bohec, Y. 561Lee, D. 20, 209–10, 442, 515Leidig, E. 190Leinhäupl-Wilke, A. 519–22, 524, 526–27Léon-Dufour, X. 274Leslie, R. C. 273Levine, A.-J. 169Levinsohn, S. H. 421, 598Lieu, J. M. 204, 207, 621Lightfoot, J. 250, 303Lightfoot, R. H. 312Lim, S. U. 293, 296Lincoln, A. T. 49, 52, 58–59, 89, 93, 193–

94, 199, 289, 292, 294, 296–98, 301–

02, 345, 355, 367, 371–72, 386, 407–10, 412–13, 415, 430, 432, 434–37,444, 470, 478, 480, 483, 492, 501, 538,544, 551–52, 563–65, 574–75, 583,586, 588, 591, 599, 652

Lindars, B. 135, 172–73, 231, 238, 242,321–23, 346, 410, 443, 477, 541, 543,550, 552, 603, 622, 659, 661, 671

Link, A. 269Liptay, F. 108Loader, W. 286Löning, K. 516–17, 527Louw, J. P. 321, 333, 421Lowe, M. 72Lotman, J. M. 4, 95, 453Lützelberger, E. C. J. 148Lyons, W. J. 299, 303

Maccini, R. G. 28–29, 294–95, 407, 413Malbon, E. S. 15, 169, 202, 656Malina, B. J. 234, 353, 363Manning, Jr., G. T. XIVManns, F. 211, 231Margolin, U. XII, 6–7, 334, 377Marguerat, D. 11–12, 299, 317, 356–57,

377, 428–29, 641, 663Marrow, S. B. 61Martin, M. W. 132, 372, 552Martyn, J. L. 72, 92, 138, 142–43, 145,

147, 249, 251, 429, 439, 448Mason, S. N. 383Mastin, B. A. 551Matson, M. 247Matthews, C. R. 182Matthiessen, M. I. M. 599Mattila, T. 18Maynard, A. H. 151, 205, 539McHugh, J. F. 322McRay, J. 147McWhirter, J. 233Meeks, W. A. 251, 258, 278Meier, J. P. 309, 344Meiser, M. 361, 372Menken, M. J. J. XV, 60, 112, 605Merenlahti, P. 14–15, 183, 202–05, 213,

377, 487–88Metzger, B. M. 143, 239Metzger, P. 424Metzner, R. 530Meyer, R. 349–50

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Michaels, J. R. 107, 121, 190, 195–97,240, 242–43, 288, 297–98, 309, 324,328, 410, 412–13, 416–17, 439, 441–44, 476, 479, 600, 612, 614–15

Michaud, J.-P. 205Michie, D. 15Miesel, S. 627Minear, P. S. 359Mitchell, M. 651Moloney, F. J. 57, 66, 68, 73, 83, 92, 111,

113, 138, 158, 191, 204, 223, 229–30,273–76, 278, 309–13, 315–17, 321,323, 329–30, 366, 370, 398–401, 440–41, 448, 457, 461, 464, 477, 487, 492,539, 543, 551, 572, 582, 586, 591, 594,611, 671

Moore, S. D 189, 277, 292, 299, 363,428–29, 647

Moore, W. E. 397–98Most, G. W. 508, 515, 519–21, 526, 528–

29Morris, L. 89, 231, 289, 441–42, 658Motyer, S. 76–77, 382Moule, C. F. D. 190Müller, C. G. 21Müller, U. B. 46, 57Müller, W. 30Myers, C. 415

Neirynck, F. 133, 311, 318, 321, 323, 541Neubrand, M. 71, 89Neugebauer, J. 512Neusner, J. 261Newman, B. M. 333, 659Neyrey, J. H. 55, 190, 198, 271, 296, 298,

362, 410, 607, 613Nicklas, T. 31–32, 51, 76, 153, 190, 197,

262, 309, 312, 315, 331, 658, 661Nicol, W. 318Nida, E. A. 321, 333, 421, 659Nielsen, J. T. 615North, W. E. S. 491–93, 496, 499, 651Nünning, A. 108–09Nuttall, A. D. 255

O’Day, G. R. XIII, 169–70, 217, 223, 275,292, 301–02, 327, 368, 399–400, 407,410–11, 414, 416–17, 419, 435, 487,498, 653

Oden, T. 409

O’Donnell, M. B. 422–23Öhler, M. 322Okorie, A. M. 19–20Okure, T. 269Olsen, C. E. 627Olsson, B. 229, 274O’Neill, J. C. 108Osten-Sacken, P. von der 74Ottillinger, A. 54

Paffenroth, K. 370–71Painter, J. 169, 177, 311, 554Panackel, C. 591Pancaro, S. 257–58Parsenios, G. 270Parson, M. C. 21Pathrapankal, J. 398Pedersen, J. 169Pedersen, S. 169Pelling, C. 487Pesch, R. 201Peskowitz, M. 666Peters, D. E. 628Petersen, W. 408–10Peterson, N. R. 169, 174Pfister, M. 79, 117, 456Phelan, J. 7Phillips, G. A. 271–72Piégay-Gros, N. 643Pilch, J. 332–33, 336Piper, R. 461, 468, 470Pollard, T. E. 491Popkes, E. E. 551Poplutz, U. 18, 79, 81, 84, 91, 116–18,

375, 451Popp, T. 505–08, 510, 514, 517, 520,

522–25Porter, S. E. 221Powell, M. A. 10, 17, 50, 127, 129, 202,

262, 299, 375, 388, 428–29Pratscher, W. 361Propp, V. J. 2–3, 11, 456

Quast, K. 133, 541, 543Quek, T.-M. 54

Rad, G. von 230Rebell, W. 518Reed, J. T. 421–22, 598Rein, M. 447

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Reinhartz, A. 74, 76, 104, 131, 410, 479,495–96, 530, 533, 535, 651

Reinmuth, E. 492, 527Rengstorf, K. H. 507, 673Rensberger, D. K. 249, 251Renz, G. 252, 258–59, 653–55, 657Resseguie, J. XII, 12–14, 25, 50, 52, 55–

56, 79, 117, 130, 132, 134, 203, 212,228, 323, 334–35, 347, 353, 364, 369–72, 373, 377–78, 384–85, 538, 540–41,551, 574, 663, 668

Revell, C. 616Rhees, R. 191Rhoads, D. 15Ricœur, P. 642Ridderbos, H. N. 57Riesner, R. 454Rimmon-Kenan, S. 5–6, 12, 20, 30, 47–

48, 53, 79, 117, 308, 363, 369, 440Rinke, J. 51, 53Ritt, H. 269Robertson, A. T. 113, 566Robinson, B. P. 323Robinson, J. A. T. 112, 250Rohrbaugh, R. L. 234Rooke, D. 413–14Roth, P. 529Rowland, C. 190Rubel, G. 511, 513–16, 518–22, 525,

527Ruckstuhl, E. 24, 318Ruschmann, S. 513–14Rylaarsdam, J. C. 230

Saldarini, A. J. 118, 122, 126Sanders, E. P. 246Sanders, J. N. 551Sandnes, K. O. 212, 256Sasse, H. 61Sawyer, D. 626Schaberg, J. 626–27Schaff, B. 125Schams, C. 405Schenk, W. 318Schenke, L. 87, 95, 161, 218, 270, 448,

506, 509, 512, 516, 519–21Schmidl, M. 253Schnackenburg, R. 48, 73, 120, 191, 195,

198, 214, 251, 264, 282, 286, 289, 327,368, 398–99, 425, 478, 514, 520–21,

528, 539, 545, 552, 584–85, 587, 589,591–92, 594–95, 620, 659, 661, 674

Schneider, R. 1, 451Schneiders, S. M. 27–28, 252, 269, 287,

289, 293–94, 296, 298, 307, 410, 485,492, 623, 638–39

Schnelle, U. 73, 77, 97, 102, 156, 158–59,166, 189, 379, 504, 509, 513–15, 517,519–23, 526, 665, 670

Scholes, R. 3–4, 380Scholtissek, K. 159, 208–09, 212, 457,

519, 521, 526Schrenk, G. 383Schröder, J.-M. 309Schröter, J. 159Schuchard, B. G. 605Schultheiß, T. 151–53, 155, 157, 159,

162Schulz, S. 422Schürmann, H. 642–43Schüssler-Fiorenza, E. 28, 269, 473–74Schwalb, M. 619Schweizer, E. 318Scott, J. M. C. 407, 414–16, 418Seesemann, H. 343Segovia, F. 169–70, 214–15, 225, 550Seim, T. K. 28, 491, 619Senior, D. 541, 604Sevrin, J. M. 252, 258Shklovsky, V. XII, 625Siegert, F. 504, 507, 520–21Sim, D. C. 651Simon, L. 151Skinner, C. W. XVI, 33, 551, 570Smalley, S. S. 325Smith, A. 16Smith, D. M. 382, 410, 476, 478Söding, T. 163, 522Spicq, C. 230Springer, M. D. 488Staley, J. L. 169, 272, 346, 430–31, 435–

36, 441–44, 581, 651Stare, M. 86Steiger, A. 191Steiger, L. 528Stenger, W. 515–16Stephen, L. 1Sternberg, M. 9–10, 203, 233–34, 430,

493–94Stevenson, G. 613

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Stibbe, M. W. G. XII, XIII, 24, 50–51, 54,142, 146, 169, 238, 244, 270–71, 315,320–22, 410, 433, 463, 541, 573, 575,584, 586, 591, 593, 621, 623, 652

Stowasser, M. 49, 56–57Strange, J. F. 145Strecker, G. 520, 522Sturdevant, J. XIIISwan, T. 637Sylva, D. D. 259

Talbert, C. H. 192, 410, 425, 575, 654Tannen, D. 205–06Tate, W. R. 625Tennyson, A. L. 460Thatcher, T. 151, 155, 157, 189, 370, 446,

601, 647Theobald, M. XIV, 49, 51, 53, 86, 88–89,

92, 118, 134, 374–75, 454, 459, 509,511–14, 516–18, 521–24, 526–28,671–72

Thomas, J. C. 333, 335Thompson, M. M. XIII, 314, 325Thompson, R. P. 22Thüsing, W. 399Thyen, H. 48, 271, 275, 335, 359, 374,

378, 422, 447, 454, 506–07, 509, 516,519–20, 525–26, 528, 590–91, 593–95,601, 620–21, 624, 669–70, 674

Toensing, H. 411–12, 414, 418–20Tolmie, D. F. XIII, XV, 12, 30, 47–48, 59,

77, 84–85, 87, 95, 100, 114–15, 130,153, 159, 162, 262, 363, 370, 378, 389,395, 401–02, 550–51, 581, 592, 622,626–27, 630–31, 639

Tolstoy, L. 290Torrance, T. F. 397Tovey, D. 135–36, 541, 544, 548Traets, C. 319Tsuchido, K. 185, 398Tuckett, C. M. 580, 586Tuschling, R. M. M. 659, 661

Uspensky, B. 17, 538

Van Belle, G. 105, 310–11, 315, 318–20,324–26

Van der Merwe, D. G. 110Van der Watt, J. G 208–09, 315, 358, 423Van Eck, E. 651

Van Iersel, B. M. F. 113Van Tilborg, S. 28, 134, 136, 450, 507–

08, 512–13, 520, 585, 603VanderKam, J. C. 230, 534Vermes, G. 261, 531Vökel, J. M. 442Von Wahlde, U. C. 71–73, 87, 89, 108,

116, 120, 170, 192, 376

Waetjen, H. 619Wallace, D. B. 112, 407–408Walter, L. 518Warren, A. 2–3Watkins, C. 567Watson, D. F. 661Wead, D. 169Webb, G. R. 16–17Webster, J. 292Weidemann, H.-U. 512–15, 518–22, 527Wellek, R. 2–3Wengst, K. 57, 71–72, 94, 374, 454, 509,

514, 517, 520, 522, 552, 590, 669Wessel, F. 288, 591Westcott, B. F. 250, 321, 410, 620Westermann, C. 498Wiarda, T. 14, 151, 160Wilckens, U. 512–13, 519Wilder, T. 339Williams, C. H. 53, 60Williams, J. F. 15–16, 356Williams, R. H. 205Wilson, J. 56Wimsatt, Jr., W. K. 171Winter, B. W. 287Winter, J. 231Winter, P. 531Witetschek, S. 599–600Witherington, III, B. 423, 600Witherup, R. D. 19Wolf, Y. 108Wright, N. T. 297Wright, W. M. 362, 370–71Wuellner, W. H. 273, 462Wucherpfennig, A. 151Wünsche, A. 231Würzbach, N. 453

Zahn, T. 250, 292Zenger, E. 516–17, 527

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Zimmermann, M. 56, 59, 267, 272, 288,290, 293, 298, 458

Zimmermann, R. XIII, XV, 54, 56, 59,92–93, 95, 114, 193, 209, 211, 219, 229,231–32, 236, 245–46, 267, 272, 274,

288, 290, 293, 298, 314, 366, 453–54,457–59, 468, 483, 492, 504, 556, 612,630

Zumstein, J. 164, 208, 213, 521, 523–24,618, 643, 670

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Index of Subjects

Aaron 243Abel 243Abraham 89–90, 100, 102–03, 194, 383,

609–10Absence (of Characters) 46, 57–58, 167,

189, 239, 243, 320, 403, 405, 411, 430,442–43, 462, 492, 498–99, 507, 516,536, 598, 612, 623, 644–45, 653, 670,673

Actant → Classification of CharactersActantial Model 3, 30, 115, 357, 376, 402,

456Actions– Actions of Characters (in John) 28,

32, 47–48, 53, 66, 82, 84–86, 88–89,93, 95, 99–102, 106, 117, 128, 130,132, 157, 165, 174, 191–92, 206–07,217–18, 222–23, 231, 245, 247–48,258, 297–98, 311–12, 317, 344, 346,350, 356–59, 365, 370–71, 378–80,390, 393, 398, 401, 405–06, 418–19,424–26, 431, 433, 436, 442, 444–46,455–56, 459, 462, 468, 470, 473–75,480–84, 489, 491, 493, 495–97, 501–04, 506, 525, 527, 530, 538–42, 549,558, 568–72, 583–87, 590–91, 596,601, 603, 614–15, 622–23, 634, 642,653–56, 661, 672

– Actions of Characters (TheoreticalIssues) 1, 3, 5–6, 9–10, 13, 17, 20, 26,78, 80, 117, 172, 175, 216, 233, 246,295, 307, 356, 364, 376, 378, 392, 422,433, 466, 474, 568, 570, 598

Actor → Classification of CharactersActual Reader → ReaderAdam 193, 211, 555–66, 616, 636Adonijah 243Adulterous Woman 26, 40, 212, 276, 343,

405–06, 407–20, 444, 652Adultery 285, 288, 413, 415Agent → Classification of CharactersAggression 99, 101, 160, 352–53, 418Ahithophel 367

Allegory 8, 209, 267, 276, 288–89Ambiguity 23, 25, 33, 78, 104–05, 109,

119, 129, 140, 144, 151–67, 182, 205–06, 212, 216, 222, 225–26, 233, 238,241, 251–53, 269, 272, 292, 308–09,346, 377, 379–81, 390, 411, 420, 422,474, 508, 524–25, 531–32, 537, 540,562, 595, 597, 624–25, 628, 653

Ambrose 410Anachrony 16Analepsis 55, 59, 622, 652Analogy 6, 20, 144, 280, 462, 542, 672Ananias (in Acts) 19Andrew (in John) 33, 35, 127–32, 133–

36, 137–50, 152, 154, 168, 176–78,180, 183–84, 186, 193–98, 230, 254,264, 298, 300, 320, 342, 357–58, 389,397, 401, 479, 548, 635, 640, 666–67,670–76

Angel/Angels (in John) 45, 145, 337, 421,613, 628–29, 631, 635–36, 638, 658–62

Animal Sellers 37, 245–248 (→ alsoMoney Changers)

Annas 44, 382, 393, 530–36, 541, 558,564, 57–1, 574

Anointing 66, 123, 258, 304, 344, 398,409, 433, 467, 469, 473–75, 480–86,627, 646, 654–55

Anonymity 23, 30, 35, 81, 97, 129–36,141–43, 148–49, 152, 160, 237, 260–67, 292, 320, 355, 388–89, 446, 448,481, 539, 541–42, 568, 601, 606, 665,670–71, 675

Anonymous Disciple (in John) 80, 133–36, 142, 152, 320, 389, 665

Anonymous Judean/a “Jew” 38, 127,260–67

Another Disciple → Beloved DiscipleAntagonist → Classification of CharactersAnti-Judaism 31–32, 74, 76, 261Antipathy 10, 129, 380, 388, 390Anti-Semitism → Anti-JudaismApostasy 18, 364–68, 370–72

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Index of Subjects 711

Apostle 137, 180–82, 267, 269, 280, 296,298, 633, 638, 669

Appearance (Physical Appearance ofCharacters) 6–7, 9–10, 20, 46, 466,469, 540, 639

Aristotle 1, 246, 280, 362Arrest (of Jesus) 94, 103, 122, 160–61,

193, 200, 211, 217, 240, 340, 349, 364,369, 371, 374, 384, 388–96, 473, 479,509, 534, 542, 554–68, 570–71, 573,576–77, 583, 610, 612–13, 630, 674

Arrogance 273, 276, 487, 493, 520Artefact → Classification of CharactersAscent 145, 180, 209, 243, 322, 389, 514,

613, 628, 630, 637, 660Aside → Narrative AsideAuctorial Narrator → NarratorAugustine 239, 389, 409–10, 416, 489–

91, 560, 564Author– Ideal Author (in John) 134, 266, 537– Implied Author (in John) 77, 88, 99,

107–09, 135–36, 261, 456, 531, 533–34, 536, 573, 583, 588, 597, 616–17,628–30, 634, 655, 660, 664–65, 668–71, 673–76

– Implied Author (Theoretical Issues)10, 114, 138–40, 374, 401, 428, 530,533, 581, 626, 668

– Real Author (in John) 68, 72, 80, 89,125, 128–31, 137–38, 140, 160, 172,244, 251, 262, 264, 266, 311, 330, 339,363, 376, 391, 422, 445, 536, 548, 574–75, 580, 617, 632, 640, 643, 665, 670

– Real Author (Theoretical Issues) 6–7,48, 74, 109, 137–39, 170, 233, 363,372, 488, 668

Authority/Authorities– Authority/Authorities (in John) 40,

51, 71–74, 78, 87, 98, 102, 104, 106,108, 112–14, 117–18, 120–24, 156,158, 166–67, 240, 247, 257, 260, 262,308, 312, 325, 329, 340–41, 345–46,349–51, 354, 361–62, 364, 371–72,373–81, 382–83, 404–06, 418, 426,436, 444–46, 449, 452, 470–71, 476,479, 481, 484, 506, 539–40, 549, 560,562, 564, 584–85, 591, 594–97, 602,605, 608, 610, 644, 655, 676

– Authority/Authorities (in Mark) 15

– Authority/Authorities (in Matthew)18

Background Character → Classification ofCharacters

Background Information 118, 120, 622Baptism 47, 53–55, 57, 113, 120, 127,

181, 195, 210, 217, 230, 255, 260, 262–65, 275, 300, 335, 432–33, 454–55,460, 604, 606

Baptist → John the Baptist/BaptizerBarabbas 44, 579, 587, 598–600, 608Bar-Jesus (in Luke) 21Bartholomew (in Synoptics) 180, 190Bartimaeus (in Luke) 338Beggar 41, 343, 431, 433, 441–42, 446,

484Believers across the Jordan 42, 451–59Beloved Disciple 23, 29, 33, 43, 58–59,

63, 131, 133–36, 138, 142, 148, 153,156, 158–64, 166, 168, 172, 186, 196–97, 208–09, 211, 213, 224, 243, 359,367, 394, 461, 463, 467, 471, 515, 517,522, 527, 537–49, 556, 560, 573, 575,577, 603, 610–12, 617–19, 623–24,626–27, 632–35, 641–45, 665, 667,669–72, 675–76

Bethany– Bethany 26, 28–29, 32, 42, 94, 105,

107, 398, 409, 460–61, 467–68, 472–86, 494, 497, 508, 564, 627–28, 634,664

– Bethany (across the Jordan) 84, 114,263, 300, 454

Bethesda 66, 85, 337, 484 (→ also Beth-zatha)

Bethlehem 283, 302, 304Bethsaida 144–45, 147–48, 168, 176–80,

185, 187, 194–95, 300, 302, 337, 400–01, 666, 675

Bethzatha 34, 39, 337, 416, 420 (→ alsoBethesda)

Betray/Betrayal/Betrayer 17, 40, 70, 151,155, 158, 190, 213, 220, 223–24, 345,360–372, 390, 398, 424–25, 474, 480–81, 486, 526, 539, 542, 547, 549, 552,558, 560, 577, 623, 633, 668, 675(→ also Judas)

Betrothal 229, 272, 288, 290, 297–98,413, 636

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Index of Subjects712

Birth → Born from AboveBlasphemy 83, 90, 95, 104, 383, 453, 455,

458, 530, 580Blind Man (in Luke) 21Blind Man (in John) → Man Born BlindBlood 79, 104, 209–10, 327, 543–44, 604,

616, 664Bold/Boldness 49, 51, 58, 159, 174, 220,

223–24, 274, 351, 357, 430, 525, 547,550, 574, 576, 639, 653, 655–57(→ also Courage)

Born from Above 209, 212, 249, 255–59,324, 342, 540, 638

Boy with Loaves and Fish 39, 146, 149,177, 183, 314, 356–59, 667

Branch (Netzer) 190, 200–01, 563Bread– Bread (Physical) 86, 154–55, 186,

217, 356–59, 367, 539, 560, 673– Bread (Jesus as Bread) 147, 154–55,

174, 241, 265, 318–19, 348, 358, 391,485, 673

Breathe Upon 193, 210–11, 556Bride 194, 267, 269, 272, 297, 458, 636Bridegroom– Bridegroom 29, 36–37, 56, 131, 194,

205, 207, 228, 230–32, 233–37, 267,269, 272, 290, 297, 334, 458–59, 636

– Friend of the Bridegroom 56, 231, 267,458

– Mother of the Bridegroom 207Bridging Function 51, 60, 168, 179–80,

182–83, 187, 294, 315, 416, 526Brother– Brother (Beloved Disciple as Brother

of Jesus) 208, 543– Brothers (Biological, General) 42, 82,

128, 133, 140, 142–54, 161, 196, 198,283–85, 290, 300, 460–61, 467, 470,473, 475–86, 489–91, 494, 498–500,528, 548, 666–67, 671, 675

– Brothers of Jesus (Biological) 37, 64,87, 207, 238–44, 300, 509, 514, 543,551

– Brothers of Jesus (Spiritual) 208–09,212, 243–44, 372, 514, 637

Burial 82–83, 96, 162, 193, 249, 252,258–59, 398, 402, 460, 468, 473, 480,484, 565, 578, 607, 612, 646–57, 660,662

Caesar 178, 387, 594–95, 614 (→ alsoEmperor)

Caiaphas 43, 94, 127, 362, 382, 389, 399,530–36, 558, 570–71, 574, 633

Cain 243Calvin 242, 410, 489–91, 500Cana 82, 191, 194–95, 204–07, 210–13,

228–39, 242, 265, 300, 302, 306, 312,315–18, 321–25, 330, 335, 337, 397,471, 475, 485, 506, 621, 643–45, 667

Canaanite Woman (in Matthew) 18, 498Capernaum 144, 207, 238–39, 300, 306,

308–09, 317, 321–323, 326, 329, 339,348, 564

Card → Classification of CharactersCaricature → Classification of CharactersCarnival → Classification of CharactersCenter → MiddleCephas → PeterCharacterization– Characterization in Acts 13–14, 19–

22, 118, 137, 179–82, 187, 243, 256,303, 338, 528, 649

– Characterization in John passim– Characterization in Luke 14, 18–23– Characterization in Mark 15–17– Characterization in Matthew 14, 17–

18– Direct Characterization 1, 6, 9–12, 20,

22, 26, 32, 48, 79–80, 82–85, 88, 90,99, 101–02, 106, 108, 114, 117, 215–16, 401, 493, 570

– Indirect Characterization 1, 6, 10, 12,20, 22, 26, 79–80, 82, 84, 86, 90, 100–01, 104, 106, 108, 114, 117, 191, 215–16, 401–02, 468, 570, 582, 590, 664,666

– Techniques of Characterization 9–10,12–14, 22, 29, 48, 50, 100, 119, 137,154, 233, 270, 376–78, 380–81, 429–30, 466, 474, 483, 508, 513, 516, 552,629, 631, 634, 638

– Theories on Characterization 1–12,17–19, 26, 29–30, 33, 48, 80, 117, 137,139, 169–70, 189, 202–03, 216, 299,302–03, 305, 308, 334, 351, 362, 384,428, 433, 440, 455, 466, 487–89, 648

Characters– Characters and Action → Actions– Constellation of Characters 13, 26, 80,

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84, 91, 95, 97, 106, 114–15, 452–53,455–56, 459, 505–06, 511, 515, 641

– Evaluation of Characters 11–12, 27,30, 32–33, 46, 49–50, 59, 66, 77, 95,109, 129, 166, 203, 215, 222, 224, 351–55, 362–64, 370–72, 374, 378, 380,384, 386–87, 399, 430, 434, 440, 445,464, 570, 579, 653,

– Relationship between Characters 1, 5,13, 15, 21–22, 28, 31, 62, 81, 97–99,103, 119, 141, 158, 161, 164, 175, 195,205–08, 212–13, 216, 221–23, 241,267, 283, 285, 287–88, 291, 294–97,312, 327, 364, 371, 375–76, 381, 400,404, 424, 447, 457, 462, 465, 475, 485,494, 506, 510, 519, 521, 524, 526–27,534, 539, 543, 547, 549, 575, 583–84,602–03, 619, 628–29, 637–38, 641–44, 665, 667, 669–71

– Traits of Characters 2, 4–7, 12–15,18–19, 21–22, 24, 30, 33, 47–48, 50–52, 59, 63, 75, 77, 80–81, 84–85, 87–88, 90–91, 96, 101–04, 106–08, 114–15, 119, 123, 125, 129, 134–35, 149,191–92, 215, 246, 251, 307–08, 312,334, 351–53, 362–65, 368–70, 372–73, 377–81, 384–86, 401–02, 440, 445,452–53, 456, 459, 462, 474, 487, 537,550–52, 581–97, 629, 631–32, 639,663, 666, 668, 674–75 (→ also Para-digm of Traits)

Chief Priests 40, 78, 95–96, 116–18,120–25, 129, 249, 304, 345, 349, 372,374–76, 379, 382–87, 388, 390–95,461, 467, 470, 479, 530, 532–33, 535–36, 562, 583, 591, 596, 609, 646, 649

Children of God 89, 127–28, 208–09,212–13, 253, 259, 314, 531–33

Chorus 32, 80, 93, 292–98, 479Christ → MessiahChristology 32, 60, 90, 100, 104, 106, 111,

113, 141, 155–56, 254, 265, 327, 365,452, 457–58, 512, 521, 525, 527, 544,572, 594, 609, 629–30

Christophany 518, 566–67, 614, 635,638–39

Chronotype → Classification of Charac-ters

Chrysostom 239, 288, 389, 489–90, 609Church 22, 158, 166–67, 179–82, 185,

187, 244, 250, 293, 337, 372, 408, 417,514–15, 520, 528, 626, 640, 643–44

Cipher 158, 202, 249, 307, 416, 636Classification of Characters– Actant 3, 114–15, 174, 182, 187, 228,

363, 376, 401–02, 440, 456, 568– Actor 3, 5, 32, 107, 252, 423–24, 433,

602– Agent 11, 16, 27, 58, 76, 130–31, 135,

207, 228, 233, 235–37, 246, 331, 352,362–63, 384, 388, 390, 392–93, 395,440, 453, 455–56, 459–60, 568

– Antagonist 1, 70, 129, 305, 344, 376,388–90, 302, 395, 421–22, 425–26,432, 434, 456, 457

– Artefact 8– Background Character 3, 115, 334,

336, 402, 446, 448, 663, 675– Bakhtinian Categories 16, 171, 174– Card 3, 334– Caricature 2, 24, 159, 293–94– Carnival 16–17– Chronotope 16–17– Complex Character 2, 5–6, 10, 32, 47,

59, 76, 104, 106–07, 115, 149, 151,166, 264, 307, 352–53, 363–64, 370,373, 377–79, 381, 384–86, 402, 440,445, 463, 474, 524, 580, 587, 596, 639,653 (→ also Complexity)

– Connective Character 168–88– Corporate Character 107, 114–15,

216–19, 223, 351–54, 382, 385–86,397, 402, 558,

– Dominant Character 13, 379, 655– Double Agents 388–96– Dynamic Character 2, 12, 80, 107,

363, 373, 378–79, 381, 429, 437, 665,667, 676

– Elderly 3– Ficelle 3, 130, 135, 215, 307, 334, 395– Flat Character 1–2, 4, 9, 11–13, 20,

24–25, 29–30, 32–33, 47, 76, 106–07,149, 170, 173, 191–92, 215, 228, 246,283, 307, 331, 334–35, 344, 359, 362–63, 370, 373, 380, 415, 420, 440, 445,463–65, 537, 558, 596, 611, 639–40,666–67, 675

– Full-Fledged Character 9, 639– Functionary 9, 30, 130, 334, 336, 395– Group Character 31, 78, 81, 83–84,

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Index of Subjects714

97, 102, 107, 116–20, 123, 295, 299–300, 305, 332, 334–35, 432, 451, 456,618, 621, 623

– Helper 2–3, 5, 18, 357, 359, 456– Hermeneutical Character 579– Hero 2, 156, 158, 160, 167, 198, 213,

272, 434, 450, 606, 634– Ideal Character 395– Individual/Individuality 27, 80, 134,

192, 313, 352, 362–63, 370, 384, 440,487

– Ingénue 3– Intermediary Character 20, 168, 181,

185, 334– Juvenile 3– Main Character 1, 12–13, 17, 80, 119,

166, 181, 245, 320, 421, 424, 515, 523,598–99, 604–05

– Major Character 18, 376, 379, 426,621, 638

– Marginal Character 376, 378–79, 381,464

– Minor Character 15–16, 18, 23–25,32, 80, 110, 170, 228, 232, 292, 314,323, 334, 356, 359, 373, 376, 380–81,395–96, 421, 474, 573, 598, 621, 656

– Monochromic Character 47– Multichromatic Character 7– Multi-Dimensional Character 8, 80,

260–61– Multi-Layered/Multi-Leveled Charac-

ter 59, 171, 596– One-Dimensional Character 28, 47,

80, 149, 265, 362, 370, 550– Opponent 3, 5, 18, 107, 116, 118–19,

125, 156, 161–62, 194, 365, 376–77,379, 391, 396, 403–06, 419, 435, 448,479, 570, 575, 605, 654

– Personality 27, 47, 58, 107, 117, 269,308, 352–53, 362–63, 384, 386, 433,440, 464, 636, 639–40

– Protagonist 1, 3, 23, 60, 80, 83, 116,135, 175, 182, 295, 307, 334, 388, 390–93, 395, 403, 406, 456–57, 667

– Pseudo-Hero 156, 158, 160– Receiver 3, 5, 363,– Representative Character 7, 18, 28, 30,

59, 64, 67, 75, 98, 120, 154, 166, 170,209, 214, 223, 225, 250, 253–54, 269,289, 296, 306–08, 320–21, 365, 372,

379–81, 400, 403–04, 415, 437, 461–62, 465, 470, 474, 512, 525, 537, 551,610, 636, 639, 673

– Round Character 1–2, 9, 11–13, 47,107, 170, 191–92, 215, 295, 307, 334–35, 362–63, 373, 429, 437, 440, 596,665, 667, 672, 676

– Sender 3, 5, 115, 402– Simple Character 10, 107, 356, 363– Static Character 2, 4, 12, 15, 80, 107,

127, 213, 249, 308, 363, 379, 381, 428,465, 524, 549

– Stereotype 293, 344, 428– Stock Character 4, 10, 12, 335, 344,

363, 440, 445– Subsidiary Character 10, 13– Types 2, 9, 12, 27, 32, 47, 59, 74–76,

119, 135, 149, 192, 213, 228, 238, 251,268, 306–08, 313, 334, 352, 362–63,379–81, 384, 414, 440, 445, 462, 464–65, 474, 550, 636, 640

– Walk-On 12, 80, 228, 334–36, 363,395, 573, 663, 667, 675–76

Cleansed Leper in Mark 17Cleansing of the Temple 66, 85, 220,

245–48, 297, 560Clement of Alexandria 554, 609Climax 527, 555, 614, 636Co-Crucified 45, 558, 607–17Cognitivistic Approach 74, 79, 109Cohort 44, 200, 361, 364, 390, 393, 395,

554–67, 569, 635Comparison of Characters → Characters,

RelationshipComplex Character → Classification of

CharactersComplexity (of Characters) 5–6, 14, 22,

27, 47, 80, 104, 115, 130, 170, 215, 233,268, 308, 312, 351–53, 362–64, 370,373, 377, 384–86, 395, 402, 440, 445,466, 550, 580, 639 (→ also Classifica-tion of Characters)

Concubine (Levite’s Concubine) 415Connective Character → Classification of

CharactersConstellation of Characters → Characters,

ConstellationContinuum (of Characterization) 5, 19,

27, 223, 308, 351, 353, 362–63, 368,370, 384–86

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Index of Subjects 715

Contrast 6, 9, 11, 16, 20, 58, 65, 69, 88,91, 99, 128–29, 132, 143, 154, 176,198–99, 218, 241, 265, 296, 310, 325–26, 335, 339, 344, 346, 378, 392, 394–95, 423–24, 435, 437, 446, 456, 469,476, 482, 517, 526–28, 547, 549–50,559–60, 571, 573–76, 599, 621–22,632–33, 644 (→ also Juxtaposition)

Corporate Character → Classification ofCharacters

Cosmogony 192–93, 554–55, 557, 565,612–13 (→ also Creation)

Cosmology 192–93, 425, 565–66 (→ alsoCreation)

Council → SanhedrinCourage 158–161, 167, 244, 251, 435,

437, 509, 557, 577, 637 (→ also Bold-ness)

Courtyard 44, 16–61, 164, 166, 388, 393,411, 542, 571, 573–75

Creation 193–94, 204, 210, 211, 541–42,549, 554, 571, 573–77, 665 (→ alsoCosmology/Cosmogony)

Cross-Cultural 177–83, 185–87Crowd (in John) 14–15, 18, 25, 39, 58,

64, 66–67, 73, 84, 86–87, 94, 98, 107,120, 149, 154, 168, 176–78, 184, 218,223, 238, 240–42, 257, 300–05, 330,332–33, 335–36, 341, 347–55, 357,374, 389–91, 395, 399–01, 405, 412,414–15, 417–18, 442, 452, 467, 479,481, 485, 487, 564, 599, 601, 653, 667

Crowd (in Mark/Matthew) 15Cry → WeepCrucifixion 17, 66, 68, 82, 88–89, 94, 96,

103–04, 119, 162, 162, 165, 193, 208–09, 210–12, 214, 225, 243, 304, 385,388, 394, 454, 536, 556, 558, 561–62,564–65, 578, 580, 589, 591, 595–96,601–06, 607–17, 621–22, 626–27, 642,645, 653–54, 656

Cyril of Alexandria 565, 610

Dark/Darkness 31, 49, 63, 65, 88, 122,127–28, 193, 201, 226, 249, 254, 345,351, 354, 367–69, 372, 378, 391, 396,399, 422, 431–32, 437, 441, 471, 546,552, 554, 559, 564, 569, 572, 573–77,630, 632–33, 652

David, King 9, 243, 367

Defamiliarization 14, 625Denouement 288, 317, 357, 563, 663, 675

(→ also Resolution)Development (of Characters) 2, 6, 24, 27,

30, 47, 77–78, 80, 104, 107–08, 115,130, 149, 153, 162, 167, 170–71, 173,192, 213, 233, 249, 269, 308, 312, 334,344, 351, 353, 362–63, 365, 368–70,372, 377, 379, 384–86, 395, 402, 429,433, 440, 445, 463, 466, 474, 482, 486,495, 524–25, 549–50, 568, 571, 581,666–67, 675

Devil 41, 73, 89, 103–04, 155–56, 241,360–73, 421–27, 516, 560

Devotion 195, 350, 367–68, 460, 474,477, 480–81, 486, 604, 623, 654

Diachronic Approach 26, 75, 189, 448,609

Diaspora 88, 177, 262, 397, 400, 532–34Didymus (Thomas Didymus) 528, 667Didymus the Greek 408–09Diogenes Laertius 251Diotima 280Direct Characterization → CharacterizationDisbelief 33, 167, 174, 221, 223–25, 316–

17, 351, 577 (→ Unbelief)Disciples– Disciples of Jesus (in John) 212–227,

passim– Disciples of Jesus (in Luke) 19–20– Disciples of Jesus (in Mark) 15–16– Disciples of Jesus (in Matthew) 17–18– Disciples of John the Baptist/Baptizer

(in John) 35, 51, 55–56, 127–32, 133,194–96, 260, 262, 389, 671

Dishonesty 364, 368–70, 588Dishonor → Shame/HonorDisloyal/Disloyalty 364, 368, 37–71, 385Dispute 93–94, 129–30, 261, 264–65,

300, 346, 404, 410, 412, 431, 433–34,436, 444–45

Division 75, 86, 98, 101, 107, 123–24,126, 154, 218, 223, 257, 349, 354–55,435, 442, 445, 479

Dominant Character → Classification ofCharacters

Domitian 185, 520Doorkeeper → PortressDouble Agents → Classification of Char-


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Index of Subjects716

Double Entendre 63, 260, 274–75, 389,430, 436, 540

Drama 26, 32, 72, 77, 87, 93, 97, 119, 201,234, 268–81, 292, 294–95, 298, 378,448, 573

Dramatic Irony → IronyDualism 26–27, 65, 127–28, 193, 224,

226, 238, 256, 380–81, 386, 422, 440,445, 610, 652, 656

Dynamic Character → Classification ofCharacters

Eden 211, 556, 565, 612–13, 636Elderly → Classification of CharactersEleazar 467Eliab 243Elijah 51–52, 111–12, 145, 263, 303, 316,

434Elisha 303, 358, 434Empathy 10, 129, 380, 388–89, 617Emperor 83, 95, 104, 178, 385, 579

(→ also Caesar)Empty Spaces (in Texts) → GapsEnemy/Enemies 132, 341, 343, 345, 371,

391–92, 394–95, 405, 425, 498, 569,576, 641

Epithet 5, 10, 17, 21, 80, 293, 360, 365–66, 537, 539, 543, 547

Erasmus 409Erotic Tone 272, 274–75, 277, 280Esau 243Eschatology 16, 60, 112–13, 163, 200,

223, 226, 236, 278, 324, 398–99, 402,462, 510, 533, 580, 635, 639

Ethiopian Eunuch (in Acts) 181Eucharist 275, 514, 519–20, 604, 606Eusebius 165, 179, 182, 187, 408–09Evaluation of Characters → CharactersEve 209–10, 636Exclusion (from Synagogue) 91–92, 111,

374, 435–36, 438, 479 (→ also Expul-sion)

Exodus 86, 99, 218, 230, 615Explicit Characterization → Characteriza-

tionExpulsion (from Synagogue) 98, 101,

103, 125–26, 351 (→ also Exclusion)

Family 26, 207–09, 212, 234, 238, 242,244, 285–86, 297–98, 306, 312–13,

316–17, 320–22, 326–27, 329, 331,339, 358, 360, 370–71, 415–16, 423,460, 468–69, 473, 475, 479, 485, 494–96, 501–02, 543, 549, 574, 603, 607,609, 617, 624, 626, 641–45, 666

Fear 16, 87, 91–92, 96, 101, 103, 106,121, 124, 147, 217, 222, 249, 287, 290,349, 351, 374, 377–78, 380, 384, 391,401, 409, 435, 446, 449–50, 463, 514,592–93, 600, 636–37, 646, 649–50,652–53, 656–57, 667, 674

Feeding of the Five Thousand 146, 149,168, 176, 178, 183–84, 217, 305, 347–48, 356–58, 471, 485, 673

Female Servants (in Matthew) 18Feminism 29, 269, 410, 412, 418Ficelle → Classification of CharactersFigures → CharacterFlat Character → Classification of Char-

actersFocalization– Focalization 5, 12, 48, 53–55, 79, 83,

357, 363, 592, 627, 630, 638– Character-Bound Focalization 53– External Focalization 53, 55, 357, 630– Focalized 12– Focalized Object 631– Focalizer 54–55– Focalizing Marker 54– Internal Focalization 53, 357, 592,

631– Zero Focalization 357Foil 12, 29, 76, 91, 104–05, 131, 149, 163,

260, 268, 335, 395, 420, 448, 450, 463,547, 551, 577, 598–600, 608, 611, 617,634

Foot-Washing 156–59, 265, 366–67, 373,413, 483–84, 539–40, 559

Friend of the Bridegroom → BridegroomFriendship 159, 212, 371, 464, 472, 476From Above 56, 61, 66, 69–70, 88, 174,

195, 199, 249, 255–57, 259, 303, 311,324, 342, 540, 594, 603, 638

From Below 56, 88, 174, 243, 256–57,348, 526, 540, 640

Full-Fledged Character → Classificationof Characters

Functionary → Classification of Charac-ters

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Index of Subjects 717

Gabriel 31Galileans 38, 73, 184, 261, 299–305, 309–

12, 317, 320, 348, 405, 664Gaps (Semantic Gaps in Texts) 58–59,

163, 191, 194, 203, 205, 207, 250, 252,283, 304, 335, 407–11, 475, 482, 486,511, 521, 534, 537, 558, 562, 582–83,586, 592, 597, 647

Garden 160–61, 193, 211–12, 217, 388,415, 542, 554–57, 559, 565–66, 568–72, 573, 575–77, 612, 630, 636, 646

Gardener 193, 211, 556, 630, 636Gate 161, 541–42, 574Gatekeeper → PortressGender 18, 23, 27–31, 205, 411, 415, 417,

466, 469, 515, 576, 623, 630, 638Genesis 190, 192–94, 198–99, 204, 209,

211, 426, 554–57, 565–67, 609–13,630, 636

Gentiles 22, 140, 147, 177, 185, 297, 302,309, 400–02, 562, 610, 644

Gesture 5, 9, 158, 273–74, 367, 466, 469,484, 497, 626

Gideon (Sons of) 243God– God (in Acts) 21–22– God (in John) passim– God (in Mark) 16– God (in Matthew) 17Good Shepherd 103, 159, 162, 164–65,

391, 399, 401–02, 449, 457, 465, 469,541–42, 571, 573, 581, 637

Gospel of Mary 628Gospel of Philip 628Gospel of the Hebrews 408–09Gospel of Thomas 528Grapho-Literacy 404–06Greek Literature 24, 26–27, 32, 213, 292–

94, 298, 378, 479, 639Greeks 40, 88, 101, 147–49, 168, 177–78,

180, 183, 185, 302, 309, 397–402, 610,667

Gregory the Great 627Group Character → Classification of


Hadrian 561Haemorrhaging Woman (in Synoptic

Gospels) 15Hatred 64–66, 127, 241–42, 393–94, 396

Helper → Classification of CharactersHermeneutical Character → Classification

of CharactersHero → Classification of CharactersHerod 16, 19, 178, 289, 308–09, 320, 533High Priest 43–44, 73, 93–94, 98–99,

160–61, 164, 166, 382–83, 388, 392–93, 53–36, 541–42, 549, 564, 570–72,573–77, 665

Holy Spirit (in John) 30, 51, 54, 59–60,62, 67–68, 162–63, 167, 174, 177–79,181, 184–86, 193, 208–11, 222, 225,249, 255–56, 263, 275, 278, 294, 325–26, 335, 342, 345, 361, 465, 510, 512,517, 520, 522, 544, 552, 612–13, 615–16, 664 (→ also Paraclete)

Holy Spirit (in Luke–Acts) 20, 22Homer 508, 668Honor/Shame 85, 157–58, 164, 230, 234,

236–37, 272, 279–80, 287, 300–01,305, 310, 368, 393, 404, 584, 595, 671

Hostility 64–65, 72, 75, 78, 85–86, 93–94, 99, 101–04, 106–07, 127–28, 240–42, 262, 305, 348, 351, 354, 382, 385–86, 388, 390–91, 394–96, 424, 426,434, 456, 460, 601–02, 604

Household → FamilyHumiliation 412, 417, 567, 585, 590–91,

616Humility 47, 192, 368, 489, 636Husbands of the Samaritan Woman

→ Samaritan WomanHyperbole 67, 92Hypocrisy 364, 368, 370, 623

Ideal Author → AuthorIdeal Character → Classification of Char-

actersIdeal Disciple 128–29, 190, 389, 537Ideal Witness 134, 537, 544Ignorance 59, 62, 66–69, 233–37, 241,

254, 275, 296–97, 354, 434, 437, 444,447, 534, 551, 596, 641

Ill/Sick (at Pool of Bethzatha) 39, 332–36, 337, 416, 420,

Immorality 276, 284, 287–89, 292–93,413

Imperial Cult 185, 520, 527Implicit Characterization → Characteriza-


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Index of Subjects718

Implied Audience/Reader → ReaderInclusio 51, 135–36, 155, 209, 213, 316,

520, 548, 675Indirect Characterization → Characteriza-

tionIndividual → Classification of CharactersIngénue → Classification of CharactersInner Life of Characters → PenetrationInner Monologue 80, 353, 377, 455, 466Innocence 14, 32, 95, 394, 414–15, 417,

431–32, 435, 437, 444, 578–79, 581,587–91, 597, 599–600, 607–08

Intended Reader → ReaderInteraction between Characters → Char-

acters, RelationshipIntercharacterizational Approach 189,

617, 631–32, 638Interior Monologue → Inner MonologueIntermediary Character → Classification

of CharactersIntertextuality 30, 189–90, 246–47, 268,

270, 358–59, 453, 554, 557, 565, 570,605, 610, 632, 635–36, 638, 641, 643–45, 668, 676

Intimacy 28, 68, 123, 158, 164, 206–07,367, 369, 371, 398, 400, 495, 518, 539,628–29, 636–38, 642, 644

Invalid (at the Pool) 23, 25, 29, 32, 39,85, 99, 127, 129, 325–26, 336, 337–46,389, 420, 430, 432, 434–44, 461, 471,578, 640

Irony 11, 63, 78, 88, 90, 101, 103, 126,135, 139, 157, 164, 17–71, 173–75,177, 195, 200, 229, 231, 234–36, 239,242, 254, 256, 258, 260, 270, 274–75,293, 302, 305, 335, 354, 391, 393, 411–12, 426–27, 430, 435, 437, 443, 512,534, 559, 576, 580–81, 586, 588–89,591, 593–95, 597, 599–600, 604, 606,608, 614–15, 633, 638, 657

Isaac 198, 243, 609–10Isaiah 52, 60, 112, 200, 263, 351, 397,

399–400Ishmael 243Israelite 73, 86, 102, 145, 191–94, 198–

99, 218, 229, 342, 348, 436, 666

Jacob 190, 198–99, 243, 271, 273–74,294, 296, 300, 635

Jacob of Sarug 210

James of Alphaeus 190Jerome 409Jesus– Jesus (in Four Gospels) 15– Jesus (in John) passim– Jesus (in Luke–Acts) 19, 22, 303–04– Jesus (in Mark) 15–17– Jesus (in Matthew) 17–18– Jesus’ Mother → Mother of JesusJewish Leaders (in Matthew) 17Jewish Police → Temple Police“Jews”– “Jew”/“Jews” (in John) 71–109, 260–

67, passim– “Jews” (in Matthew) 17Joachim 415Job 285, 365Johannine Community 27, 29, 65, 72,

111, 125–26, 186, 298, 372, 522, 549,626, 650

John– John and History 71, 78–79, 125, 138,

156, 158, 170, 184–85, 187, 244, 250,262, 308–09, 552, 588

– John and Synoptics 30, 46, 94, 112,118, 121–22, 133, 141, 146, 152–54,160, 168, 172–73, 176–77, 179, 184,187, 189–90, 195, 211–12, 217, 238–41, 243, 250, 259, 264, 266–67, 304,308–10, 321, 332–33, 338–40, 343,375, 399, 409, 473, 478, 480–81, 484,528, 552, 555–56, 558, 563, 565, 568,571, 574–75, 577, 607–12, 616, 620,627, 635, 637, 649–51, 655, 657–58,661, 664

– John the Baptist/Baptizer (in Gospelof John) 23, 29, 34, 46–60, 84, 99, 104,106, 110–16, 119, 127–32, 135, 141–45, 148, 152–53, 174, 184, 191, 194–96, 198, 201, 207, 216, 231, 254, 260–67, 316, 335, 452, 454–61, 615–16,622, 671

– John the Baptist/Baptizer (in Mat-thew) 17

– John the Baptist/Baptizer (in Mark)16–17

Jordan 42, 84, 97, 114, 128, 178, 191, 195,263, 300, 451–59, 564, 615, 664

Joseph 243, 283, 300Joseph of Arimathea 45, 96, 103–04, 106,

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Index of Subjects 719

249, 258–59, 379, 467, 596, 610, 632,646–57, 663

Josephus 14, 72, 178, 195, 276, 289, 308,354, 361, 383, 467, 480, 531, 534, 570,599, 609

Judas– Judas Iscariot (in Four Gospels) 15,

213– Judas Iscariot (in John) 29, 25, 29, 40,

80–81, 127, 129, 155–56, 158–61, 223,259, 360–72, 384, 388–91, 398, 422–27, 461, 473–75, 480–81, 484, 486,516, 526, 539, 541–42, 558, 560–62,565–66, 569, 573, 575–76, 583, 633,667, 674–75

– Judas Iscariot (in Luke) 15, 20– Judas Iscariot (in Mark) 15– Judas Iscariot (in Matthew) 15– Judas Thomas 528– Judas, not Iscariot (in John) 33, 43,

243, 511–12, 550–53, 667, 675Judean 72, 78, 102, 108, 176–77, 184, 26–

67, 300, 305, 309–10, 350, 399, 433Judith 285Julias 178Juvenile → Classification of CharactersJuxtaposition 197, 230, 239, 339, 365,

477, 501, 632 (→ also Contrast)

King– King of Israel 83, 102, 145, 176, 199,

201, 398, 666– King of the “Jews” 83, 96, 104, 200,

563, 580, 583, 589, 591, 594, 596, 599,601–02

Lame Man → InvalidLazarus 42, 66, 93–94, 101, 105, 121, 176,

219–20, 242, 258, 304, 326–27, 345,350, 368, 383–86, 389, 398–99, 416,452, 454, 460–72, 473–86, 491–92,494–98, 500–03, 505–10, 530, 533,633–34, 636, 639–40

Levites 35, 73, 84, 98, 110–15, 116–17,131, 265, 312

Little People (in Mark) 15Location → SettingLoyal/Loyalty 47, 56, 59, 159–60, 166–

67, 365, 371, 374, 376, 379, 385, 395,508, 577

LXX (Use of LXX in John) 54, 90, 112,193–94, 198–99, 201, 205, 211, 218,230, 316, 358, 361, 365, 392–93, 406,415, 478, 480–81, 519, 550, 554, 576,603, 605, 612

Main Character → Classification of Char-acters

Major Character → Classification ofCharacters

Malchus– Malchus 44, 392, 568–72– Relative of Malchus 577Man Born Blind (in John)– Man Born Blind 23–26, 29, 32, 41,

66, 90–92, 99–101, 106, 121, 124,128–29, 132, 219, 256, 268, 327, 338,342–44, 346, 351, 389, 391, 416, 420,428–48, 450, 460–61, 479, 484, 526,540, 578, 640

– Neighbors of the Man Born Blind 41,91, 100, 437, 439–45

– Parents of the Man Born Blind 41,91, 100, 103, 435, 437, 441, 444, 446–50

Marginal Character → Classification ofCharacters

Marginalized Characters → Classificationof Characters

Martha (in John) 28–29, 32–33, 42, 62,82, 93, 128, 304, 350, 452, 460–86,487–503, 506, 633–35, 640

Mary– Mary Magdalene 25–26, 28–29, 45,

162, 209, 211–12, 243, 391, 514–16,520–21, 524, 526–27, 537, 544–46,555, 618–25, 626–40, 659–62

– Mary of Bethany 28–29, 32–33, 42,62, 66, 82, 93, 101, 121, 304, 350, 368,398, 452, 460–72, 473–86, 487–503,627–28, 633–34, 640

– Mary of Clopas 45, 618–25, 626– Mary, Mother of Jesus (in John)

→ Mother of Jesus– Mary, Mother of Jesus (in Luke) 31Master of the Banquet → StewardMen of the Samaritan Woman → Samari-

tan WomanMetaphor/Metaphorical 28, 33, 54, 56,

92, 114, 141, 208–09, 212, 217–18,

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Index of Subjects720

221–23, 229, 236, 255, 274, 287, 293,314, 358, 399, 423, 442, 446, 458–59

Middle 193, 211, 411–12, 414–17, 556,565, 602, 611–13

Minor Character → Classification ofCharacters

Minor Characters (in Mark/Mat-thew) 15–16, 18

Miraculous Catch of Fish 163–64, 547,549

Miriam 243Misunderstanding 33, 63–64, 66, 88,

100–01, 105, 153, 156–57, 159, 162,167, 217–20, 225, 229, 303, 348, 350–52, 355, 483, 547, 551, 570, 652, 661

Moab 360Model Disciple 154–55, 167Model Reader → ReaderMoney Changers 37, 81, 245–48, 341

(→ also Animal Sellers)Monochromic Figure → Classification of

CharactersMoses 16, 60, 62, 85, 102, 106, 112, 144–

45, 147, 173–74, 176, 185–86, 195,197, 199, 218, 229–30, 243, 283–86,348, 383, 405–06, 417

Mother of Jesus 26, 28–29, 32, 36, 45,196, 202–13, 229, 231, 234–35, 243,306, 316, 543, 603, 610–11, 618–21,624, 626, 632, 641–45, 671

Mother of the Bridegroom → BridegroomMourning 68, 460–61, 468, 470–71, 473,

475–76, 478–79, 481–82, 485, 489,495–97, 501

Multichromatic/Multi-DimensionalCharacter → Classification of Charac-ters

Naqdimon ben Gurion 250Narratalogy 5, 13, 20, 22–26, 30, 32, 49–

50, 53, 55, 74–81, 92, 100, 108, 116,123, 172–73, 270, 412, 416–17, 420,428, 453, 455, 522, 626, 647–48, 663,666–70, 675

Narrated World 46, 71, 74, 76, 81, 97,118, 451

Narratee 138–40, 302–3, 626, 628Narrative Aside 113, 172, 198, 220, 242,

304, 318, 392, 405, 432, 444, 537, 542,544, 552, 646, 651–53,

Narrative Space → SettingNarrator– Auctorial Narrator 80, 378– Extradiegetic Narrator 628–29, 638– Heterodiegetic Narrator 628, 638– Intradiegetic Narrator 629– Narrator in John passim– Omniscient Narrator 166, 338, 377Nathanael 36, 142, 144–45, 149, 168,

176, 180, 184–86, 189–201, 224, 230,254, 300, 320, 342, 357, 391, 398, 436,461, 479, 520, 523, 525–26, 537, 546,563, 640, 663, 666–67, 674

Nazarene/Nazorean 200, 391, 558, 562–63 (→ also Branch)

Neighbors of the Man Born Blind → ManBorn Blind

Netzer → BranchNew Birth → Born From AboveNicodemus 23, 25–26, 29, 31, 33, 38, 62,

64, 87, 98, 104, 120–21, 123–26, 128,197, 238, 247, 249–59, 262, 268, 296,300, 310–12, 316, 325–26, 330, 342,375–79, 390, 395, 460–61, 463, 467,474, 476, 526, 540, 546, 578, 610, 632–33, 639–40, 646, 649–50, 652, 654–56

Night → Darkness

Obedience 20, 255, 284, 286, 291, 312,392, 432, 468, 542, 563–64, 609, 638,640

Objectification 414–16, 418, 420, 607–08,614, 617

Officer → Temple PoliceOld Testament → LXX, ScriptureOmniscient Narrator → NarratorOne-Dimensional Character → Classifica-

tion of CharactersOpponent → Classification of CharactersOrigen 239, 276, 288, 532, 561Other Disciple → Anonymous DiscipleOutsider 18, 161, 289, 296

Papias 266, 408–09Paraclete 60, 67–70, 162–63, 167, 510,

572, 654 (→ also Holy Spirit)Paradigm of Traits 5–6, 12, 55, 114–15,

401–02, 581–95 (→ also Character,Traits)

Paralytic → Invalid

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Index of Subjects 721

Parents of the Man Born Blind → ManBorn Blind

Participant Reference 421–23, 598Paul (in Acts) 19, 21–23, 181, 256Penetration (Inner Life of Characters) 5–

7, 9–10, 27, 30, 59, 80, 115, 130, 149,170, 192, 233, 269, 308, 312, 351, 353,362–63, 369–70, 377, 384–86, 395,402, 440, 445, 466, 550, 675

Peniel 199People in the Court Yard 44, 393, 573–77People Selling Cattle, Sheep and Doves in

Temple → Animal SellersPericope Adulterae 177, 403–20, 444Peripheral Characters (in Matthew) 18Personality → Classification of CharactersPeter– Peter (in Acts) 23– Peter (in Four Gospels) 15– Peter (in John) 151–67, passim– Peter (in Luke–Acts) 14–15, 22– Peter (in Mark) 14–15– Peter (in Matthew) 14–15, 17Pharisees– Pharisee(s) (in John) 116–26, passim– Pharisees (in Acts) 303Philip– Philip (in John) 33, 36, 129, 133, 142,

144–49, 154, 168–88, 189, 191, 194–99, 230, 254, 298, 300, 302, 320, 341–42, 357, 397, 400–01, 421, 461, 479,513, 523, 527, 551, 598, 640, 666–67,674–75

– Philip (in Eusebius) 179, 182, 187– Philip (in Synoptics & Acts) 179–80,

187– Philip II 178Philo 14, 354Photeine/Photina 269Pilate– Pilate (in John) 14, 24, 26, 29, 44, 81,

83, 94–95, 97, 100–01, 103, 200, 238,258, 261, 341, 361, 383–86, 388, 394,417, 444, 453, 535–36, 556, 559, 561,563–64, 569, 578–97, 598–600, 602,605, 608–10, 614–15, 623, 633, 646,649–50, 652–53, 656, 663, 668

– Pilate (in Synoptics) 14– Pilate’s Wife (in Matthew) 18Place → Setting

Plato 280, 295Pliny the Younger 520Plot passimPlutarch 481Point of View 5, 25, 27, 50, 79, 139, 203,

228, 292, 329, 352, 362–64, 372, 384,393, 457, 464, 527, 647

– Evaluative Point of View 10, 12, 49,59, 66, 129, 203, 354, 364, 370, 387,440

– Ideal Point of View 537–549– Ideological Point of View 24, 139,

203–04, 211, 213, 228, 363– Material Point of View 25– Phraseological Point of View 17, 139,

203, 212, 538– Psychological Point of View 203, 538– Spatial Point of View 139, 203– Spatial-Temporal Point of View 538– Temporal Point of View 139, 203Police → Temple PolicePolycrates 266Pontius Pilate → PilatePortress 44, 161, 541–42, 573, 574–76Posture 9, 157, 418, 466, 469, 660Praetorium 94–95, 394, 444, 453, 582–

83, 589Pragmatics 109Praise 327, 351, 500–01Priests 35, 73, 81, 84, 98, 110–15, 116,

131, 287, 312, 481Prochorus (in Acts) 181Prolepsis 16, 63, 207, 629, 655Protagonist → Classification of CharactersPseudo-Hero → Classification of Charac-

tersPsychological Approach 20, 71, 79, 162,

167, 250, 273, 338, 487, 579, 588, 639

Quinary Scheme 317–18, 356–57

Reader– Implied Reader passim– Intended Reader 78, 139–140– Model Reader 7– Real Reader 138–39, 158, 270, 301,

305, 532Reader-Response Criticism 18, 24, 31, 76,

172, 193, 283, 530, 647, 663Real Reader → Reader

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Index of Subjects722

Rebuke 123, 128, 160, 257, 276, 311, 317,322, 365, 374, 388, 392, 509, 522, 560,569, 571, 607

Receiver → Classification of CharactersRelecture → Re–ReadingReliable Narration 3, 7, 9, 11, 17, 71, 85,

107–09, 215, 225, 431, 628, 651Religious Leaders (in Matthew) 17–18Repetition 5–6, 16–17, 20, 22, 51, 55,

130, 165, 200–01, 219, 253–54, 318,323, 326, 330, 451, 477, 492, 513–14,516, 545, 563, 576, 656

Re-Reading 129, 136, 160, 163–64, 191,293

Resolution 235, 264–65, 280, 317, 372,616, 649 (→ also Denouement)

Representative Character → Classificationof Characters

Retarding Effect 625Rhetoric 7, 22, 28, 90, 111, 132, 156, 162,

167, 171–75, 182–83, 185, 187, 203–04, 253, 260, 363, 372, 376, 419, 435,448, 462, 464, 487–89, 491–503, 511,520, 600, 661

Rhoda (in Acts) 576Roman Centurion (in Mark) 16Roman Officer (in Matthew) 18Roman Soldiers → CohortRound Character → Classification of

CharactersRoyal Official– Royal Official 29, 32, 38, 300, 302,

306–13, 316–17, 320, 322–23, 327,329, 330–31, 342, 461

– Slaves of the Royal Official 39, 329–31, 330–31

– Son of the Royal Official 39, 314–28,339, 342, 461

Ruler of this World 41, 194, 378, 399,421, 425–27, 560–61, 566

Ruth 283

Samaritan Woman– Men of the Samaritan Woman 38,

276–77, 282–91, 342– Samaritan Woman 23, 26, 28–29, 33,

38, 83, 128–29, 132, 176, 212, 220, 223,261–81, 282–98, 316, 326, 335, 342,344–45, 389, 391, 420, 452, 460–61,474, 476, 485, 526, 612, 633–35, 640

Samaritans 38, 83, 105, 181, 268, 272,276–78, 284–86, 288–89, 292–98, 300,309, 311–13, 316, 326, 452, 526

Sanhedrin 121–22, 257, 345, 349, 374–76,383, 472–73, 479, 530–36, 649–50, 656

Sarah 284, 285Sarcasm 296, 504, 580, 584–85, 592, 595,

600Satan 41, 213, 240–41, 369–72, 421–27,

478, 552, 560–61, 566Saul, King Saul 9Savior of the World 279, 290–91, 295,

298, 326, 526Scribe (in Matthew) 18Scribes (in John) 40, 116–18, 122, 125,

239, 375, 403–06, 407, 412–14, 416,418–19, 444

Scripture (Use of Scripture in John) 52,54, 83, 86, 92, 96, 112, 184, 245–47,251, 257, 261, 263, 358, 365, 367, 392–93, 399–400, 430, 441, 484, 519, 570,603, 605–07, 636

Secret Believer/Disciple 249, 251, 258–59, 351, 354–55, 378–89, 649–50,653–56

Selfishness 275, 344, 595Semantics of Space 452–534Sender → Classification of CharactersSeptuagint → LXXServant(s)– Servants 18, 120–21, 123, 157, 358,

374, 402, 470, 483, 668– Servants at Cana 37, 206–07, 228–32,

235, 237, 306, 312– Servants of the High Priest 160–61,

564, 569–70, 573, 576–77– Servants of the Royal Official → Royal

OfficialSetting 2, 19, 48, 52, 55, 57, 114, 124, 161,

164, 189, 192, 197, 201, 203, 206, 216,229, 253, 260, 271, 300, 334–35, 339–40, 347–49, 351, 364, 395, 398, 400–02,411, 435, 440, 446–49, 466, 473, 480,538, 541–42, 546, 565, 574, 577, 583,602, 627, 630, 638

Seven Deacons (in Acts) 181Sex 28, 275–76, 281, 288–90, 293, 407,

411, 413–15, 419, 628, 630, 636Showing 10, 12, 15, 50, 58, 79–80, 82, 84,

99, 128–29, 364, 377, 384

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Index of Subjects 723

Sick (at the Pool of Bethzata) → Ill/SickSiloam 433, 439, 441Simeon (in Luke) 215Simon Peter → PeterSimple Character → Classification of

CharactersSister of the Mother of Jesus 45, 618–25,

626Slaves of the Royal Official → Royal Offi-

cialSocrates 280Soldiers– Soldiers (in Matthew) 18– Soldiers who Arrested Jesus (in John)

361, 364, 388, 390, 392–93, 542, 554–67, 569, 576, 583, 589, 610, 615, 622,630, 668

– Soldiers who Crucified Jesus (in John)45, 601–06, 610, 613–17, 621–23, 641

Solomon 533Son of Perdition 360, 365, 370Son of the Royal Official → Royal OfficialSons of Zebedee 45, 81, 143, 546, 620,

663–76Space → SettingSpeech (Characterization through

Speech) 5–6, 9–11, 46–47, 51, 54, 100,111, 123, 175, 197, 218–19, 221–22,378, 418, 438, 466, 476, 497–500, 503,507, 519, 549, 558, 597, 628–29, 651

Spirit → Holy Spirit/ParacleteSpokesperson 19, 142, 151–53, 155, 158–

59, 162–63, 167, 242, 257, 293, 507,509, 524, 540

Static Character → Classification of Char-acters

Stephen (in Acts) 181Stereotype → Classification of CharactersSteward at Cana 37, 207, 228–33, 235–36Stocks → Classification of CharactersSubsidiary Character → Classification of

CharactersSuetonius 520, 614Superiority 49–50, 53, 56–57, 153, 157–

58, 166, 195, 237, 260, 266–67, 406,456, 537, 543, 547, 583, 604, 616

Susannah (in Tobit) 415–16Sychar 271, 282–98, 315–16, 452Symbol/Symbolism 20, 26, 31, 52, 61, 69,

75, 139, 153, 156–57, 163, 165–66,

171, 192–93, 208–11, 229, 231, 248,251, 254, 265, 269, 274, 289, 296, 307,323, 325, 327, 335, 367, 372, 380–81,403, 411, 416–17, 462, 482, 484, 505,507, 515, 517–18, 556, 559, 569, 610,62, 641–45, 659, 672, 674, 676

Sympathy 10, 16, 123, 287, 312, 331, 352,375, 395, 432, 525, 580, 590, 603, 617,650

Synchronic Approach 26, 32, 75, 79, 189,609

Synoptics and John → John and SynopticsSyrophroenician Woman (in Mark) 16,


Telling 10, 12, 15, 48, 50, 58, 60, 79, 80,82, 84, 102, 107, 128, 364, 377, 384,651

Temple Police 81, 87, 94, 103, 120, 349,361, 364, 384, 388–96, 535, 542, 558,562, 565–66, 568, 576, 583, 610

Tertullian 165, 609Testimony passimThecla 280Theodore 240Theophilus 270Thief 213, 360, 366, 368–69, 371, 541,

573, 600Thomas 26, 29, 33, 43, 81, 157, 177–78,

216, 222, 224, 266, 335, 344, 461, 476,504–29, 546, 551, 638, 640, 663, 666–67, 673–74

Thomas Didymos 528, 667Titulus 83, 391, 535, 578, 596, 608Tobit 284–85Touch 348, 514, 517, 521–22, 529, 555,

637, 666Traits → CharactersTrajan 561Transformation 23, 69, 186, 241, 268,

279–80, 298, 317, 330, 357, 419–20,431, 437, 505, 513, 519, 523, 635, 642

Twelve 33, 37, 127, 137, 142, 146, 149,154–55, 177–78, 180–81, 184, 189–90,216, 223, 266–67, 357, 360, 365, 370,481, 486, 508, 515–16, 526, 528, 552,673–74

Twin 43, 506–07, 523, 525, 527–28Types → Classification of Characters

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Index of Subjects724

Unbelief 25–26, 32, 75, 89, 101, 105, 107,130, 167, 174, 218, 226, 242–44, 261,301, 342, 344, 348, 350–54, 365, 374,380, 390, 395, 422, 518, 525, 563–64,566, 574, 577, 668 (→ Disbelief)

Unreliable Narration → Reliable Narra-tion

Use of Scripture in John → Scripture, Use

Virgil 481

Walk-On → Classification of CharactersWedding at Cana 194, 202–13, 228–37,

265, 302, 312, 315–16, 318, 330, 335,397, 471, 485, 506, 643–45

Weep 68, 93, 176, 470, 473, 477–79,482–83, 501, 628, 631, 634–36, 639,658

Widow of Nain (in Luke) 31Witness passimWoman Accused of Adultery → Adulter-

ous WomanWoman Who Guarded Gate → PortressWomen– Women (in John) 27–28, 30–31– Women (in the Synoptics) 30–31

– Women at the Tomb (in Matthew) 18– Women by the Cross (in John) 45,

556, 603, 611–13, 618–25– Women by the Cross (in Matthew) 18– Women Sent to the Disciples (in Mat-

thew) 18World 31, 34, 54, 61–70, 73, 75, 88, 98,

105, 121–22, 131, 141, 174, 178–79,195, 241, 201, 222, 238–39, 241–44,300, 318, 342, 347, 372, 382, 397, 399,401, 430–32, 459, 472, 484, 494, 534,538, 550–51, 557, 562, 579, 615, 630

Worship 83, 114, 147, 177–78, 277–78,293–94, 296–97, 337, 392, 395–97,400–01, 436, 460, 557, 610

Writing → Grapho–Literacy

Xenophon 280

Young Ruler (in Luke) 250

Zacchaeus (in Luke) 21Zarephath 316Zechariah 200Zero Focalization → Focalization

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.