The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 1331-1340 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1331

At this moment, Aurous Hill International Hotel.

After Nanako left the gymnasium, she returned to the hotel room with her assistant and several servants who had been assigned to herself from home.

For her visit to Aurous Hill this time, Ito’s family has contracted the only two presidential suites in Aurous Hill International Hotel a long time in advance.

Among them, Nanako lives in a suite by herself, and her coach, assistants and subordinates live in another presidential suite.

And half a month ago, the Ito family sent someone to Aurous Hill to transform one of the bedrooms in the presidential suite where Nanako lived, into her exclusive practice room.

It is said that the renovation alone cost millions. If the price of two presidential suites for the long-term contract is included, Nanako will play in Aurous Hill this time. The money spent on housing alone will be at least three or four million.

The main reason for such a lot of trouble and extravagance is that the Ito family is too rich.

The Ito family is one of the top five big families in Japan. The industry covers almost all imaginable fields. Even the Yamaguchi Group, a well-known underground organization in Japan, has shares in the Ito family.

In addition, although Nanako is young and beautiful, and intellectual and quiet, but in her bones is a girl who is extremely obsessed with martial arts. She has extremely strict requirements for her training. She never interrupts her training regardless of cold or heat throughout the year.

She had just finished the game in the morning. After she returned to the hotel, she skipped lunch and immediately went into her practice room again.

Just as she was sweating like rain in the practice room, the phone suddenly vibrated.

The call was made by her assistant Hiroshi Tanaka.

She stopped practicing, connected to the phone, and asked, “Tanaka, what’s the matter?”

The other party respectfully said: “Miss, the chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Mr. Jiro is here. He wants to see you. I wonder if you have time?”

“Jiro?” Nanako said puzzledly: “I have never met him, nor any friendship, why did he come to see me?”

Hiroshi Tanaka hurriedly said: “Miss, you don’t know that Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals sponsored the finals of this competition, and also won the title at a high price. This seems to be a bold attempt by them to enter the Chinese market, so he himself has also arrived in Aurous Hill, knowing that you live here, so I want to come and see you.”

Nanako said: “Tell him that I’m training and I don’t have time to see him. Please ask him to forgive me.”

Nanako has a relatively introverted personality, and she doesn’t like to socialize with people usually. Coupled with the key to formally preparing for the semi-finals, she does not want to be distracted by a stranger.

Hiroshi Tanaka hurriedly said: “Miss, Mr. Kobayashi has just inherited Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. some time ago, and their flagship product, Kobayashi Weisan, is now actively expanding its sales worldwide…”

Nanako, who has always been good-tempered, asked angrily at this time: “Tanaka, what are you going to say? I don’t have any friendship with Jiro, and I don’t care about Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s situation? These have nothing to do with me.”

Hiroshi Tanaka said embarrassingly: “Miss, the president has been in close communication with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, because the president is very optimistic about the future of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, so he is ready to communicate with Jiro about the investment and shareholding. Kobayashi also hopes for Ito very much. The family was able to invest in him, so he invested a lot of money to sponsor this competition, in fact, to show his favor to you and the Ito family!”

“Oh…” Nanako knew that the president of Tanaka Hiroshi’s mouth was his father, Ito Takehiko, the current patriarch of the Ito family.

However, Nanako is still a little cold and said: “I don’t want to get involved too much in the matter of my father. If my father and this Jiro cooperate, then let them meet and talk.”

Chapter 1332

Koichi Tanaka said embarrassedly: “Miss, the president still attaches great importance to this cooperation with Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. Don’t be so willful…”

Nanako Ito said lightly: “I’m sorry Tanaka, I want to continue training.”

After that, she hung up the phone directly.

Nanako, 22 years old this year, is a senior at the best Tokyo University in Japan. She is simple, and her quiet temperament also brings a bit of inherent indifference.

She is the University of Tokyo’s four-year-old school flower, and is also the best daughter-in-law candidate for the top big families in Japan, but she herself is just a simple, unworldly, and dedicated martial artist.

Therefore, she doesn’t understand the relationship between men and women, nor the world.

Neither Jiro nor Obayashi Taro has anything to do with her.

Even if it is her father’s best friend and closest partner, as long as he has no blood relationship with her or her elder relatives, she will not buy it.

Her current life goal is very simple. First, she must win this year’s World College Sanda Competition, and then successfully graduate from the University of Tokyo, and then start preparing for the next Olympic Games.

At the last Olympics, she was too young and she was tight in school, so she was not able to participate, but the next Olympics has become the stage she desires most in her heart.

She is eager to win the Olympic champion, and she is eager to win more than one Olympic champion.

To get this Olympic champion title, and then defend the next Olympic championship, this has become the biggest pursuit in her life.

Koichi Tanaka was holding the phone at this time, facing the expectant Jiro, unavoidably embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, the lady was so unkind, and she said it all for this reason, she still didn’t want to see Jiro.

Koichi Tanaka could only lie to Jiro: “Mr. Kobayashi, please wait a moment, our lady is still training, and she should see you later!”

Wearing a top-level suit and glasses, Jiro, the gentleman smiled incomparably, and said seriously: “It doesn’t matter, if Miss Ito is busy, then please ask her to do her first and leave me alone. , I can wait here.”

Hiroshi Tanaka nodded and said, “Mr. Kobayashi, please sit down for a while, and I will pour a cup of tea for you.”

After speaking, he went to the kitchen, took out his mobile phone and called the head of the Ito family, Takehiko Ito.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ito Takehiko’s low and strong voice came: “Tanaka, what can I do for you?”

Hiroshi Tanaka said in a hurry: “Mr. Chairman, Mr. Jiro, Chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is here. He wants to see Missy.”

Ito Takehiko hummed, and said, “I know that Jiro has a great affection for Nanako. He came to beg me the other day and hoped that he would marry Nanako.”

Hiroshi Tanaka asked: “So what do you mean, Lord President?”

Takehiko Ito did not answer Koichi Tanaka’s question, but said in a strong tone: “Tanaka, you are my confidant, so I will tell you the following things, but you must remember that you must not disclose it to anyone. Otherwise, I will definitely send you to see Amaterasu!”

Chapter 1333

As soon as Tanaka heard this, he immediately blurted out: “President, please rest assured, Tanaka will never reveal your words!”

Ito Takehiko said with satisfaction: “Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals now has a stomach powder with excellent efficacy and very good sales. It is actively expanding the global market. Modern people will encounter some stomach upsets. The market space is also very broad. Once this drug is launched globally, the annual profit can reach at least tens of billions.”

Hiroshi Tanaka exclaimed: “It’s just a stomach medicine, so there is such a large market space?”

Ito Takehiko said: “This is just my preliminary estimate. I have asked the pharmaceutical laboratory of the University of Tokyo to analyze and compare the stomach powder of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals and the stomach medicines of several other companies on the market, and the conclusion is , Kobayashi Weisan is the best!”

“Therefore, it is only a matter of time for Kobayashi Weisan to stand on top of the world. If you want to catch this golden egg hen, you must get as soon as possible. The best way is to marry the Kobayashi family and invest in Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals.”

“If Nanako and Jiro get married, then I will aquire at least 20%, or even 30% of the shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, which will bring our family billions in profits a year!”

Hiroshi Tanaka suddenly realized: “Mr. President, I understand your intentions!”

Ito Takehiko gave a hum, and said, “So, if you are in China and by Nanako’s side, you must find a way to persuade her more, and to be by her side, say more good things about Jiro. If she can agree, this summer After graduating from university, she must immediately married Jiro, then even if you have done a great job, I will reward you with 5 millions at that time!”

Hiroshi Tanaka was overjoyed and said quickly: “Chairman, Tanaka will definitely go all out and will never disappoint your hopes of me!”

Ito said with satisfaction: “Very well, I will call Nanako first, so that she must meet Jiro today. After they meet, you must be in front of Nanako.”

Hiroshi Tanaka said in a hurry: “OK, Chariman!”

At this time, Nanako had just put down her phone and resumed her rigorous training.

But the phone buzzed and vibrated again. She picked up the phone and found that it turned out to be the call from the father, so she hurriedly connected and said respectfully: “Father, I wonder for what you are calling me at this time. What’s the order?”

In large Japanese families, the hierarchy is very strict. Children in ordinary families call their parents Odosan and Okasan, just like Chinese children call parents.

However, in Japan’s large hierarchical families, all children must call their parents father and mother.

Moreover, you should not be too verbal in communicating with your parents on weekdays. You must always use honorific titles, especially for girls. One of the most important homework since childhood is to learn tedious aristocratic etiquette.

Although Nanako grew up holding the golden key, she has been strictly following the various cumbersome rules of the big family from her birth to the present, and she dare not go beyond half a point.

On the other side of the phone, Ito Takehiko asked her: “Nanako, I heard that you won the game today, congratulations.”

Nanako hurriedly said: “Father, today’s game is only 16-in-8. My goal is to win the championship! Please father, wait for me to win the championship, then congratulations me!”

Chapter 1334

“Very good!” Ito Takehiko said approvingly: “As expected to be the daughter of the Ito family, she is not arrogant or rash, and she still remembers her original intentions!”

Even though Nanako was holding the phone, she subconsciously bowed slightly to the east, and said respectfully: “Thank you Father for your praise, I will continue to work hard!”

Takehiko Ito gave a hum, and then said, “By the way, Nanako, the chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, did Jiro beseech you in the past?”

“Yes, father.”

Ito Takehiko said: “You, you are not too young anymore. Don’t always keep away from the opposite s3x. I have been in contact with this young man Jiro. He is only two years older than you, and he is young and promising. You might as well get in touch with him more.”

Nanako hurriedly said: “My father, I don’t have any ideas about men’s and women’s affairs now, and I will not focus on this in the next few years. Then I will participate in next Olympic Games and the next. In the next Olympics, talking about love will only affect my training and competition, and I hope my father can understand.”

Ito Takehiko said: “You are still too young. Many things are not the relationship between fish and bear’s paw, but the relationship between fish and water. Love and marriage will not affect your future life plan.”

Nanako said seriously: “Father, Nanako I agree with what you said. Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. If you want to become the world’s top master, you must spend all the time you can spend on training. In terms of training, if I don’t train hard at this time, but instead waste precious time on love and marriage, then I will not be able to become a martial arts master in my life.”

Ito Takehiko said with a bit of reprimand in his voice: “Budo was originally meant to be a hobby for you to practice. I didn’t want you to devote all your time and energy to it.”

“Knowing that you are the eldest lady of the Ito family after all, the eldest lady must look like a eldest lady, and fight with others in the ring every day. What’s the point?”

Nanako firmly said: “Father, martial arts is the home of my lifelong pursuit! If necessary, I am willing to give up love and marriage for martial arts!”


Ito Takehiko suddenly furious: “You are my daughter, with the blood of the Ito family flowing through you. How can you give up the inheritance of blood for the sake of the martial arts? Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Ito family?”

“I…” Nanako was speechless.

When she heard her father’s words, she did feel a little guilty in her heart, so she hurriedly said: “My father, I know that I was wrong. I am not really not thinking about marriage, but at this stage I don’t want to think about it too early. Please my father. understand!”

Ito Takehiko said coldly: “I can’t understand, it’s impossible to understand, but I don’t want to tell you more about life on the phone. When you come back from the game, we father and daughter can help our knees grow and talk.”

“But now, Jiro has come to visit you. As the eldest lady of the Ito family, you represent the face and image of the Ito family. How can you avoid it? If it spreads out, outsiders will definitely say that the Ito family doesn’t understand etiquette!”

When Nanako heard this, she had no choice but to say, “It was my misconsideration, and I asked my father to forgive me. I will change clothes and go to see Jiro…”

Chapter 1335

Seeing Nanako’s promise, Ito Takehiko’s voice eased a little. He asked, “Nanako, have you had lunch?”

She replied truthfully: “Return to my father, I was training when I came back from the gym, and I haven’t had lunch yet.”

Ito Takehiko hummed, and said, “It’s so good. I think it’s noon now. You simply take Jiro to have lunch with you, which can be regarded as a way of hospitality for your father.”

“Take him for lunch?”

Nanako was somewhat reluctant.

She herself is a girl with a relatively cold personality, and when her family was teaching her feminine etiquette, she kept a sufficient distance from outside men. In addition, she had been obsessed with martial arts for many years, so she had nothing to do with men and the contact.

Except for her family, she grew up so old that she had never eaten privately with a young man. Even her assistant Koichi Tanaka never had a chance to eat with her.

However, she could also hear the toughness of her father’s tone, knowing that it might be useless to oppose him, so she said, “OK, father, Nanako understands…”

Ito Takehiko said with satisfaction: “Nanako, the family has a very important cooperation with Kobayashi Pharmaceutical now in progress, so you must not neglect the other party, understand?”

Nanako hurriedly said, “I see, my father.”

After hanging up the phone, Nanako sighed helplessly. She called Hiroshi Tanaka and said to him: “Tanaka, please help me entertain Mr. Kobayashi first. I was sweating during my practice and I need to take a shower.”

Hiroshi Tanaka hurriedly agreed, then turned to Jiro and said, “Mr. Kobayashi, please wait a moment. Our eldest lady needs a shower. She will arrive soon.”

When Jiro heard that Nanako would like to see him, he was deeply excited, but on the surface he said calmly, “Okay Mr. Tanaka, I am waiting for Miss Ito here.”

Ten minutes later, Nanako, who took the shower, changed into a simple and plain Japanese home clothes.

At this time, she can no longer see the traces of years of martial arts practice. She is completely a gentle traditional Japanese woman.

Tanaka took Jiro to Nanako’s presidential suite. When Jiro saw Nanako, he was shocked!

He couldn’t help but marvel in his heart, my God! Why is this woman so beautiful? So pure? !

Her eyes are clear and lustrous, like a work of art carefully carved from the sky, the face like a goose egg is white and flawless, the exquisite nose is like a treasure of the world, and the thin lips like cherry blossoms are delicate and fascinating. .

In the eyes of Jiro, she is like the crystal clear water of Tianchi on the top of a snow-capped mountain, dignified, quiet, gentle, and a little cold.

Only on this side, Jiro fell in love with this woman deeply, and secretly vowed in his heart: “I must marry her as my wife anyway! Even if it is to let me join the Ito family, I will not hesitate. Because besides her, There is no such perfect woman in this world!”

Jiro desperately suppressed his deep desire for Nanako, but Nanako still found a touch of desire that could not be suppressed in his eyes.

This made her feel a little disgusted in her heart, feeling that Jiro’s eyes were like a drop of meaty lard dripping into a cup of fine tea.

However, she was not good at expressing her disgust, so she could only say very politely: “Mr. Kobayashi, sorry, I just made you wait a long time.”

Jiro hurriedly waved his hand and said, “No, no, no, Miss Ito don’t need to be so polite. You took the liberty to come to the door. Actually I was abrupt. Please don’t mind Miss Ito.

Chapter 1336

As he said, Jiro sighed again with a deep annoyance, and said regretfully: “I just arrived in Aurous Hill this morning. After completing the immigration procedures, I came here directly. I didn’t have time to go to the gym to watch Miss Ito’s game today. I heard Miss Ito defeated her opponent in just one round, and it’s a shame that I couldn’t see her below!”

Nanako said, “Mr. Kobayashi is too kind.”

“From now on, in every game of Miss Ito, I will definitely be there to cheer you up!”

“Actually, the next Kobayashi Pharmaceutical sponsored the finals of this competition. By then, I will personally present the trophy to the champion of the competition. I can’t wait. Looking forward to the day of the final, I will give the trophy to Miss Ito!”

Nanako said humbly: “Mr. Kobayashi, before the game is over, no one knows who will win the championship. Although I have the confidence to win, I dare not say that I will win the championship.”

Jiro quickly said, “I believe Miss Ito must be fine!”

Nanako smiled, remembering his father’s order, and said: “Mr. Kobayashi, it’s noon now. Why don’t you stay and have lunch together.”

As soon as Jiro heard this, his whole heart was trembling with excitement, and he said excitedly: “It is a great honor to have lunch with Miss Ito!”

Nanako said to Koichi Tanaka: “Tanaka, please follow us to the restaurant in this suite, and serve lunch for me and Mr. Kobayashi by the way.”

In fact, although Nanako is the eldest lady of a top big family in Japan, she has always been independent, and rarely needs a lot of people to wait for her like other rich second generations.

Therefore, she would never allow Tanaka to serve by her side at ordinary times, but today she really does not want to be alone with Jiro, so she is prepared to keep Tanaka by her side, which is also a buffer.

When Hiroshi Tanaka heard the order from the eldest lady, he naturally nodded without hesitation. Jiro thought that Nanako was used to being served during meals, so he didn’t take it to heart. After all, even if he went out to eat in a restaurant, it was There are waiters around to serve.

When they came to the restaurant, Nanako sat across from Jiro.

Because of the large area of ​​the presidential suite, the restaurant is also very spacious and luxurious. One of the rectangular western dining tables can accommodate at least 12 people for dining together.

So the two sat opposite at the western table, and the distance was guaranteed to a certain extent, which made Nanako feel a little more at ease.

After sitting down, Jiro took the initiative to find a topic to chat with Nanako, and said: “Miss Ito has been here for a long time, right?”

Nanako nodded and said, “It’s been twenty days since I came.”

Jiro asked again: “Then I wonder if you have had a good time in Aurous Hill? This city is still very beautiful.”

Nanako asked faintly, “Mr. Kobayashi has been to Aurous Hill before?”

“Oh, the first time.” Jiro sighed and said, “Actually, Aurous Hill is not an interesting place for me, it has worst memoires in fact. If it weren’t for Miss Ito, you are here to participate in the competition. No matter how beautiful the city is, I will definitely won’t come.”

Nanako asked in surprise, “Mr. Kobayashi, what do you say that for?”

Jiro pretended to be sad and said: “There is a big rebellious elder brother, who is so obsessed with his heart and poisoned our common father with poison…”

“Our Kobayashi family issued a killing order in order to clear the door. My brother was killed by a bounty hunter in Aurous Hill some time ago. I don’t even know where his body is buried now… “

Chapter 1337

Nanako didn’t expect that Jiro’s elder brother died in Aurous Hill. She said with some embarrassment: “I’m sorry, Mr. Kobayashi, accidentally provoked your sadness.”

Jiro quickly waved his hand and said seriously: “It doesn’t matter, although this matter is sad, but Ms. Ito is not an outsider after all, I can also relieve my sadness by listening to you…”

Thinking of his elder brother Ichiro, Jiro didn’t feel sad at all. On the contrary, he was very happy.

The idea of ​​Japanese eldest son inheriting family business is deeply ingrained.

Regardless of the big family, the eldest son will eventually inherit the family business. Even if the eldest son’s ability is not as good as the second or other sons, he will still be the head of the family, and then let other capable younger brothers assist him.

Originally, after the death of his father, Jiro’s fate was to assist his brother, Ichiro, to carry forward Kobayashi Pharmaceutical and the Kobayashi family.

Even if his ability is stronger than his brother, even if his credit is greater than his brother, he must follow the Japanese rules of growing up.

If he dares to snatch the inheritance of the family from his elder brother, then it will become a rebellious existence in the eyes of the entire Japanese society.

Unexpectedly, one of his elder brother Ichiro’s sorrow operations actually gave himself the position of heir to the family.

More perfect, the magical medicine he sent back killed the two common fathers. Not only did it directly solve the father of the two people at the time, but also caused him to bear the crime of paternicide, and finally returned it. Gave himself a reason to kill him.

Speaking of it, this is simply a gift of thousands of miles, and it also gave the whole family to himself.

The cost of killing this big brother was too high.

The b@stard surnamed Wade asked him for 10 billion as soon as he spoke.

And these 10 billion are not Japanese Yen, but RMB!

This money really hurt him for a while.

But fortunately, he does have extraordinary abilities. Some time ago, he led the development of Kobayashi Weisan from ancient Chinese prescriptions, and now it has become the best stomach medicine in Japan.

The global marketing of this stomach medicine is just around the corner. At that time, let alone RMB 10 billion, even RMB 10 billion or RMB 100 billion is nothing in his eyes.

Moreover, if he can marry Nanako and become the son-in-law of the Ito family, then Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals will be able to get greater assistance and achieve faster development.

It won’t take long for Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to surpass JNJ in the United States and become the largest pharmaceutical group in the world!

On that day, he will be able to stand on top of the world.

Thinking of this, he looked at Nanako eagerly, and asked with a smile: “Miss Ito will soon graduate this year, right?”

“Yes.” Nanako nodded and said, “Graduated in the summer.”

Jiro smiled and said, “Oh, the senior year is really like a flower. Many girls choose to get married after graduating from college. I wonder if Miss Ito has any ideas in this regard?”

Nanako shook her head: “My mind is on martial arts, and I haven’t thought of falling in love in a short time.”

Jiro was not discouraged, and asked, “Then what kind of men does Miss Ito like more?”

Nanako said: “I haven’t considered this issue because I haven’t liked any man.”

Chapter 1338

Jiro did not give up, and continued to ask: “Then think about it now, what kind of man can meet your criteria for mate selection?”

Nanako thought about it, and then said: “First of all, he must be stronger than me!”

“Better than you? In what way? In career? In education? Or achievement?”

Nanako said very seriously: “It is the strength of martial arts! I don’t want to find a man who can’t beat me in the future.”

Jiro coughed awkwardly, and thought to himself: “This Nanako

It doesn’t seem to be quiet, but he didn’t expect to be so competitive in his bones.

She likes martial arts and pursues martial arts. Why do you want to find a man who is stronger than yourself when you fall in love?

That is to say, a person who has no power to bind a chicken, doesn’t it mean that he has already lost some opportunities when he comes up?

Thinking of this, Jiro said hurriedly: “Miss Ito, is your condition not a bit harsh? There are so many good men in the world, but they may not all practice martial arts, and many martial arts masters are very old. Just like your coach Mr. Yamamoto Kazuki, Ms. Ito would not want to find such a boyfriend, right?”

Nanako shook her head and said: “Of course not. The strength is stronger than me. It is only the first requirement. I also have the second requirement. He must conform to my aesthetics and values. In addition, his age must not be older. Over three years old, not more than that old, and he must be upright and kind.”

Jiro asked again: “What about the assets? What are the requirements?”

Nanako said: “There are no requirements for assets.”

Jiro felt a little depressed.

My biggest advantage is my assets. I am the chairman of a family business at a young age. This is rare in Japan. After all, the older generation of entrepreneurs who are normally as old as my father have not retired, and their children are also Haven’t even begun to inherit the family business.

However, he did not expect that Nanako would not care about the other party’s assets at all.

Could it be that even a pauper, as long as he meets other conditions, she is willing to follow?

Depressed, Jiro couldn’t help saying: “Miss Ito, President Ito should have certain requirements for your future spouse selection? After all, you are the eldest lady of the Ito family. At this point, you should also consider the opinion of Chairman Ito.”

Nanako shook his head: “Everything else can be considered father’s opinion, but I will not consider the matter of choosing a spouse. This is not only about a person’s freedom, but also about the happiness of a person’s life. Don’t point fingers.”

Jiro frowned involuntarily.

It seems that this super-rich second-generation beauty and super rich in front of her is very difficult to chew!

Just when Jiro didn’t know how to cut in, how to pursue Nanako, Charlie had already galloped back and forth on the lake with Aoxue.

Aoxue had enough fun, and the chef of the Qin family had prepared a sumptuous meal and banquet, so she drove the boat back to the dock.

Later, she returned to the villa with Charlie, and Qin Gang warmly invited Charlie to sit in the luxurious Chinese restaurant in his villa.

When Qin Gang arranged the seats, he specifically asked Aoxue to sit next to Charlie. At the same time, he opened a bottle of top-quality Moutai that had been kept for many years and handed it to Aoxue. Don’t let Master’s cup empty.”

Aoxue took the wine bottle and said softly: “I know Dad, don’t worry.”

Qin Gang smiled again and said, “By the way, Aoxue, the first time Master comes back to our house for dinner, you also accompany Master for a drink.”

Chapter 1339

Aoxue smiled shyly, and said obediently: “I know Dad, then I will drink a little with Master.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Aoxue, after eating, I will help you absorb the power of the magic drug, so you are not suitable for drinking. If you really want to drink with me, just wait for you to win the championship.”

Aoxue bit her lower lip lightly, and said unconfidently, “Master, to be honest, if I were to fight Nanako, I wouldn’t even be 20% sure…This Nanako really is very powerful, there is no rival among people of the same age.”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Is Nanako really so amazing?”

Aoxue said: “Nanako started martial arts when she was 5 years old, and she has been learning from Japan’s top masters. What’s more, she practiced a variety of martial arts since childhood, including Sanda, fighting, karate, and even Jeet Kune. A talented player.”

“And I, I only started practicing Sanda fighting when I was ten years old. I have five years less skill than Nanako. The gap is too big. Even if your magical medicine can improve my physical function, I may not be able to beat her, because Sanda Fighting games are not only about physical strength, agility and speed, but also experience and tactics. Experience and tactics are accumulated over time and little by little. It is also the biggest gap between me and Nanako.”

Speaking of this, Aoxue continued with a little sullenly: “It’s like your men’s favorite football, whether it is Messi or Ronaldo, what they are really good at is their skills and consciousness, and experience, not their bodies. How strong they are, or how strong their stamina is. Messi is so short and there are too many football players who are stronger than him, but there are basically no active football players with experience and skills comparable to him. , This is the key point.”

Charlie nodded and said, “You are right. Experience and tactics do require years of actual combat. However, don’t worry too much about this. I will definitely help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents carefully. Help you develop tactics.”

Aoxue nodded excitedly: “Great Master! Then I will rely on you!”

After eating, Aoxue took Charlie to her special practice room.

Aoxue’s exercise room is much larger than the living room of an average person’s home. It has all kinds of training equipment and a standard arena.

Aoxue invited Charlie to do it in the rest area of ​​the practice room, and then said to him shyly: “Master you sit first, and I will change into training clothes.”

Charlie: “Okay.”

Seeing Charlie nodded, Aoxue turned and went to the next room first.

A few minutes later, she walked out wearing brave sportswear.

Said it is sportswear, it is actually a sports underwear.

Sports underwear can cover very little skin, nothing more than the key part.

So Aoxue’s pink neck, slender arms and long legs, and flat belly with two vest lines were all fully exposed to the air.

Unlike when he saw Aoxue on the field today, Charlie saw her now in a closed and private environment. In this environment, there was no other person besides the two of them, so this made him feel a little bit unnatural.

Aoxue also kept answering in shame, always feeling that in private, she dressed like this for Charlie to look at, feeling a little shy and unbearable in her heart.

However, she didn’t panic at all, because she was very confident in her figure, and deep in her heart hoped Charlie can see more of her shining light.

Charlie tried his best to look at Aoxue’s eyes without any impurities, and said seriously: “Aoxue, where is the medicine I gave you before?”

Aoxue immediately opened her palms and exposed a pill in a transparent plastic shell, and said, “Master, the magic medicine is here…”

Chapter 1340

Charlie nodded and said: “Okay, you take the medicine now, and I will guide you to absorb the medicine quickly.”

This medicine itself is a good medicine for the treatment of physical injuries. Because of its aura, the effect of the medicine has been qualitatively sublimated.

Middle-aged and elderly people have many embarrassments in their bodies, and their organs and bodies also have a certain degree of regression. Therefore, when taking the medicine, the effect of the medicine will directly act on these patients for repair, and there is no need to guide them by themselves.

However, young people’s bodies are strong, and their organs and bodies are generally at their peak. At this time, blindly taking medicines will cause powerful medicine effects and nowhere to absorb them.

If the human body is compared to a sponge, the body of the middle-aged and elderly people is a sponge that has lost a lot of water and is even about to dry up.

At this time, giving them enough water will quickly replenish the water they lost and regain their youthful state.

But if the young man’s body is not injured, it is a sponge filled with water. In this case, if he is blindly hydrated, it is basically impossible for him to absorb it.

Even, maybe there is a strong but unabsorbable medicinal effect, which in turn damages the body.

When Charlie gave Aoxue the medicine, his intention was to leave her as an insurance, so that she could use this medicine to save her life when she was injured or seriously ill.

But now he want to use this medicine to help her improve, so he must help her guide the absorption of the medicine.

Aoxue immediately took the medicine out of the box after hearing what he said, then looked at Charlie, and asked with a cunning face, “Master, can I just take the medicine?”

Charlie nodded: “Sit down cross-legged, and then take the medicine directly.”

Aoxue obediently followed suit, sat cross-legged on the soft training mat, and then put the pill into her mouth.

The power of this medicine is very pure, so as soon as Aoxue put it in her mouth, the pill immediately turned into a strong warm current and entered her internal organs.

Immediately afterwards, Aoxue felt extremely hot all over her body, and every pore seemed to be sweating desperately.

The key is that this kind of sweating is completely different from what she usually does after exercising.

She felt her sweat, like being squeezed out of her body by a powerful force.

Moreover, the sweat that flows out is much denser than usual, and it feels sticky as if it was just soaked in a bucket full of glue.

Charlie immediately used the spiritual energy in his body to help Aoxue guide and absorb these medicinal powers.

The powerful medicinal power was melted into Aoxue’s body by Charlie, causing her body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Aoxue felt a bit painful and unbearable at first, but in the later stage, she felt indescribable and comfortable all over her body, and she felt like she was completely reborn!

The most bizarre thing is that she can still feel an unprecedented sense of comfort, like being held tightly in her arms by Charlie, warm and comfortable, and she can’t help but feel ripples in her heart…

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 1331-1340 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.