UNIT 2 : Argument - weeks 10-17 (2024)

Table of Contents
blank persuasion map The Problem (Essential Question):What is "argument"?And how do you make a good one? UNIT TWO - The Big Picture Weeks 9- Unit 2 - Argument Mon., 12/9 – Thu., 12/12Assessment Due:Friday, 12/13/19 TOP PRIORITYFOCUS STANDARDS Reading Informational Text #3Key Ideas and Details:Key Ideasand Details:Analyze howthe author unfolds ananalysis or series ofideas or events, includingthe order in which thepoints are made, howthey are introduced anddeveloped, and theconnections that aredrawn between them. Reading Informational Text #6Key Ideas and Details:Craft andStructure:Determine an author’s point of view orpurpose in a text and analyze how an authoruses rhetoric to advancethat point of view orpurpose. Writing #1Key Ideas and Details:Text Typesand Purposes:Writearguments to supportclaims in an analysis ofsubstantive topics ortexts, using validreasoning and relevantand sufficient evidence. ​Language #5Key Ideas and Details:VocabularyAcquisition and Use:Demonstrateunderstanding offigurative language, word relationships, andnuances in wordmeanings. Speaking and Listening 2 and 3Key Ideas and Details:Comprehension and Collaboration:*Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.​*Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. Week Ten- OCTOBER 21 First Meeting Periods 3, 5​Finish Unit 1 Assessment Periods 2, 4Finish Assessment Prep​Begin Unit 1 Assessment Second Meeting Periods 3, 5SSR/RJ #9 Peer Conferences for"First Half of Semester"EssaysFinal Draft Due Tuesday ​The Great Debaters Periods 2, 4 Finish Unit 1 Assessment Third Meeting Data Review and Discussion New Focus Standards ​The Great Debatersperiods 2, 4 Periods 3, 5SSR/RJ students' choice Finish peer conferences CommonLits blank persuasion map Week Eleven- OCTOBER 28 CLAIM (debatable, provable, and significant) >EVIDENCE (credible)>REASONING (persuasive) ​ "A formal [academic]argument clearly states the claim or position it argues and presents a well-developed chain of evidence leading to a reasonable conclusion supporting the claim. The chain of evidence itself may include a wide variety of elements ranging from personal experience to statistical data and expert testimony" (Writing@CSU, Colorado State University). First Meeting Mr. Long Returns! It'sGrammartime!!! Independent and Subordinate Clauses 1 HOMEWORK HULLABALOOin groups: make your argumentschoose your argumentwrite your argument​make your argument Argument Presentations It'sGrammartime!!! Capitalize This! Your / You're Journals: Write. Read. Write.The world you want to live in shoulder / face partners + 2SSR / #6 Second Meeting ​Language 1.a​REVIEWConventions of Standard English:Use parallel structure, correct punctuation, and correct grammar. Objective:Learn to use PARALLEL STRUCTURE Language Lessonparallel structure review Parallel Structure 1 Sustained Silent Readingno devices Reading Response Journals:​#1 - QUESTIONS "First Half of the Semester" essays due.evidence search/rubric arguing in style Third Meeting Sustained Silent Readingno devices Reading Response Journals:​#7 - EVALUATION WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT TO TAKE SOME ​Cornell Notes! Language Lessonsentences revisited Sentence Structure- The Rules Sentence PowerPoint Excellent, Comprehensive Sentence PowerPoint What are some of the tools of "persuasion"? argument/persuasion vocabulary tools of argument ppt Argument/ Persuasion Test Practice Powerpoint It'sGrammartime!!! It'sGrammartime!!! To Two Too Week Twelve- NOVEMBER 4 First Meeting Please turn in grade reports. Binder Master List Argument Vocabularypractice quiz 1.Tools of Argument Exam 1 Now Presenting... Second Meeting Sustained Silent Reading Reading Response Journals:​#6- personal feelings & opinions New texts readaround / Q & A Oral Arguments New Assessment Text New texts/parallel structure quiz Third Meeting ​The Great Debaters finish? Sample #1 - single parenting Sample #2 - legalized marijuana Sample #3 - Puerto Rico Sample #4 - school choice (con) Sample #5 - school choice (pro) Sample #6 - Yellowstone snowmobile (con) Sample #7 - college credit cards Sample #8 - Yellowstone snowmobiles (pro) Sample #9 - fast food (con) Sample #10 - PEDs (con) Argumentative Essay breakdown Week Thirteen- NOVEMBER 11 get your>>FLASHCARDS!!! <<here go to https://kahoot.it/challenge/0548170challenge pin 0548170 First Meeting Standards:Language 9.5Vocabulary Acquisition and UseDemonstrate Understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.Reading Informational Text 9.3Key Ideas and Details:Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them. Objective:Learn to identify and utilize the tools of argument. Exam: Tools of Argument 1 counterargument *Sample Argument Breakdowns Inferences! **HOMEWORK HULLABALOOin groups:make your argumentschoose your argumentwrite your argument​make your argument ​*the author is trying to say... *commas, semicolons, and clauses Second Meeting 1.Tools Quiz-Quiz-Trade Exam:​Tools of Argument 2 GrammarTime!ToTooTwo,TheirThereThey're,​It'sIts Narrative Bingo! work back/go over ​take home exams Week Fourteen- NOVEMBER 18 Debate People Search ​​The Great Debate Affirmative The Great Debate Negative The Great Debate Rubric Debate Narrative Rubric The Great Debate Essay Rubric The Great Debate scoresheet First Meeting 2.Tools of Argument Exam3 Sustained Silent Readingno devices Table Group Arguments MAKE YOUR CASE 45 minutes prep Counter Argument vids Break It Down Two homework:​ annotation nation argument-persuasion example.pdf​ Second Meeting 2.Tools of Argument Exam3 Sustained Silent Readingno devices Perfect School Mini-Project prepare Perfect School arguments and paragraphs 1.Perfect School Pitches Journals:NOW Academypositives & negatives The GREAT DEBATEthe work begins... Third Meeting homework:​one argumentCommonLit​Debate Research The Question:IsNOW Academya good school?​The Debate:Resolved: NOW Academy is a great school. Week Fifteen- NOVEMBER 25 ​THANKSGIVING BREAK November 25-29 homework:​one argument (graphic organizer plus argument draft in docs)CommonLit (read and rebut)​Debate Research (one week to prepare when we return!) TOP PRIORITYFOCUS STANDARDS ​​ReadingInformational Text ­3:​​Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events… ReadingInformational Text ­6:​Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. Speaking and Listening ­3:​Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. ​​Language 4:​Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases… choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. ​​Language 5:​​Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. rhetoric:language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but sometimes lacking in sincerity or meaningful content nuance:a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound subtle:not obvious; fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand Week Sixteen- DECEMBER 2 First Meeting Individual Arguments DUE CRAAP test - worksheet Evidence Check​andArgument Prep Second Meeting Tools of Argument​re-test Third Meeting Week Seventeen- DECEMBER 9 First Meeting Grade Reports Inferences 2 Debate Prep Second Meeting Unit Two Assessment Debate Prep Third Meeting It's SHOWTIME! The Great Debate:1. Fifteen Minute Call2. Opening Statements, Evidence3. Break 104. Rebuttal, Crossfire, ​Closing Statements5. And the winner is... Homework:Business Letter​Due Wednesday Business Letter Format Business Letter Explanation and Examples Week Eighteen- DECEMBER 16 First Meeting IAB Tests Second Meeting Reflections and​Customer Complaints Family Biography Project en español (((Gracias, Sr. Pu y Ms. Campos!))) Vacation Homework! on your break:First, write down everything you know or think you know about your family history.Second, complete a minimum of three interviews (at least 20 questions each) with family members and/or friends.Bring interview notesand "prewrite" with you when you return in January. See you in January! argument vs. persuasion vs. propaganda WEEK ELEVEN - OCTOBER 22 First Meeting Sentences: ​three handouts ORGANIZER. argument claim map Second Meeting After School:Vocabulary Exam make-ups check the strategies persuasive writing PowerPoint Homework:1-3 paragraphsIs NOWa good school? Third Meeting Author's Purpose/Intent Clauses Argument Fact vs. Opinion ReviewFacts, Opinions, Inferences Fact vs. Inference Powerpoint Fact versus Opinion - explanation and practice fact versus opinion! fact v opinion PowerPoint HONORS meeting after school on Monday - Room A207 WEEK TWELVE - OCTOBER 29 How is argument different from persuasion and propaganda? First Meeting Author's Main Idea CommonLit ​Speaking & Listening Figurative Language 1 Figurative Language 1 KEY Figurative Language 2 Figurative Language 2 KEY Honors Meeting!!after schoolTuesday Second Meeting Reminder:HONORS meeting ​after school CommonLit ​Speaking & Listening Interactive Journalsquestion, mvp Third Meeting Journals: Charter This Binder-rama More​Author's Main Idea Quizizz Period 1GAME CODE796935https://join.quizizz.com Quizizz Period 5GAME CODE975232https://join.quizizz.com Quizizz Period 6GAME CODE606740https://join.quizizz.com Debate Prep: writing speeches Debate Prep WEEK THIRTEEN- November 5, 2017 First Meeting Research DUE! U.S. News Pro Brookings Con Second Meeting Unit 2 Assessment Debate Prep Third Meeting WEEK FOURTEEN- November 12, 2016 Mandatory Tutoring: Wednesday, November 14 First Meeting Debate Speeches first drafts dueWork on Final DraftsPrepare Debate Presentations Credible Sources Research Project! wait! there's more! A brief word from our vacation homework. Parts of the Classical Argument onward to RESEARCH Thanksgiving Break -- Research ReconnaissanceNarrow your TopicSocial Justice Environmental Stewardship Technology EducationDevelop a Research Question​: What question are you trying to answer with your paper? References

blank persuasion map

The Problem (Essential Question):
What is "argument"?
And how do you make a good one?

UNIT TWO - The Big Picture

Weeks 9- Unit 2 - Argument

Mon., 12/9 – Thu., 12/12
Assessment Due:
Friday, 12/13/19

RI 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RI 6.Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.
RI 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts,
using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

a. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented..
Speaking and Listening
SL3.Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.


Reading Informational Text #3
Key Ideas and Details:
Key Ideasand Details:
Analyze howthe author unfolds ananalysis or series ofideas or events, includingthe order in which thepoints are made, how
they are introduced anddeveloped, and the
connections that aredrawn between them.

Reading Informational Text #6
Key Ideas and Details:
Craft andStructure:
Determine an author’s point of view orpurpose in a text and analyze how an authoruses rhetoric to advancethat point of view orpurpose.

Writing #1
Key Ideas and Details:
Text Typesand Purposes:
Writearguments to supportclaims in an analysis ofsubstantive topics ortexts, using validreasoning and relevantand sufficient evidence.

Language #5
Key Ideas and Details:
VocabularyAcquisition and Use:
Demonstrateunderstanding of
figurative language, word relationships, andnuances in wordmeanings.

Speaking and Listening 2 and 3
Key Ideas and Details:
Comprehension and Collaboration:
*Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.
​*Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

Week Ten- OCTOBER 21

First Meeting

Periods 3, 5
Finish Unit 1 Assessment

Periods 2, 4
Finish Assessment Prep
​Begin Unit 1 Assessment

Second Meeting

Periods 3, 5

Peer Conferences for
"First Half of Semester"
Final Draft Due Tuesday

The Great Debaters

Periods 2, 4

Finish Unit 1 Assessment

Third Meeting

Data Review and Discussion

New Focus Standards

The Great Debaters
periods 2, 4

Periods 3, 5
SSR/RJ students' choice

Finish peer conferences


blank persuasion map

Week Eleven- OCTOBER 28

CLAIM (debatable, provable, and significant) >EVIDENCE (credible)>REASONING (persuasive)

"A formal [academic]argument clearly states the claim or position it argues and presents a well-developed chain of evidence leading to a reasonable conclusion supporting the claim. The chain of evidence itself may include a wide variety of elements ranging from personal experience to statistical data and expert testimony" (Writing@CSU, Colorado State University).

First Meeting

Mr. Long Returns!

IGP Meeting with
Mr. Aquino


Independent and Subordinate Clauses 1

in groups:
make your arguments
choose your argument
write your argument
​make your argument

Argument Presentations

It'sGrammartime!!! Capitalize This!
Your / You're

Journals: Write. Read. Write.
The world you want to live in
shoulder / face partners + 2
SSR / #6

Second Meeting

Language 1.a

Conventions of Standard English:

Use parallel structure, correct punctuation, and correct grammar.


Language Lesson
parallel structure review

Parallel Structure 1

Sustained Silent Reading
no devices

Reading Response Journals:

"First Half of the Semester" essays due.
evidence search/rubric

arguing in style

Third Meeting

Sustained Silent Reading
no devices

Reading Response Journals:

Cornell Notes!

Language Lesson
sentences revisited

Sentence Structure- The Rules

Sentence PowerPoint

Excellent, Comprehensive Sentence PowerPoint

What are some of the tools of "persuasion"?

argument/persuasion vocabulary

tools of argument ppt

Argument/ Persuasion Test Practice Powerpoint



To Two Too

Week Twelve- NOVEMBER 4

First Meeting

Please turn in grade reports.

Binder Master List

Argument Vocabulary
practice quiz

1.Tools of Argument Exam 1

Now Presenting...

Second Meeting

Sustained Silent Reading

Reading Response Journals:
​#6- personal feelings & opinions

New texts readaround / Q & A

Oral Arguments

New Assessment Text

New texts/parallel structure quiz

Third Meeting

The Great Debaters


Sample #1 - single parenting

Sample #2 - legalized marijuana

Sample #3 - Puerto Rico

Sample #4 - school choice (con)

Sample #5 - school choice (pro)

Sample #6 - Yellowstone snowmobile (con)

Sample #7 - college credit cards

Sample #8 - Yellowstone snowmobiles (pro)

Sample #9 - fast food (con)

Sample #10 - PEDs (con)

Argumentative Essay breakdown

Week Thirteen- NOVEMBER 11

get your>>FLASHCARDS!!! <<here

go to https://kahoot.it/challenge/0548170
challenge pin 0548170

First Meeting

Language 9.5
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Demonstrate Understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Reading Informational Text 9.3
Key Ideas and Details:
Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them.

Learn to identify and utilize the tools of argument.

Exam: Tools of Argument 1


*Sample Argument Breakdowns


in groups:
make your arguments
choose your argument
write your argument
​make your argument

*the author is trying to say...

*commas, semicolons, and clauses

Second Meeting

1.Tools Quiz-Quiz-Trade

​Tools of Argument 2


Narrative Bingo!

work back/go over
​take home exams

Week Fourteen- NOVEMBER 18

Debate People Search

​​The Great Debate Affirmative

The Great Debate Negative

The Great Debate Rubric

Debate Narrative Rubric

UNIT 2 : Argument - weeks 10-17 (1)

The Great Debate!
previously on The Great Debate...​
(click for slideshow!)

The Great Debate Essay Rubric

The Great Debate scoresheet

First Meeting

2.Tools of Argument Exam3

Sustained Silent Reading
no devices

Table Group Arguments
45 minutes prep

Counter Argument vids

Break It Down Two

​ annotation nation

argument-persuasion example.pdf

Second Meeting

2.Tools of Argument Exam3

Sustained Silent Reading
no devices

Perfect School Mini-Project

prepare Perfect School arguments and paragraphs

1.Perfect School Pitches

NOW Academy
positives & negatives

the work begins...

Third Meeting

one argument
​Debate Research

The Question:
IsNOW Academya good school?

​The Debate:

Resolved: NOW Academy is a great school.

Week Fifteen- NOVEMBER 25


one argument (graphic organizer plus argument draft in docs)
CommonLit (read and rebut)
​Debate Research (one week to prepare when we return!)


​​ReadingInformational Text ­3:​
Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events…

ReadingInformational Text ­6:​
Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.

Speaking and Listening ­3:​
Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

​​Language 4:​
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases… choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

​​Language 5:​
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but sometimes lacking in sincerity or meaningful content

a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound

not obvious; fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand

Let's add this:
​9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Week Sixteen- DECEMBER 2

First Meeting

Individual Arguments DUE

CRAAP test - worksheet

Evidence Check
Argument Prep

Second Meeting

Tools of Argument

Third Meeting

Week Seventeen- DECEMBER 9

First Meeting

Grade Reports

Inferences 2

Debate Prep

Second Meeting

Unit Two Assessment

Debate Prep

Third Meeting


The Great Debate:
1. Fifteen Minute Call
2. Opening Statements, Evidence
3. Break 10
4. Rebuttal, Crossfire,
​Closing Statements
5. And the winner is...

Business Letter
Due Wednesday

Business Letter Format

Business Letter Explanation and Examples

Week Eighteen- DECEMBER 16

First Meeting

IAB Tests

Second Meeting

Reflections and
​Customer Complaints

Family Biography Project

en español

(((Gracias, Sr. Pu y Ms. Campos!)))

Vacation Homework!

on your break:
First, write down everything you know or think you know about your family history.Second, complete a minimum of three interviews (at least 20 questions each) with family members and/or friends.Bring interview notes
and "prewrite" with you when you return in January.

See you in January!

argument vs. persuasion vs. propaganda


First Meeting

​three handouts


argument claim map

Second Meeting

After School:
Vocabulary Exam make-ups

check the strategies
persuasive writing PowerPoint

1-3 paragraphs
a good school?

Third Meeting

Author's Purpose/Intent

Fact vs. Opinion Review
Facts, Opinions, Inferences

Fact vs. Inference Powerpoint

Fact versus Opinion - explanation and practice

fact versus opinion!

fact v opinion PowerPoint

HONORS meeting after school on Monday - Room A207


How is argument different from persuasion and propaganda?

First Meeting

Author's Main Idea

​Speaking & Listening

Figurative Language 1

Figurative Language 1 KEY

Figurative Language 2

Figurative Language 2 KEY

Honors Meeting!!
after school

Second Meeting

HONORS meeting
​after school

​Speaking & Listening

Interactive Journals
question, mvp

Third Meeting

Journals: Charter This


More​Author's Main Idea

Quizizz Period 1

Quizizz Period 5

Quizizz Period 6

Debate Prep: writing speeches

Debate Prep

WEEK THIRTEEN- November 5, 2017

First Meeting

Research DUE!

U.S. News Pro

Brookings Con

Second Meeting

Unit 2 Assessment

Debate Prep

Third Meeting

WEEK FOURTEEN- November 12, 2016

Mandatory Tutoring: Wednesday, November 14

First Meeting

Debate Speeches first drafts due
Work on Final Drafts
Prepare Debate Presentations

Credible Sources

Research Project!

wait! there's more!

A brief word from our vacation homework.

Parts of the Classical Argument

onward to RESEARCH

Thanksgiving Break -- Research Reconnaissance
Narrow your Topic
Social Justice Environmental Stewardship Technology Education

Develop a Research Question​:
What question are you trying to answer with your paper?

UNIT 2 : Argument - weeks 10-17 (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.